
(16.) Solving the Border Crisis Economically & Humanely
Solving the Border crisis Economically & Humanely, providing jobs in housing on both sides of the border.


#16 Solving the Border crisis Economically & Humanely, providing jobs in housing on both sides of the border.Mexico will pay for the Wall. & BPO, Border Prot...



(15.) The Watchmen Program Security Solution Answer to All Economical Ecological Problems

#1 Will- Better protect the nation; from Terrorist
Attacks from the inside out.
#2 Will- Nationwide create millions of Jobs for Citizens within;
and Military personnel coming home.
#3 Will- Generate billions of New Revenue for the
Federal & Local Government to reconcile their books.
#4 Will- Establish a Green Facilities Industry building
Homes, Schools, Medical units & portable farms
#5 Will- Build a universal vehicle for Educating New
Entrepreneurs & Training Emergency Responders.
#6 Will- Help rein in rouge Rulers; working with our allies
defusing Threats of War & Terrorism.
#7 Will- Give generous help to Refugees displaced from them
homes globally.


The Watchmen Program, Security, Solution, Answer to All Economical & Ecological Problems#1 Will- Better protect the nation; from Terrorist Attacks from the i...



(14.) SWIFT Peace ACT Solutions, Providing Jobs and Security for the Board of Crisis

Building Renewable Energy Facilities for the Global Community:
USC will establish a nationwide building plan; students will develop emergency portable facilities all which will operate on renewable energy. Manufacturing New Homes, Schools, Offices, Emergency Medical units, Portable Farms, Portable Water Desalinization Units and Renewable Energy Fuel Stations will be the Global Goal.

Seven new structures will be created, within this New Facilities Industry. All units will be solid steel containerized structures, erected from flat pack designed systems. Basic facilities can be setup in a matter of hours; yet most units will be capable to withstand an approximate 9.0 earthquake or about a million pounds of pressure, with minimal Structural damage.


SWIFT Peace ACT Solution, providing jobs with Resident accommodations on both sides of the border.Building Renewable Energy Facilities for the Global Communi...



(13.) Building Renewable Energy Finacial Unification Community Centers

Three critical needs throughout America and the International Community is Jobs, Budgets, National Security, these Threats are addressed in detail, within the publication “Reconciling Us or Revolution.” Also, great aid is needed for the (GEP) Global Emergency Provisions with the refugee crisis (multiple Millions displaced from their homes) and help for various diseases and virus epidemics. Now, the Watchmen Program will be the economical, ecological solution, strengthen with Abbot Downing, HSBC, Wells Fargo as the Cornerstone of the financial institutions, throughout the United States and the global community. Yet, the immediate need, throughout the nation, critically, within the inter-cities, is unification.


Three critical needs throughout America and the International Community is Jobs, Budgets, National Security, these Threats are addressed in detail, within th...



(12.) How to Afford the Wraparound Physical and Mental Services & Home

GREATSWIFT.CLUB Homeless Housing
SARAP Center Community Renewable Energy Facilities Proposal

Government Buy One, Receive One, Family House Plan
Approximately 600,000 homeless in the United States can have a home with all costs paid. Contracted Builders under the GREATSWIFT.CLUB will absorb the total cost of the homes and all facilities within the SARAP Center Community.

SARAP Center Community will be a neighborhood complete with surrounding Homes, Schools, Offices, Medical counseling units, Portable Farm's and Stores, all facilities operating on renewable energy.

SARAP Center Community will contain 400 Homes, housing an average of 5 members per household, time’s 400 unit’s, equal’s 2,000 residents per community. The cost to the SARAP Center Contracted Builder will be $30,240,000 each.