
History lesson of the day: The term acre came from the amount of land that could be plowed in a day by an ox pulling a wooden plow. Which is a row one furlong long (660') by 4 rods wide (16.5') Which equals 43,560 sq. ft. (One acre = 43,560 sf) There is no was I could plow my 5 acres with an ox in 5 days. Maybe if I were born 200 years ago. So, according to the graphic, I own 1/3 of an oxgang of land.


Is precedence being set? In the future anyone who is not compliant with the government will not be allowed to buy or sell. I say that, because people are being fired, losing their livelihood because they are not complying with a government mandate to get the vaccine. I do not believe Rev 13:17 is happening yet, but you can see how it will be possible one day, but it will be on a world scale.
I will address the mark in another post. It is much more logical than one would think.
- Jon MacIssac


Here is my first post of many here. My objective is to help you see that current events in the news are leading us to prophesy. It is subtle, but steady. Many things in prophesy are skewed and exaggerated. Many things will actually occur in such a natural way that they may elude being noticed.