








Thanh Hoa has suspended the use of a Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine batch after over 120 students were hospitalized following their inoculation. Since November 30, the central province has been vaccinating children aged 15-17 with the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. However, over 120 of the children were admitted to hospitals after exhibiting symptoms like nausea, high fever or breathing difficulties, the provincial Center for Disease Control (CDC) said Thursday.







Sheriff Scott Jones 21 hrs · HOW TO TELL WHEN YOU’RE BEING LIED TO In these days where facts don’t seem to matter, and common sense yields to political correctness and virtue signaling, it can sometimes be difficult to know when you’re being lied to. Having spent a lot of time thinking about this, I’ve come up with a few pointers to assist folks. You KNOW someone is lying when: • They say your free speech is violence on an issue, but that their violence is only free speech. • They offer heartfelt and emotional appeals, but offer not one fact or piece of evidence. • They command you to believe something other than what your eyes show you, your faith tells you, or common sense compels of you. • They say people are entitled to things they did not earn, or that you should feel guilty for things you did not do. • They say that another person is better, worse, a victim or an oppressor based solely on immutable characteristics such as race, skin color or economic status. • ‘Leaders’ identify and classify folks solely by what differentiates us—race, political affiliation, mask-wearing—rather than what unites us—patriotism, love of fellow man, being all God’s children. • Actions are taken under the buzzwords of “equity” and “inclusion” but clearly and obviously result in UNEQUAL treatment or EXCLUSION. • Anyone tries to silence your rational, honest and sincerely held belief by simply calling you or your ideas racist, white supremacist, terrorist, or any other inflammatory title. • When a government body or official SAYS they want to solve a problem, but instead creates a commission, working group, or task force to “study the problem.” Have we solved or even mitigated homelessness, gun violence, increased crime, affordable housing, or anything else despite the numerous studies, commissions and working groups that have been formed to “study” these issues? • When more government, less transparency, or more power for politicians is offered as a solution for anything. I hope this helps navigate you through the dishonesty that is being invented, reported on, and disseminated today on an unprecedented scale. We must ALL stand up for truth—ALWAYS—if it is to be preserved. Remember, they may be loud but the truth is ALWAYS louder if there is someone courageous enough to speak it.
