Greetings Towards One and All Equals in Faith and Or Humanity that have gotten onboard this platform, roads leading upto the same as I observe being various reasons but more importantly those who have been "AXED" on the other Social Media Platforms. Remember one thing as Truth Warriors if you resonate or arrived here as a result of such an Action Taken Against Your good self, this is a moment of Celebration and a Great if not Mega David Vs Goliath Style Victory Milestone Handed over to you on a Silver Platter as an Equal in Faith or Humanity. Hence It would be a pleasure NETWORKING with your good self and hereby share an insight about myself vide this interview - as I add further value updating you on my experiences and Massive Victory Milestones Attained Vs Teams LINKEDIN, TWITTER Who have AXED me away and Instagram (mebbs_impex) where Access has been barred to me, though my publications are accessible to others. Today Marks the 43rd Day Since I am not in a possession of a smartfone a fact that one can easily verify through checking on my "last seen" whatsapp Status on +254 774 463 912. These Victory Milestones have been attained through Sheer Pain, Suffering and Endurance of an Equally Extraordinary Journey of Life being spent literally in State of Homelessness and Transit Across the Region of East Africa Ever since 2009 when I last wound up my semi-permanent residence in Dubai, U.A.E all the way to Hour. A Mind Boggling Journey Which I aim to Document in-form of a Book Tittled " I Found God In Africa" Subject to Securing Financial Support. To this regard, it would be my honor and pleasure to feature your good self and your journey to SOVREN should you wish to Participate in such a Venture and have your very own Experience to Narrate Vs the BIG TECH, feel free to reach out via and Let's Make History Together !