World-Wide WIN!!! INDIA OFFICIALLY Comes Out Against Pfizer BULLYING!!! Switched to Ivermectin 2 weeks ago! Takes Up for Other Nations Too! (VIDEO)
Pfizer Reserves the Right to Silence Governments – Pfizer is silencing the governments through its contracts. It has forced countries not to talk about the deals they strike for shots.
Pfizer Controls Distribution of Shots – Pfizer controls the donations of the shots, not the country that buys them. Pfizer will decide where the shots go.
Pfizer Secured an “IP Waiver” for Itself – If Pfizer is accused of intellectual property theft, governments will pay not the company.
Private Arbitrators, not Public Courts, Decide Disputes in Secret – If there are disputes, private arbitrators and not public courts will decide on them
Pfizer Can Go After State Assets – Pfizer can go after state assets to secure its compensation.
Pfizer Calls the Shots on Key Decisions – Pfizer decides delivery timeline and more.

WIN! >Making them Beg< ADL BEGS Fox News to Bury Tucker Carlson's Documentary Outing Jan6er FED Infiltration, Torture, Persecution, - Says it will "make people angry with our public officials and elected leaders"

The ADL is calling for a Fox News coverup of Tucker Carlson's January 6 exposé

WIN! IA Governor Eviscerates Mandates by Giving HUGE EXEMPTIONS! EFFECT = MANDATES USELESS!

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds (R) signed the “vaccine mandate exemption bill” into law on Friday that allows constituents to seek medical and religious exemptions from COVID-19 vaccine mandates.  The law also guarantees unemployment benefits for those who are fired for refusing to get the vaccine. Reynolds also stated that she is joining a lawsuit challenging…

WIN X 19! 19 States SUE Biden to Drop Mandate! FL, TX, Sepratetely. MO Sues & AK, IA, MN, NE, NH, ND, SD & WY Join that Suite. GA Sues & AL, ID, KS, SC, UT & WV Join that Suit.

Several U.S. states on Friday mounted multiple federal lawsuits against the Biden administration over its COVID-19 vaccine mandate ...

WIN! 3M Employees: "WE WILL NOT COMPLY" ... with mandates.

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