
D I C T A T O R S 💥 S E E K 💥 T H E R A P Y

Dictators around the world are seeking urgent therapy as they struggle with how small and insignificant they feel.

They're witnessing new levels of dictatorship being demonstrated by Western countries and it is taking its toll on their mental health. They are becoming depressed, anxious, envious and ashamed of their lacklustre dictatorship performance in comparison with their Western counterparts.

Thankfully, therapists are helping restore perspective on the matter as they explain that corporations buying up media, controlling the daily propaganda and lobbying governments to represent their agenda, is an unfair advantage.

"They have the financial banking sector freezing accounts of dissenters. They have more advanced military grade weapons to control crowds. They even have big tech censoring and controlling the narrative 24/7. Who can compete with that? This is so unfair," a Middle Eastern dictator said, who asked to remain anonymous.

The changing times has seen the modern dictators using advanced stealth tactics that make them look democratic.

"I can't do that. I should have gone to acting school when I was younger. I am brutal, loud and direct and this is not that effective anymore. I feel outdated and it's killing me", said another anonymous dejected dictator from an African nation.

Traditional dictators are retiring at a staggering 8% per month. At this rate, we could see only one form of dictator style left. The kind of dictator that makes you warm about losing your freedoms and turning on your objecting family members.

"Any dictator who can make you trust, respect and love them more than your own mother is something truly special. I am done," said a retired dictator from one of the Asian provinces.

Corporate funded experts believe this is a welcomed change for humanity who need something new in the dictatorship realm.

"Our studies, polls and insights are showing an appetite is growing to be lead in all aspects of our lives with a firm steady hand that does not tolerate radical thinkers," said Dr Payme More, a compliance behaviour expert.

"The trend for freethinkers is on the decline and we need to appreciate this reality. We are now pivoting for a leadership that respects less thinking and more just doing what you are told", he said.