Sick, SICK Bastard‼️

In August Gateway Pundit contributor Cassandra Fairbanks broke the story on Dr. Fauci’s use of taxpayer money to torture beagles in barbaric animal testing. Dr. Fauci funded a study in Tunisia where beagle dogs were eaten alive by parasite-infected flies. EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Fauci Used Taxpayer Money to Have Dogs Tortured and Eaten Alive By Parasite…

Oh, how I miss our intelligent and honest Kick-ass Kayleigh‼️

I have difficulty believing that this wasn’t done intentionally. Funny how symptoms are similar to Covid. Just another way to keep the numbers up?

At least four people in different states, including Georgia, came down with melioidosis.

Maddie’s world was turned upside down and now her health is deteriorating all because she entered the clinical. COVID 19 Vaccine trials. Her life will never be the same. Innocence lost. Get loud as the FDA, Pfizer and the CDC push this week to fast track approval to jab 5-11 year old children.