
“The Road Less Traveled By” is a poem written by Robert Frost has many meanings. Choices.
Many look at that line and say, yes, I want to take the road less traveled by. But, what is that road for us?
I believe that this road is actually to follow Jesus. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jesus followed the will of God and went against the grain of society. Taking this road, following this path is difficult because society puts up obstacles and stumbling blocks. Society wants us to take the wider road, to follow the pack, and conform to its standards and ideologies. The wider road is easy, you don’t have to think, just accept and do what they say and supposedly all will be well, you will have what they say you should want and you will be satisfied on your journey. The wider road does not care about individuality, imagination, hopes, and dreams. The wider road simply allows an easier way and as long as you follow and don’t question, all will be well. They say that this road of conformity shows that you care about the “good” of society and staying on it shows that you are a “good” person because you are doing the right thing for the pack. On this wider road of conformity, you are not even aware that you have lost your freedoms and rights as an individual. So, in the end it leads to destruction, because you, the individual do not matter. You are just part of the herd and the pack and all that matters is to obey and follow and do what you are told to do.
The road less traveled by is the harder choice. It goes against the grain. The pack will call you a fool. The pack will say you do not care. The pack will say you are the problem. The pack will try to destroy you in whatever way they can to get you to comply. Yet, when we choose Jesus and accept Him as our Lord and Savior, we have an intimate relationship with God. God instills in us His Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. On this road, we see truth. On this road, we receive love, mercy, and grace. Even in the struggles we know God is with us. We have the Light of Christ that shines through the darkness and fills our hearts with hope, peace, and joy. The Holy Spirit gives us the courage to stay on this road and God equips us with what we need to stay faithful to His will for our lives. On this road our individuality is celebrated as we use the gifts from God to work together and encourage one another on our journey. We have unity through our diversity by the power of the Holy Spirit.
When we read God’s Word, we see all the people who chose the road less traveled by and we see God at work in their lives. When we read the New Testament we see how Jesus chose the road less traveled by as well as His followers. We see God in all their journeys. We see the trials and tribulations, but we also see the joys and the triumphs. We see change and growth and we see forgiveness and love. We see that at times we may falter and stumble (Jesus was the only One Who did not), but we also see that when we seek God and ask for help, He picks us back up, and fills us with His compassion, mercy, and forgiveness. He always gives us choice and never forces anything upon us. When we choose His will (which is always best for us), we grow in faith and trust because we see His miracles, we know His faithfulness, and we know wherever we are, whatever He calls us to, He is with us.
Choosing the road less traveled by will indeed make all the difference in our lives. Jesus truly is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.