I am the original whistleblower (2005) of how the CDC teamed up with private sector medical associations and toxic tort expert defense witnesses in mold litigations to market junk science in public health policies and the courts. For 15 years the CA courts have been framing me for libel keep the fraud that I exposed going from coast to coast. Many have lost all they own and some have died from the scientific fraud I exposed coupled with the ongoing criminal cover up of it in the California courts. One can read of my fifteen year long nightmare for telling the truth in America at Health Impact News: https://healthimpactnews.com/2019/one-womans-relentless-pursuit-of-the-truth-as-a-toxic-mold-whistle-blower/ I have spent a lot of time in DC and have somewhat superior knowledge of how the public gets played when it comes to environmental illnesses. I recently spoke out to try to get the anti-vax community to stop with the erred anti-mask campaign because I could see it is providing fodder for mandated vaccines coming at warp speed . For my honest efforts to help stop the mandated vaccines, I was labeled a "commie" and a "socialist who is working to help the deep state." NO! To beat them at their own game we must beat down misinformation and the spread of Covid 19 by non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI). One can read what I recently tried to explain to the anti-vax community and why at Katy's Exposure blog: https://katysexposure.com/2020/07/20/anti-maskers-are-misguided-anti-vaxxers/ If this group is really about promoting freedom of speech for the greater good, it is my hope that this includes truthful speech which goes against the grain of deep seated beliefs.