
I sure am glad that these experimental vaccines are so safe and effective...oh..wait... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/italy-holds-march-vaccine-dead-commemorate-died-covid-19-vaccines/

Screenshot: TheCOVIDWorld.com Hundreds of people in Parma, Italy attended the “March of the Vaccine Dead”  last week to remember those people who died from the experimental COVID-19 vaccines. Protesters were marching on the street with photos of their loved ones who were killed by the COVID-19 vaccines. It looks like hundreds were killed after vaccination,…




When the DOJ decided to go after Steve Bannon for contempt of Congress they probably thought they had hit the big time.



The Liar and Chief tells another transparent whopper, in public, on video. The MSM response is: "Zzzzzz..." But, they will tell you all day long what a liar, and horrible person, Trump is., because someone's brother's sister's hair dresser's yoga instructor's plumber, was working in the Trump Tower restroom, and overheard Trump tell the restroom attendant that he hates cops and black people. So, you can bank on it! https://rumble.com/vq4kmv-biden-cant-stop-making-up-stories.html

Biden says he went to Israel during the Six Day War to act as a liaison. The war was in 1967. Biden became a senator in 1973.



Talk about "the elephant in the room"! https://thepostmillennial.com/hunter-biden-joked-with-therapist-about-father-having-dementia?utm_campaign=64474

Included in a new book about Hunter Biden's infamous laptop scandal is a text message exchange between Hunter and his therapist wherein they joke about Joe Biden having dementia.



Joe Biden continues to (protect?) us with his "America Last" policy, by selling our "strategic" oil reserves to India and China. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/figures-us-oil-reserves-released-joe-biden-go-china-india-will-not-put-dent-us-gas-prices-home/

Two weeks ago Joe Biden announced he was going to open the US oil reserves. This was after he spent the last year blocking pipelines and production here in the United States. Now we know that the oil reserves are expected to go to India and China. Who could have guessed it? And this move…
