Ted Cruz OBLITERATES Merrick Garland so bad Perry Mason would be jealous!
Ted Cruz OBLITERATES Merrick Garland so bad Perry Mason would be jealous!
Deace: Americans must get school boards under control if the US is to have any future worth saving
The main purpose of these Communists is to abolish the family(Marx).
"I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide." — Gandalf The apology we just got from the National School Boards Association for calling parents who push back on radical race and gender curriculums "domestic terrorists" is, quite frankly, a modern-day political and moral miracle.After all, we li...
“Lesco Brandon” Paged by Guest Services at Local Target Store (VIDEO)
The phrase ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ has captivated the nation. Now it’s being requested by guest services at a local Target store. We all know this is the worst Administration in US history. “They’ve Got Nothing Else to Talk About, This is The Worst Administration In History:” Rep Jim Jordan Drops Bomb on Biden and the…