Jordan Peterson Fan
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, a clinical psychologist, and the author of the bestsellers Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life & 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos. His public lecture tour covered more than 160 cities across North America, Europe and Australia. He has, with his students and colleagues, published more than a hundred scientific papers, advancing the modern understanding of creativity, competence and personality, while his now-classic book, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief (released in June 2018 as a now bestselling author-read audiobook) transformed the psychology of religion.
Dr. Peterson is an outspoken critic of political correctness, so-called "diversity" and "inclusivity", and champions equality of opportunity rather than equality of outcome. His YouTube channel has 2.7 million subscribers, with 145 million views; he has a highly successful podcast, and his online self-improvement and self-understanding systems attract at least 25,000 users per month.