
The Ungracious WOKE GENERATION—and Their Demonization of the Past but are happy to get all the FREE STUFF from others hard work.


The Ungracious WOKE GENERATION—and Their Demonization of the Past but are happy to get all the FREE STUFF from others hard work.


The newly updated POLITICAL OPERATIVE CDC guidelines don't require testing at the end of isolation because PCR tests can stay positive for up to 12 weeks, Political Operative CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky Makes Major Admission About PCR Tests. If you have had COVID-19, you will remain POSITIVE for 12 weeks after COVID-19 so going back to work or to NORMALACY using the PCR TEST has been a BASED ON A LIE! JOKE ON AMERICANS!

The CDC is no longer requiring testing at the end of isolation for those that tested positive for COVID. The reason given is that PCR tests can stay



Senator Rand Paul, MD a physician (R-KY): Thousands are Dying Every Month of COVID-19 Because Of Dr. Fauci’s & the BIDEN DICTATORSHIP'S Obsession With Pushing Covid-19 Vaccines since he makes money from Moderna for VACCINE PATENT instead of EFFECITVE TREATMENTS.


President Trump’s list of BIDEN DICTATORSHIP’S failures when it comes to Dr. Fauci’s NIH funded China Wuhan P4 Lab’s Covid-19 created GAIN OF FUNCTION pandemic.
Biden refuses to push effective COVID-19 TREATMENTS but the BIDEN DICTATORSHIP only pushes the
COVID-19 VACCINES because Biden & Fauci make money off the Covid-19 vaccines.


Trump released a statement calling out Biden over his handling of the COVID pandemic. Trump said Biden “is a failed ...
