
A message all need to hear.

This comes down to the collective consciousness of humanity to obtain security for our free will to live in peace. We are all in this together, in unity. That’s how we fix this mess. So anyone who stands for a better world for our children and future generations should look at humanity as family. Lead by example. I am always here to talk to anyone who is lost or in the need of guidance. We need to take responsibility as adults for allowing ourselves to be lead into this situation, not cast blame on others. This should be our garden of life, where we nurture it threw love and compassion. Where we all lead the way for future generations! Only the truth will set us free, and we need transparency for the people! So many together seeing the light of truth being brought forward, searching for a better way. The very lives and freedoms for the innocence of tomorrow our depending upon us to save them. All that stands in our way is media and a governing faction all of which must be made to respect the decisions of the people they serve. We must come together and fire those that continue to put our safety at risk. Banks and corporations must pay for this act against humanity, but we must represent a world we want for our children. Not to take lives or act in anger, but to act in unity threw live and compassion by casting out those who are slave masters to the very few who put a price upon our freedoms. This is why I created ‘LIFE AND FREEDOM FOR THE INNOCENCE OF TOMORROW’ and we have enough upon earth for the 80% plus of people to live in abundance. We need to counter this new world order, which is why I created ‘THE WORLD RESORT PROJECT’, a new system of governing. This inables us to tear down every level of separation, and take control of our destinies. The time to act is upon us, all I propose is a world that does not allow others to gain riches and control at the cost of humanities freedom and the suffering of humanity. For too long have our innocent children suffered, their needs come in last to the complacencies of their protectors. Make no mistake, we are the knights and protectors of all life on earth!



Path to freedom.

Evil can not hide when the dark turns light. For love is the truth that will set us free. Compassion is the gift of unity that will hold us together. May we stand together and rise to the dawn of a new age upon earth, where beauty is once again majestic and the possibilities are endless and unbelievably amazing. May we watch over each other on this day, and for all days to come.