
In vivo, intratumor injection of HER2.CAR-T cells resulted in a significant suppression of established ESCCs in a subcutaneous xenograft BALB/c nude mouse model. In contrast, the injection of CD19.CAR-T cells did not affect the tumor growth pattern.

An effective HER2 CAR targeting ESCC was developed successfully. The HER2.CAR-T cell showed promising immunotherapeutic potential for the treatment of HER2-positive esophageal cancer.
An effective HER2 CAR targeting ESCC was developed successfully. The HER2.CAR-T cell showed promising immunotherapeutic potential for the treatment of HER2-positive esophageal cancer.There is a growing understanding that the parafoveal preview effect during reading may represent a combination of preview benefits and preview costs due to interference from parafoveal masks. It has been suggested that visually degrading the parafoveal masks may reduce their costs, but adult readers were later shown to be highly sensitive to degraded display changes. Four experiments examined how preview benefits and preview costs are influenced by the perception of distinct parafoveal degradation at the target word location. Participants read sentences with four preview types (identity, orthographic, phonological, and letter-mask preview) and two levels of visual degradation (0% vs. 20%). The distinctiveness of the target word degradation was either eliminated by degrading all words in the sentence (Experiments 1a-2a) or remained present, as in previous research (Experiments 1b-2b). Degrading the letter masks resulted in a reduction in preview costs, but only when all words in the sentence were degraded. When degradation at the target word location was perceptually distinct, it induced costs of its own, even for orthographically and phonologically related previews. These results confirm previous reports that traditional parafoveal masks introduce preview costs that overestimate the size of the true benefit. However, they also show that parafoveal degradation has the unintended consequence of introducing additional costs when participants are aware of distinct degradation on the target word. Parafoveal degradation appears to be easily perceived and may temporarily orient attention away from the reading task, thus delaying word processing.Viewers' perception of actions is coloured by the context in which those actions are found. An action that seems uncomfortably sudden in one context might seem expeditious in another. In this study, we examined the influence of one type of context the rate at which an action is being performed. Based on parallel findings in other modalities, we anticipated that viewers would adapt to the rate at which actions were displayed at. Viewers watched a series of actions performed on a touchscreen that could end in actions that were ambiguous to their number (e.g., two separate "tap" actions versus a single "double tap" action) or identity (e.g., a "swipe" action versus a slower "drag"). https://www.selleckchem.com/products/ionomycin.html In Experiment 1, the rate of actions themselves was manipulated; participants used the rate of the actions to distinguish between two similar, related actions. In Experiment 2, the rate of the actions that preceded the ambiguous one was sped up or slowed down. In line with our hypotheses, viewers perceived the identity of those final actions with reference to the rate of the preceding actions. This was true even in Experiment 3, when the action immediately before the ambiguous one was left unmodified. Ambiguous actions embedded in a fast context were seen as relatively long, while ambiguous actions embedded in a slow context were seen as relatively short. This shows that viewers adapt to the rate of actions when perceiving visual events.Although causal Bayes networks are applicable to examining causal inferences about different static objects and about a changing object with different states, previous studies investigated the former, but not the latter. We propose a situation-modulated minimal change account for causal inferences. It predicts that dynamic situations are more likely to elicit minimal revisions on causal networks and adherence to the Markov assumption than static situations. Two experiments were conducted to investigate qualitative causal inferences about causal networks with binary and numerical variables, respectively. It was found that qualitative causal inferences were more likely to adhere to the Markov assumption in dynamic situations than in static situations. This finding supports the situation-modulated minimal change account rather than the other alternative accounts. We conclude that dynamic situations are more likely to elicit minimal revisions on causal networks and adherence to the Markov assumption than static situations. This conclusion is beyond the previous predominant view that causal inferences are apt to violate the Markov assumption.The Zurich Specialist Clinic for Adolescent with Gender Dysphoria - Preliminary Follow-up Results The specialist clinic for children and adolescents with gender dysphoria (GD) of the Psychiatric University Hospital of Zurich shows an increasing number of referrals since its foundation in 2009. Since 2014 we started an observational study including adolescents aged 13 years and older. At the time of the first appointment (T0) N = 77 participants completed a battery of questionnaires assessing demographic factors, general psychopathology, quality of life as well as gender identity, social transitioning and GD treatment modalities. Few of the adolescents were socially transitioned and had hormone therapy but 77.9 % wished to get hormone therapy. Follow up assessment T1 was performed after at least one year of treatment in our specialist clinic. 51 adolescents completed an online follow-up examination including the same questionnaires and baseline parameters as well as a scale measuring treatment satisfaction. At T0, 77.3 % of the adolescents scored in the clinical range of the Youth Self Report (YSR) total score, which did not decrease significantly until T1 in our preliminary follow up sample. Puberty blocking before T0 correlated negatively with the YSR score, indicating less psychopathology in treated patients. Preliminary longitudinal analysis suggests that social transitioning influences quality of life (Kidscreen subscale autonomy and parental relationship). At T1, 52 % of the adolescents were socially transitioned in all contexts and 70 % received gender affirming hormonal treatment. Gender identity changed between T0 and T1 in about 18 % of the cases. Treatment satisfaction in most cases was high.Therapeutic Models for Children and Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria Overview with Focus on Austrian Treatment Reality Young people whose experienced gender differs from their aligned sex are increasingly visible in public life as well as in the medical care system. For those children and adolescents, who can experience a high degree of suffering because of the discrepancy between aligned sex and desired gender, treatment guidelines have been developed. In this short narrative review, classification options, epidemiological data, health-care data and treatment guidelines are presented with an emphasis on the Austrian health care system.Trans-Identity in Minors Basic Ethical Principles for Individual Decision-Making in Healthcare The treatment of minors with gender incongruence has been the subject of controversial discussion for some time. In 2020, the German Ethics Council adopted the ad-hoc recommendation "Trans-identity in children and adolescents Therapeutic Controversies - Ethical Orientations" with the aim of sensitising to the relevant ethically problematic aspects and of setting out orienting guidelines for medical and psychotherapeutic support and treatment. According to the Ethics Council, every person has the constitutional right to lead a life in accordance with one's own gender identity and to be respected in this identity. Healthcare professionals must assess the consequences of treatment as well as the consequences of refraining to provide treatment. All interactions with the child must be designed in such a way that the child can participate in decision-making and is ultimately enabled to give full informed consent. Stigmatisation and discriminatory pathologisation of gender incongruence must be avoided."If One Feels Better Like That …". Adolescent Sibling Relationship in the Context of Transgender Development A transgender development in youth can influence the relationship of concerned youth and their siblings. While in most surveys, the focus lies on transgender adolescents, both sides shall be interviewed here to capture the situation of siblings and to relate the results. For this purpose, guide interviews with ten transgender adolescents and twelve of their siblings were analysed in accordance to Grounded Theory. In most cases, participants were satisfied with the sibling relationship. After the coming-out of the transgender adolescent they showed both positive and negative reactions that, however, changed to respect and acceptance by time without exception. Doubt, compassion and grief were short lived and often replaced by joy for the transgender adolescent. Transgender youth were mostly satisfied with the reaction of their sibling though the amount of support varied. The time of coming-out and transition often led to an improvement in sibling relationship, more closeness and family cohesion. In general, siblings seem to be immediately concerned by transgenderism in adolescence. In clinical practice, they should thus be included from the beginning. By taking into account their situation, negative developments can be prevented, and the sibling relationship become usable as a resource.Mental Stress and Health-Related Quality of Life in Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria Although the level of mental stress in adolescents with gender dysphoria is found to be generally high in many studies, differences have been shown between samples of gender dysphoria clinics for adolescents in different countries. However, a comparison within the German speaking area is lacking. In this article we compared samples of gender dysphoria clinics from Munster (Germany) and Zurich (Switzerland) and tested potential correlates of mental stress using quantitative methods. Subsequently, we interviewed clients from both clinics regarding mental stressors and protective factors. There were no quantitative differences in the level of mental stress of clients between Munster and Zurich, whereas health-related quality of life was significantly higher in Munster. Problems in physical well-being and school environment were the strongest correlates of mental stress. This reflects in the interviews, too, in addition to further related factors reported. We conclude that physical well-being and inclusion at school should be addressed with special emphasis in counseling or treatment of adolescents with gender dysphoria to counter the in average high levels of mental stress.TransIdentity - Identity Development Among Adolescent Trans*people Identity development is one of the most important developmental tasks of adolescence. Adolescents whose gender identity does not correspond to the gender assigned at birth (trangender people) are also faced with this challenge, as are cis-gender adolescents of the same age. This study is the first to examine the personality function of identity in transgender adolescents. Based on the self report of a population of 69 adolescents from the outpatient unit for gender dysphoria the extent of identity diffusion measured by AIDA (Assessment of Identity Development in Adolescence) was compared with the values of the normative sample consisting of German-speaking pupils. Both the overall construct of identity diffusion and the areas of continuity and coherence showed average values in the examined young people, which speaks against pathological identity development. Nevertheless, identity diffusion was found in over a third (36 %). Most notably the aspect of stabilising relationships and roles was above average, which suggests that positive role identification from the areas of culture, family and body-self is present to a lesser extent than in the norm sample.