
Med norske tekster. 5 minutters video fra Infowars som vil sjokkere deg! Her er det ny informasjon om blant annet 9/11.

Video fra Infowars og Greg Reese med norske undertekster. Original: https://rumble.com/v4scwsn-tucker-carlson-ep-99-interview-with-most-famous-political-philosopher-in-ru.html



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The Home of Free Speech and the Parallel Economy. Join our community where people who support family, faith and free speech can speak freely and shop at businesses who share their values.. Subscrib...



Min klage til Kringkastingsrådet som evt. blir tatt opp på neste møte, 29.02.2024.


I dette leserinnlegget tar Halvor Raknes for seg det på samme tid barnslige og elitistiske verdensbildet som dominerer i NRK. Statskanalen så opptatt av alt som har med USA å gjøre og samtidig så fri for analyse og innsikt at det tenderer mot infantilitet. Samtidig utstråler dekningen ofte en bedrevitende arroganse mot alt og alle som




Truth Social is America's "Big Tent" social media platform that encourages an open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating on the basis of political ideology.



Less than two weeks prior to Israel's attack on Gaza Benjamin Netanyahu stood before the U.N. showing a map of the Middle East with the title "The New Middle East" where Israel appeared with no trace of Palestinian lands. Previously the members of the Israeli government coalition have sent a letter to Netanyahu in which they demand an immediate invasion of Gaza and to take full control of areas which for decades have belonged to the Palestinian people.

The border between Gaza and Israel is the most heavily guarded on the planet, and according to Israeli soldiers who have been tasked with surveilling it even small animals would trigger immediate action by the border forces, but ahead of the Hamas attack major parts of the military forces that protect the Israel-Gaza border had been ordered to retreat. Why?

Why were Israeli mass media instructed not to inform the public about Hamas' intrusion on Israeli territory leading to this information not coming to the public's knowledge for 12 hours?

Hamas was established BY Israel to be a counterweight against Yassir Arafat en the PLO.

The film exposes something so nefarious, so evil, so mind-blowing that many will find it hard to believe. Yet it is true. This film can deliver a fatal blow to the satanic elites, who want to establis
