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The complete mitogenome sequence of the lesser bandicoot rat (Bandicota bengalensis Gray and Hardwicke, 1833) was determined using long PCR. The genome was 16,327 bp in length and contained 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, 1 origin of L strand replication and 1 control region. The overall base composition of the heavy strand is A (34.2%), C (24.9%), T (28.5%) and G (12.4%). The base compositions present clearly the A-T skew, which is most obviously in the control region and protein-coding genes. Mitochondrial genome analyses based on MP, ML, NJ and Bayesian analyses yielded identical phylogenetic trees. This study verifies the evolutionary status of Bandicota bengalensis in Muridae at the molecular level. The mitochondrial genome would be a significant supplement for the Bandicota bengalensis genetic background. The two Bandicota species formed a monophyletic group with the high bootstrap value (100%) in all examinations.The complete mitochondrial genome of Taxoblenus sinicus Wei & Nie, 1999 was described. The circular genome is 15,878 bp with an A + T content of 80.4%. It contains 37 genes, and an 859 bp control region. The trnI (+)-trnQ (-)-trnM (+) cluster rearranges to trnM (+)-trnQ (-)-CR-trnI (+). Phylogenetic analysis demonstrates that Allantinae is a sister group of Tenthredininae and T. sinicus is one of the basal lineages of Allantinae.In this paper, the complete mitochondrial genome of Ternate False Fusus Brunneifusus ternatanus Gmelin, 1791 was determined and characterized for the first time from the South China Sea. Our results showed that the length of the whole mitogenome of B. ternatanus was 16,254 bp and the mitogenome consisted of 22 tRNA genes, 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), and 2 rRNA genes. Furthermore, the nucleotide composition of this mitogenome is significantly biased with G + C contents of 31.85% (the base content was 30.38% A, 16.17% G, 37.77% T, and 15.68% C). All PCGs shared ATG as the initiation codon, and stop codon of TAA or TAG, with the exception of COX2 which ended with a single T. The phylogenetic tree showed that B. ternatanus was first clustered with Hemifusus tuba, and from a single distinct cluster. The new complete mitochondrial genome provides new insight into the phylogenetic of Melongenidae and its evolution.Osmanthus fragrans is a well-known ornamental tree with high medicinal and edible values. In this study, the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of O. fragrans was assembled, annotated, and analyzed using phylogenomic methods. The complete mitochondrial genome of O. fragrans was 563,202 bp in length and displays an overall GC content of 44.58%. Sixteen chloroplast-derived segments with an average length of 1260 bp were identified. The complete mitochondrial genome contained 74 genes in total, including 44 protein-coding, three rRNA, and 27 tRNA genes, among which seven protein-coding and six tRNA genes were chloroplast-derived. Phylogenetic analysis showed that O. fragrans was closely related to Chionanthus rupicola within the Oleaceae. This study could provide genomic resources for a better understanding of O. fragrans and further studies on the evolution of Oleaceae.Bromus biebersteinii is a perennial gramineous grass, which is mainly distributed in Southwest Asia. In our study, we obtained the complete chloroplast genome of B. biebersteinii and found it is 137,189 bp in length. The GC content of its whole chloroplast genome is 38.37%. Among the 134 unique genes in the circular genome, 38 tRNA, 8 rRNA and 88 protein-coding genes were successfully annotated. We constructed the Maximum likelihood (ML) tree with 12 species, and found that B. biebersteinii was phylogenetically close to Bromus vulgaris of the genus Bromus.Notostomus gibbosus is a deep-sea shrimp, belonging to Caridea, Acanthephyridae. The whole complete mitochondrial genome of N. gibbosus was 17,956 bp in length, with 37 genes, containing 13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNAs, and 2 rRNAs. The GC content of N. gibbosus was 39.43%. The genomic structure and gene arrangement were identical to those of Caridea species. The phylogenetic analysis of 13 protein-coding genes showed a close relationship to the genera Acanthephyra.The parasitic wasp Anisopteromalus calandrae is a natural enemy of numbers store product pests. The mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of A. calandrae was obtained by second-generation sequencing. The assembled mitogenome of A. calandrae is 15,954 bp long (GenBank accession MW817149) and contains 37 typical animal mitochondrial genes. The order of the mitochondrial genes is identical to that of another species of Chalcidoidae (Pteromalus puparum). All protein-coding genes start with ATN codons, and end with TAA, except NAD4 and NAD5 with T.Bambusa lapidea is primarily distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, and Hong Kong in China, occurring on plains, lower hills, and wetlands on both sides of rivers and adjacent to villages. Therefore, we sequenced and reported the complete chloroplast genome of B. lapidea for the first time. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of B. lapidea was generated by de novo assembly using whole-genome next generation sequencing. The genome was 139,525 bp in total length, including a large next-copy (LSC) region of 83,034 bp, a small single-copy (SSC) region of 12,893 bp, a pair of invert repeats (IR) regions of 21,799 bp. The plastid genome contained 127 genes including 83 protein-coding genes, 36 tRNA genes, and eight rRNA genes. Phylogenetic analysis based on 14 chloroplast genomes indicates that B. lapidea is closely related to B. arnhemica sinospinosa and B. teres in Bambusodae.The complete mitochondrial genome of the Cerceris quinquefasciata (Rossi, 1792) (Hymenoptera Crabronidae) was obtained via next-generation sequencing. This mitochondrial genome is 16,188 bp in length with 37 classical eukaryotic mitochondrial genes and two A + T-rich region. All the 13 PCGs begin with typical ATN codons. Among them, eleven PCG genes terminate with TAA, two with T-. All of the 22 tRNA genes, ranging from 58 to 72 bp with typical cloverleaf structure except for trnS1, whose dihydrouridine (DHU) arm forms a simple loop. Phylogenetic analysis highly supported Crabronidae is the sister group of anthophila bees.Atractylodes koreana (Nakai) Kitam is a perennial herb of Asteraceae, mainly distributed in China and Korea, which is the main adulterant of traditional herbal medicine 'Cangzhu'. In the present study, we reported the complete chloroplast (cp) genome of A. koreana with the total length of 153,232 bp, which is consisted of four regions, including one large single copy (LSC) region of 84,250 bp, one small single copy (SSC) region of 18,690 bp, and two inverted repeat regions (IRa and IRb) of 25,146 bp. The GC content of the complete cp genome is 37.7%. A total of 110 unique genes were annotated, comprising 79 protein-coding genes, 27 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes and four ribosome RNA (rRNA) genes. Moreover, nine protein-coding genes contained one intron and three protein-coding genes (clpP, ycf3, and rps12) contained two introns. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that A. koreana is a sister group of A. chinensis and A. lancea.The number of species in the genus Pseudo-nitzschia has increased to 56, including 26 species known to produce domoic acid (DA), which is harmful to marine animals and human health. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/unc3866.html The lack of genomic sequences of Pseudo-nitzschia species has been a limiting factor in the studies of genetic and evolutionary relationships of Pseudo-nitzschia species. Here, the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Pseudo-nitzschia micropora was determined for the first time, which was 38,792 bp in length with the overall AT content being 69.98%. The mitochondrial genome encoded 62 genes, including 36 protein-coding genes (PCGs, including orf157), 24 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes and two ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes. Phylogenetic tree analysis suggests that the P. micropora had a closer relationship with P. cuspidate than that with P. multiseries. The availability of the complete mitochondrial genome of P. micropora would be useful for researching the evolutionary relationships of Pseudo-nitzschia species.Gynaikothrips ficorum (Marchal 1908) is a major pest of bonsai ficus and poses a considerable economic threat to gardening industry. The mitochondrial genome of G. ficorum was sequenced and annotated in this study. Its whole mitogenome was 15,313 bp in length, including 37 typical genes in animal mitogenomes. ATN was used as start codon in most of the PCGs except for nad4l, which used TTG. All PCGs used TAA as termination codon except atp8 and atp6 which were ended with an incomplete T and TAG, respectively. A phylogenetic tree based on complete mitochondrial genomes of 17 species (15 Thysanoptera species and two outgroups) showed that the monophyly of Phlaeothripidae was supported and G. ficorum and G. uzeli formed a sister group.The complete mitochondrial genome of Cimbex luteus was sequenced with 15,127 bp in length. The mitogenome includes 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNAs, two ribosomal RNAs genes, and an AT-rich region. The nucleotide compositions of C. luteus (43.7% A, 38.0% T, 7.4% G, and 10.9% C) were biased toward A and T. Based on Bayesian inference (BI) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) analyses, C. luteus was identified as one of the basal lineages of family Cimbicidae.In this study, the whole mitochondrial genome of the Purple Spot Mantis Shrimp Gonodactylus smithii from the South China Sea was determined using next-generation sequencing. The circular mitogenome of G. smithii is 16,260 bp long and consists of 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 tRNA genes, and two rRNA genes. The base composition is AT-rich and has an overall AT content of 67.76% (composition of A, G, T, and C was 35.30%, 12.41%, 32.46%, and 19.83%, respectively). Among 13 PCGs, 12 PCGs shared a common ATN as the start codon except COX1 gene using an abnormal putative first codon GCG. 11 PCGs ended with TAA or TAG, while ND6, COX2 gene terminated with a single T and ND3 gene used a special "GAT" as the stop codon. The phylogenetic tree showed that G. smithii was clustered with Gonodactylus chiragra, then together with Gonodactylaceus randalli.Trictenotoma davidi Deyrolle, 1875 is a beetle of the Trictenotomidae family. The length of the complete mitochondria genome of T. davidi was 15,910 bp with 24.1% GC content, including 39.9% A, 15.1% C, 9.0% G, and 36.0% T. The genome encoded 13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNAs, and 2 rRNAs. Phylogenetic analysis showed that T. davidi was closely related to Vincenzellus ruficollis. This study provided useful genetic information for the evolution of T. davidi and Trictenotomidae insects.Lithocarpus hancei (Benth.) Rehd is a widely distributed evergreen tree with broad-leaves that dominates the lower stories of the forest in China. Here, we sequenced and assembled the complete chloroplast genome of L. hancei. The genome is 161,304 bp with one large single copy (LSC 90,585 bp), one small single copy (SSC 18,959 bp), and two inverted repeat (IR) regions (IRa and IRb, each 25,880 bp). It contains 117 genes, including 80 protein-coding genes, 33 tRNA genes, and four rRNA genes. Phylogenetic analysis of 21 representative cp genomes of the Fagaceae suggests Lithocarpus is monophyletic with strong bootstrap support and also that L. hancei is closely related to L. polystachyus. The cp genome is important for constructing a robust phylogeny of Lithocarpus and Fagaceae for future study.