I was sad to see on so many platforms that people are shocked that the courts have dealt such blows to vaccine mandates. Let us not forget that freedom is risk and the right to choose the path untaken. These people that are shocked that the government that is supposed to be for them isn't actually allowed to make medical decisions for them are the reasons freedoms can be trampled so easily. The willing masses, who confuse authority for truth, who would trade liberty for security, who parrot the very propaganda that blinds them as facts, are the clear and present danger to the future of every country around the globe. We can no longer go along to get along. These people must be put on notice that they are NOT the majority and that their own foolishness is closing the cage door that they willingly stepped into.

If you want more information like I just posted check out TLAV.

Pandemic of the Unvaccinated?


You ever feel vexed by the amount of professional athletes dropping dead this year? This study could shed some light on that: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712# as reported by TLAV.

I know Ben posted pieces of this video but I encourage you to watch it in it's entirety. The nefarious nature of the drug companies and our own government is laid bare by these people. Share this with your brainwashed associates. Perhaps it will wake them up to reality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lepqvdXoA2E&t=1478s