
The least informed people on the planet are those in the traditional medical field. Why? Because they are robots to protocol. Follow the protocol set up by big drug industries and you are practicing medicine. Those in controlled medicine are not allowed to think or intuit outside that box. A renaissance is coming to challenge that norm.




It’s impossible to be an atheist against evil. Study the actions of evil and if this does not chase you into theism’s promise of a better world, then you are doomed to succumb to evil simply for lack of a vision to overcome it. Remember, voice, vote and value together again.


So many of us are fighting for a hearing on a global scale that we fail to see the real fight for a hearing of our ideas is local.


Of all the rights we have, the right to peacefully assemble is our greatest power. We just forgot how to do this. Here’s a hint. Do not assemble in protest. Assemble for good. We once called this the American experiment. Too see what I am involved in, see localcommonwealth.com.