

This hatchet only has one purpose.

When the feds come a knockin,

They gonna find the circus.


You wonder what this about, and you see I’m ready to bust,

Don’t worry bout the blood, it’s no reason to fuss


Now we’re just waiting, looking and contemplating

All the body parts are stacked and nicely separated,

A fed head placed on the chimney, nicely decorated.


This hatchet only has one purpose.

When the feds come a knockin,

They gonna find the circus.


Oh Fuck, here comes a shit ton more.

Mother fuckers straight steamrolled my door


First one in didn’t know what hit’m,

Second turned around shitt’n,

By the time the third came it was a bore,


Haha, No problem.

We just laughed as the bullets rained from the second floor.


This hatchet only has one purpose.

When the feds come a knockin,

They gonna find the circus.


Oh, Look one’s still movin,

bet he regrets fucking with Juggalos when they be groovin

but it’s too late, I look in his eyes and he knows his fate.

(other juggalo): Yo want me to smash it?

Nah fuck that, hand me the hatchet.


"We must remove the linguistic curtain from the pro-mandate, pro-segregation far-left. Anti-vaxxer is only a replacement word for enemy, saboteur, unclean, vermin. To those who wield it, it is a pseudo-ethical cover for an ugly hatred of those who pose a threat to their tribe’s bureaucratic dominance. Unwilling to openly admit that they would prefer the “Trumpers in fly-over states” to disappear, progressives have wrapped their totalitarian proclivities in the sanitized, linguistical terms of public safety, just as many twentieth-century totalitarians did. Those in government, and their mouthpieces in the media, who see an opportunity to attain their dream of one-party rule, are more than happy to feed the useful idiots this narrative of fear." - The language of genocide.


The End

The principles that I thought I understood no longer serve me
Judging a human based on their character, and not their skin,
Was the way it was supposed to be.

Seeking knowledge I turn to the professor
I was given no quarter, and forced to embrace my fate as an oppressor

There is no repenting and our children must forever carry our sin.
Subversion of our principles and thought,
This is how our dream comes to an end.