
Covid “Cases”, and Deaths BY Covid. What are they?
The PCR test within the Corman Drosten link suggests Covid-19 is predicated on SARS2003 RNA composite library with no evidence of any other listed offending RNA sequence https://pradelab.okstate.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/COV4.pdf'>https://pradelab.okstate.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/COV4.pdf

Where is the RNA evidence of what Covid is that allows deceased to get Deaths Certificates as Deaths WITH Covid, aswell as many who consider they had “Covid” and recovered.
Is getting “Covid” an actually identified RNA sequence illness or like flu as an assumption.
If someone “gets Covid” what RNA sequence test defined that illness or was that SARS2003+composite library sequence, or as an assumption it was ”Covid”.
Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR

And the statement “designed in absence of available virus isolates or original patient specimens.
Design and validation were enabled by the close genetic relatedness to the 2003 SARS-CoV, and aided by the use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.”
When people say they have “had” Covid” what do they really mean? SAR2003composite.
Where is the evidence of a SARS-Cov2 RNA that passes from Human to Human?
When people say they got Covid or died What did they actually catch? SARS2003 library composite?

Fundamental questions that continue to go unanswered, or by assumption.



SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England Technical briefing 20
1.7 Vaccination
1.7.1. Comparison of viral load Ct by vaccination status
In the NHS Test and Trace (NHSTT) case data, the mean and median lowest Ct values for all cases with Delta, where Ct data are available, since the 14 June 2021 are similar, with a median of 17.8 for unvaccinated and 18.0 for those with 2 vaccine doses (Figure 12).
This means that whilst vaccination may reduce an individual’s overall risk of becoming infected, once they are infected there is limited difference in viral load (and Ct values) between those who are vaccinated and unvaccinated.
Given they have similar Ct values, this suggests limited difference in infectiousness.”

What vaccine does not stop infection, does not stop transmission, then kills thousands, and causes life changing health damage?

Vaccine Passports: Why Bother if Shots Don’t Prevent Infection, Transmission?
Coronavirus Scotland: 'No evidence' vaccine passports are working in Scotland, Tories and LibDems claim

The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing
“(Figure 1) providing clear evidence of the increasing relevance of the fully vaccinated as a possible source of transmission.”

Covid passport policy lacks scientific evidence base
“Added to this, the latest analysis by Public Health England (PHE) found that although being fully vaccinated protects against infection and severe symptoms, it unlikely to do much to stop the spread of the virus if people become infected. Jabbed and unjabbed individuals carry similar amounts of the virus. Researchers call this having a similar viral load.”
Reacting to the Government’s response, Committee Chair William Wragg said,
“We have often heard throughout the pandemic that the Government will follow the science, but when afforded the opportunity to provide it on Covid passports, it has failed to do so. All we have is a flimsy claim that there is a public health case, but without any foundation for the claim to stand on.”
“With recent analysis suggesting that vaccinated people carry as much of the virus as the unvaccinated into any setting, the disappointing lack of any scientific basis for the Government’s decision to go ahead could reasonably lead people to conclude that there is in fact no such basis. If the real goal is to drive vaccine uptake, then it is a deeply cynical approach that will be counterproductive.”
“Following through on such a costly, discriminatory and, potentially, ineffective policy will have consequences for trust in and acceptance of the Government’s measures to tackle the pandemic. It’s surely either time to prove how this’ll work or to put an end to it.”



3 months later and still UKHealth Security Agency have failed to respond to a request on possible mass poisoning event due to Graphene oxide, with specifically relevant articles on Graphene Oxide used in the water supply, in the Gene Therapy, or on road surfaces.
Why is there no response to toxic Graphene Oxide used in the Gene Therapy?
Why is there no response to toxic Graphene Oxide used on the roads?
Why is there no reply to toxic Graphene Oxide used in the water supply?
Who takes responsibility for those Environment Health and Safety issues and will address these possible mass poisoning events?

Graphene Oxide is not only to do with vaccines, but roads, and water supply, and appears to be the 21st C snake oil. It has technological promise (nano lipids delivery systems for all sorts of cures) but currently an unsolvable toxicity.
Contract Approved to Use TOXIC Graphene Oxide for Water Treatment in UK – The Same Substance Found in Covid-19 Vaccines

Get Ready for Smart Water: Graphene Oxide for Water Supply Quality Control Aug2021

At least the Scottish Government were more responsive about water supply;
FOI reference: FOI/202100240242
Graphene technology and Fluoride in drinking water treatment: FOI release
“I can confirm that no Graphene Oxide products are currently approved or the subject of an application. Furthermore, there is no work in the standardisation committee responsible for treatment chemicals and products (filter media) to develop standards based on this substance.”

For perspective 10µg/ml concentrations of Graphene Oxide leaves only 80% cell viability as encroaching cytotoxicity-apoptosis. i.e. cell death and serious illness at 10µg/ml as more toxic than arsenic.
1µg/ml concentrations are in the Gene Therapy Jab. However those nano lipids concentrate in the body to 12µg/ml in the ovaries and most other critical organs.

Subsequent to my previus posted research on Graphene oxide toxicity ther is now significant evidence of ibcreased myocarditis.
Heart testing doubled from; 67,529/month 5yrav 2015-2019 to 102,052/month 2020 then as 133,787/month 2021 as 98.12% increase.
Why is there a 98% increase in Heart tests since Jab roll out and still rising? Could it be Jab induced Blood Clots myocarditis?

Cardiovascular Effects of Graphene-Based Materials
“for instance, myocardial H9c2 cells were exposed to GO (lateral dimension: 380 nm, C/O ratio: 0.82) or rGO (lateral dimension: 150 nm, C/O ratio: 1.70) in a recent study. (176) Cytotoxicity was dose-dependent above 10 μg/mL, and rGO was found to be more toxic than GO and was internalized to a greater extent than GO.”

My Chart2 of NHS Cardiology diagnostics is indicative of Graphene Oxide as a prime candidate as a mass poisoning event as 98% of the Gene therapy active ingredients is Graphene Oxide that can produce the same capillary blood clots, and Cytokine storm, myocarditis-heart attack symptoms.

Feel free to use all or part of this post for other cascaded articles and for your websites as all evidenced charts, contract statements, and peer reviewed science.
Others may wish use the above for their concerns to their elected representatives

There is reference to Graphene Oxide in the water supply. I am not aware as to where bot contracts are apparent.

I repost my assessment on the use of Graphene Oxide on roads, vaccines, and Water supply as possible mass poisoning events. (Below.)
For UKHSA to ignore, and failure to address the issue does not make it go away
When pollution is the main reason for illness inclusive of EMF, 5G, masts and routers, it would appear deliberate poisoning is now to be ignored, and as acceptable.

Repost of Research evidence
Elected representatives, and relevant officials need to address the proposed health and safety and Environmental Impact assessment issues which I assume will also be an eventual roll out nationally as both for Graphene road surfaces, and also for Graphene use in Water treatment plants.
My initial assessment is a significant issue that needs to apply the “Precautionary Principle” until such time as there is assurances that the use of Graphene (C60 as atoms and micro sheets in powder form or shards from degraded road surfaces) is safe. It may also include other Graphene Based Materials especially the known toxicity of Graphene Oxide. I am unaware of the process for the road surfacing process which may also lead to airborne nano particulate and micro sheets.

"World first for A1 in Northumberland as revolutionary resurfacing treatment to be trialled | Northumberland Gazette"

Graphene Oxide is used in the Gene therapy as toxic, however that is injected directly into the blood stream as direct poisoning and not directly Graphene based material but its oxide.
What issues for Graphene particulate (not the oxide but C60 atoms and microsheets) and microsheets material put down on our roads as Graphene protective surface?
The usual method to increase road longevity by increasing the contribution of tar in the mix and size of gravel, however no matter how durable it is, the weight of vehicles finally “punches” through the surface.no matter how hard or durable.
Wear and tear will destroy a fine layer of Graphene as it is the subsurface that gives way first to then destroy the Graphene surface coating to then degrade into nano particulate and microsheets, shards, to then become airborne toxicity to residents.

India has also experimented with getting rid of their plastic pollution by using it in granulated form for their roads. A great idea until as with graphene the road starts to erode.
For India thar means plastic particulate everywhere once the road starts to erode. That pollution then enters the food chain, soil, water system, food, with arable land pollution aswell as animal stock, human digestive system and lungs.

Are we about to be polluted by even worse with Graphene particulates everywhere once the roads starts to degrade-erode. Do we then have an even more serious mass toxin poisoning event of the food chain but also atomised, and microsheet Carbon C60 airborne particulate, and microsheet shards.
When the roads eventually do erode and breakup due to subsurface deformation, then does this Graphene particulate at nano size as airborne to be inhaled by all. The particulate is nano size as 0.000,005mtrs. 5µmtrs is similar in size to a virus and so small to permanently float everywhere.
With road erosion, that small particulate becomes airborne as breathable to allow access to the lungs and blood system. Is that Graphene C60 highly toxic. For sure if it oxidises it exhibits the same toxicity symptoms of capillary damage thrombosis as in the Gene therapy.
The research indicates the same platelet damage to the blood as thrombosis micro-capillary damage..

The Research
Graphene microsheets enter cells through spontaneous membrane penetration at edge asperities and corner sites
“More generally, however, inhaled nanoparticles can be associated with adverse health effects (41) and Schinwald et al. (7) reported that graphene nanoplatelets induced granuloma formation and lung inflammation following pharyngeal aspiration in mice.
Intracellular uptake and cytoplasmic localization of plate-like graphene nanomaterials may interfere with cytoskeleton organization (Fig. 3 A–C) and normal physiological functions including polarized secretion (40), barrier formation (42), and cell migration during differentiation and repair of epithelial injury (43).
Internalization of nanoparticles by macrophages has been shown to disrupt phagocytosis and clearance of particles and microbes from the lungs (44, 45).
Schinwald et al. (7) provide evidence that graphene nanoplatelets are not readily cleared from the lungs and induce release of proinflammatory mediators from macrophages.

Is this another Asbestos event in the making?
UNESCO developed the Precautionary principle to avoid repetitions of mass poison events such as this. March 2005

“Other studies report that graphene nanomaterials are bio-compatible, and much more work is needed before graphene material health risks can be fully assessed.”
What is certain is there is not much research on Graphene Environmental impact, and I am surprised NorthumberlandCC appear to be proceeding without an Environmental Impact Assessment EIA or assurance to the public as to Health and Safety issues.
Is this another clear and present danger where in 5 to 10 years’ time as the roads erode we all start being polluted by airborne graphene?
No doubt India will have a food chain plastic particulate health issue but Graphene is significantly worse.

Graphene microsheets enter cells through spontaneous membrane penetration at edge asperities and corner sites
“Bioimaging Experiments. Figs. 3 and 4 present confocal fluorescent and ex situ electron micrographs that confirm the MD predictions of edge/corner-first penetration and cell entry of few layer graphene microsheets. Lung epithelial cells and keratinocytes are representative of the epithelial lining of the respiratory tract and the skin, respectively (40), and form flat, single-cell monolayers in vitro (Fig. 3). “
“Once the initial energy barrier for spontaneous membrane penetration has been overcome, we hypothesize that interaction between the hydrophobic basal surfaces of graphene microsheets with the inner hydrophobic region of the plasma membrane promotes cellular uptake.
Hydrophobic surfaces are considered to represent damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) that non-specifically activate the innate immune response (48). Hydrophobic cellular surfaces (49) and surface functionalized nanoparticles (50) are more readily internalized and initiate more potent innate immune responses than weakly charged, hydrophilic surfaces.
By this mechanism, we hypothesize that graphene microsheets that penetrate into hydrophobic lipid domains may be recognized as DAMPs by target cells that are the first line of defense against particles and microbes deposited on the skin or on the epithelial lining of the lungs following inhalation.
The ability of graphene microsheets with large lateral dimension to penetrate and enter cells, documented here both experimentally and through simulation, may lead to cytoskeletal disruption, impaired”
“We propose that this mechanism allows cellular uptake of even large multilayer sheets of micrometer-scale lateral dimension, which is consistent with our multimodal bioimaging results for primary human keratinocytes, human lung epithelial cells, and murine macrophages.”

Are we once again being subjected to a lethal toxin;” cell entry of few layer graphene microsheets. Lung epithelial cells and keratinocytes are representative of the epithelial lining of the respiratory tract and the skin, respectively”

A corroborative confirmation on Graphene particulate and microsheet Toxicity.
A Realistic Assessment of Graphene Toxicity.
“Last year, researchers at Brown University reported in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that indicated that edges of graphene platelets were capable of cutting, or piercing, human lung tissue. In the research, the Brown team placed the graphene next to lung, skin and immune cells in a petri dish.”
Water supply
“In one of the latest pieces of graphene toxicity research, a team at the University of California Riverside developed a method by which to measure the level of exposure to groundwater if there was a sudden spill of graphene oxide (GO) at a manufacturing facility. While the work did not establish the toxicity of GO (other research has established GO is toxic in the range of 50 to 300 mg/L.
To give you some context, arsenic is considered toxic at 0.01 mg/L), the headlines didn’t report that a tool had been found to measure whether GO is getting into our water supplies, but instead reported: “Graphene Not All Good”.”
“There’s always a chance that poor exposure control during the production or use of a material like graphene could lead to inhalation. For instance, if a slurry or suspension of graphene platelets was aerosolized, droplets containing platelets could be inhaled. Or even if a graphene-based powder was being handled, there’s a chance that large aggregates could become airborne and inhaled – delivering the platelets to the lungs.”

Stability and Transport of Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles in Groundwater and Surface Water

Residents only find out after the fact from the Northumberland Gazette with the Precautionary principle which has been ignored for sort term savings, in this case the cost of roads, but what of the cost to Human health and NHS, with no assurances or any evidence of an Environmental Impact Assessment EIA by Northumberland CC or its Highways Dept.

Graphene is not only to do with vaccines, but roads, and water supply and appears to be the 21st C snake oil. It has technological promise (nano lipids delivery systems for all sorts of cures) but currently an unsolvable toxicity.
Contract Approved to Use TOXIC Graphene Oxide for Water Treatment in UK – The Same Substance Found in Covid-19 Vaccines

And how easy is it to change Graphene to Graphene oxide? (soluble)
“The most common method for creating graphite oxide in the past has been the Hummers and Offeman method, in which graphite is treated with a mixture of sulphuric acid, sodium nitrate and potassium permanganate (a very strong oxidiser).
However, other methods have been developed recently that are reported to be more efficient, reaching levels of 70% oxidisation, by using increased quantities of potassium permanganate, and adding phosphoric acid combined with the sulphuric acid, instead of adding sodium nitrate.
Graphene oxide is effectively a by-product of this oxidisation as when the oxidising agents react with graphite, the interplanar spacing between the layers of graphite is increased. The completely oxidised compound can then be dispersed in a base solution such as water, and graphene oxide is then produced.

I ask our elected representatives, and Highways, to make their own assessment and assure residents by evidenced research, and the required due diligence, use of an EIA, and have accredited Health and Safety assessment for what appears to be another mass poisoning event in the making.
It would be preferable that there is an immediate appraisal of the recent research on Graphene particulate toxicity, immune system disruption, lung damage, especially related to road erosion airborne particulate and possible future use in water treatment plants.

Graphene oxide toxicity
Wonder-material graphene could be dangerous to humans and the environment
“They found that the jagged edges of graphene nanoparticles, super sharp and super strong, easily pierced through cell membranes in human lung, skin and immune cells, suggesting the potential to do serious damage in humans and other animals.”

Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms
“GFNs penetrate through the physiological barriers or cellular structures by different exposure ways or administration routes and entry the body or cells, eventually resulting in toxicity in vivo and in vitro.”

probably the most comprehensive evaluation and informative meta study reviews;

Safety Assessment of Graphene-Based Materials: Focus on Human Health and the Environment
Biodistribution and Fate of Graphene-Based Materials
“Following repeated intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections, graphite (average size: 3–4 nm) and GO (average size: 8–25 nm) powders resuspended in saline solution without surfactant were found to form macroscopic aggregates of up to 2 mm in the peritoneal cavity.(86)
These materials accumulated at the site of injection but also randomly throughout the peritoneal cavity without any sign of clearance or toxicity to the organs or the blood compartment.”
Hazard Assessment of Graphene-Based Materials
Immune Interactions of Graphene-Based Materials
“alveolar macrophages are likely one of the first cell types, along with epithelial cells, to interact with GBMs, reaching the lungs after pulmonary exposure. Studies on alveolar macrophages are scarce, but Weimann et al. performed studies using the rat NR8383 alveolar macrophage cell line as a model to predict the pulmonary toxicity of 18 different inorganic nanomaterials including graphite nanoplatelets and distinguish active from passive nanomaterials.(126)
Graphite nanoplatelets (