For purposes of this discussion, I will call a program open to the public and uncensored (With exceptions for truly illegal and fraudulent content) as Social Media company. I will
call a similarly structured interactive program but limited to a specific audience or demographic- a forum. For instance, if a political party, a company or, say, a certain organization or club- confined its membership to members of its group and content perhaps in harmony with its mission, I would call it a Forum.

I am only going to discuss a Social Media Platform here. I want to point out that my concept of uncensored and fraudulent does not fit in with the concepts of major media social platforms which have opted to censor perfectly reasonable and sometimes vitally important content in order to conform to a very toxic, anti-American platform. When a Social Media censors an opinion- such as about the statistics or possible consequences of the vaccine or the outcome or state of the War with Ukraine- carte blanche- just because of the topic or a spin on the topic because of some kind of detrimental harm for just presenting it- they are generally engaging in the misleading and slandering of content by virtue of labelling it misleading.

So, a truly successful Social Media with allow, among other things, the free discussion of topics critical to a democracy today. I joined Ben Swann’s Sovren.Media because I felt it was harmonious with his Truth in Media content. I still believe it has that possibility, so I am still here.

So, what are the ingredients for success? Obviously, there are now Social Media platforms that exist now, but none are anywhere near as powerful as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, etc. And it is not really effective to promote a new Social Media with those mainstream existing programs. So, in order to promote it properly, I would say that a great deal of paid advertising and promotion would probably be needed. But even so, the key to a great Social Media program is not just people knowing about its existence or joining for a few days- but rather getting excited about it.

And although it is valuable to have large player successful in other Social Media because they might bring some of their following over or pay for some advertising, the major success or super success of such a program needs to be members getting excited about it. WHY SHOULD THEY GET EXCITED? Because they can talk about what interests them without the fear of being cut off. AND THE NEW SOCIAL MEDIA should look at any non-famous and non-connected members in a very special way- because, let’s face it, that’s most of the membership of any real Social Media.

How do you do that?

1) You are responsive to their messages. Messages from members to management must be clear and enabled. And, if possible, the Social Media team should respond to any real question or request.
2) The Social Media opportunity should be continually promoted in any texting or email campaigns put out by the company.
3) I have noticed other alternative Social Media happy to share links and content with other alternative media. Besides other individuals, good relations and sharing should take place with other alternative media.
4) Special promotions to targeted demographics should be offered. And yes, you could use coins bought on the Social Media for this purpose. But, of course, this is virtually useless unless there is some quantity of members.
5) If you have a start-up Social Media company, you should never pretend it is more than that. Anyone can come on the platform and count the clicks for views. If you hyperbolically advertise something that does not yet exist, you will be disappointed because no matter how unsophisticated web browsers have, they know how to see how many clicks. So, point out the opportunity- but don’t exaggerate.
6) If you put out a press release, don’t put it out months before anything happens. You run into the same problem as on 4)
7) THE BEST REPUTATION WILL ULTIMATELY BE HOW YOU DEAL WITH MEMBERS. FOR INSTANCE, I have a friend on Twitter who has not been able to acquire more friends for years and she persistently asks why- dozens of times. Not important enough to answer I guess- or incompetent- or following some ridiculous self-destructive corporate strategy.




As those who follow my work probably know- I am not very big on the terms Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal, Capitalist or Socialist. Also, terms that put "Neo" in front of them. The reason for this is that these terms tend to exalt or demonize one or the other tendency to think in a polarized way. Of course, twenty or thirty years ago, these terms began to change their meaning- so the terms today are often further muddle as they are used to champion the ideas of global reset which is pushing the world to a perverse transformation of less than perfect concept of democracy to a transhuman autocracy in which the mind, body and spirit of the average citizen within this world would be controlled by an elite and their perverse technology.

The goal of the reset elite is to basically not only change our way of life but change the way we think and feel about the world through various types of reprogramming largely based on fear. This fear has led so many individuals and their fantasies to indulge in a reality that has deprived them of their livelihood, their income, their health, their basic liberties and their future- and a cast a dreadful shadow on their belief in their right to autonomy. The decision-making out there has become almost absurd and laughable to those who have crossed the Threshold back to a place where Reason and Spirit are the clear destination for a human mind still possessing conscience and alignment with Higher Power.

Basically, the idea of human beings being controlled by Artificial Intelligence and mechanical or chemical methodologies of alignment of the human mind and heart with Artificial Intelligence is a perverse reversal, an upside-down concept of alignment with the Creator and Source of all Truth and Reality. When we are aligned with God's nature, we are actually aligned with that part of us which is ultimately connected to God. If one is aligned with Spirit, then one can receive the guidance from a power that is also aligned with our true individuality, which often people speak of when they return from Near Death Experiences or from profound immersion in Divine Consciousness when living on Planet Earth.

The degree of separation from Reason and Spirit is amply amplified by this toxic war between Russia and the Ukraine, an almost inevitable outcome from the equally toxic doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction. Tulsi Gabbard articulates the level of our political and corporate departure from the extreme dangers of planetary annihilation that this flawed obsession with war for profit and imperialistic intent could lead us to. It is not mental deficiency that is guiding those of us pushing us towards this wretched destination, it is spiritual deficiency. So when very smart people act stupidly, it is not due to a lower I.Q. but to a type of reprogramming that has ruined their capacity for clear and meaningful analysis of what serves both the individual and common good.

Tulsi Gabbard: Biden is leading us closer and closer to the brink of a nuclear war with Russia. #FoxNews #TheIngrahamAngle Subscribe to Fox News! https://bit...