
The Constitution is negative check on government. By definition, positive for each person. Why would you accept COVID shots from a government who can’t have a real debate on the actual efficacy and the stratification of cohorts who need it. Real debate allows for truth, logic, science, and democracy. Why get a shot when you can’t answer the other questions?


Well said, by German MEP Christine Anderson… I will never trust what any government says I must do. Has there ever been a government or an elite that truly cares about “We the People”? No vaccines for me just because a government said so:



This amazing new population level analysis of COVID vaccination, by Harvard professor S.V. Subramanian continues to confirm what we already know; that the so-called vaccines have limited benefit in preventing infection or spread. In fact, rates of infection and spread tend to be higher amongst the most vaccinated populations. But we knew this was all likely in July 2020 when Pfizer and Moderna released their Phase II results, as the studies only demonstrated increased levels of antibodies, but no correlation in regard to the prevention of infection and spread. We have to start having free and rational debate about the risks vs. benefits of vaccination, for different population cohorts:



A sober week and review on COVID and tyranny among the five eyes nations from the Strategic Culture Foundation. A nice remembrance of what free and rational debate looks like.
This science from Harvard doesn’t fit the MSM narrative:

The tragic state of affairs, justified by a disease with a better than 99 percent survival rate, cannot continue indefinitely. Even as scientific studies show…



I still believe Dr. Michael Yeadon (formerly of Pfizer), said it best in July, about where we are headed with vaccines and tyranny (Go Rumble for maintaining the video):


Dr Mike Yeadon. In Harm's Way. The Epic Del Bigtree Interview https://www.bitchute.com/video/Cs6ucLPL1AN4/ Dr Richard Day - New Order of Barbarians https://www.bitchute.com/video/WWqrq7TSIJzs/
