
President Trump is STILL bragging about the warp-speed "vaccine." Someone, PLEASE, inform this man that the SARS-CoV-2 virus AND the treatment, alias, vaccine, alias mRNA gene therapy were both patented BEFORE the outbreak of the pandemic. The Big Pharma, Fauci-ites, created the microbe, and the "vaccine" long before the pandemic broke out. Then they created the panic that enabled them to push the very expensive product on the world population. Now we know the vaccine is defective, ineffective, and dangerous. Why does Donald J. Trump still brag about his "warp speed" vaccine plan when the vaccine was already patented? That said, I'll still support him, but he better come up to speed quickly.


Mr. Biden, we don't want you to "Build Back Better." We just want you to "Put it Back the Way You Found it and Leave it Alone."


Corrupt Dr. Birx just testified before Congress: "White House did not take steps to push mask-wearing, social distancing and other mitigation steps that could have prevented thousands of COVID-19 deaths."
Meanwhile, Drs. Birx and Fauci actively suppressed alternate treatments like Hydroxychloroquine, causing the unnecessary deaths of thousands of people. And now they desperately want to slough their guilt and incompetence off on someone else.