
This NOTICE OF LIABILITY is more efficient than long costly anti-mandatory legal actions https://youtu.be/ScC0sSYuDsQ that Anna and her world class team of experts have drafted together needs to be served to the perpetrators in Australia by a COMPETENT LAW GROUP.
A sequence of legal events - with Anna De Buisseret
I’m sure there are lawyers in Australia who could get this organized.
They just need to connect with Anna, get that 170 page notice of liability document and serve it to all those aka nazi collaborators against interests of our nation. childrenhealthdefevce.org

Yesterday, at the freedom march in London, Anna De Buisseret spoke in detail at Parliament Square about the sheer magnitude of crimes against humanity that h...




Here is an update from Dr F. Zalewski from 16th October 21: https://www.bitchute.com/video/mjY3ZfmbqH9y/ Where he shares additional thoughts, commentary, and future research plans with other specialists. He says it's probably either a nanorobot or…
