What are the scenarios for the Circular Economy?

The Circular Economy 2030 Expectations Scenario assumes that very significant progress will be made in Circularity over the next 10 years. The amount of packaging waste collected will increase significantly, especially in developing countries, and....Read More: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/what-are-the-scenarios-for-the-circular-economy/

Wargames: Play Your Way to Business Foresight with FutureManagementGroup AG

Picture this: you've got a crystal ball that shows you what's in store for your business. That's a game-changer, right? That's exactly what wargames are like. They're not just games; they're a dynamic way to peek into the future, play around with various what-ifs, and craft your strategies. This article will show you how wargames can be your secret weapon for gaining valuable insights, staying a step ahead, and keeping your business nimble.So, why wait? Head to our website: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/wargames/

Recognize the blind spots in your strategy by simulating surprising attacks from real and fictitious competitors.


Wargames: Play Your Way to Business Foresight with FutureManagementGroup AG

Picture this: you've got a crystal ball that shows you what's in store for your business. That's a game-changer, right? That's exactly what wargames are like. They're not just games; they're a dynamic way to peek into the future, play around with various what-ifs, and craft your strategies. This article will show you how wargames can be your secret weapon for gaining valuable insights, staying a step ahead, and keeping your business nimble.So, why wait? Head to our website: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/wargames/

Recognize the blind spots in your strategy by simulating surprising attacks from real and fictitious competitors.


FSPO: Your Online Strategy Architect for the Future

#FutureSurfingWithFMG #TrendRidingAG #InnovationWaveFMG #NextGenTrendsFMG

The future might be a big question mark, but that doesn’t mean your business can’t be ready for it. Enter FSPO, the Future Strategy Process Online. It’s like having a digital strategist at your fingertips. FSPO is the platform that helps you craft and carry out a strategy with an eye on the horizon. It’s your gateway to the latest trends, scenarios, and tools that will help you define where you’re headed and how you’ll get there. Plan it out now with FSPO. https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/fspo/

Get the Edge with Future Thinking: A Crash Course by FutureManagementGroup AG

Future thinking isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a must-have skill for any business leader looking to stay on top. That’s where FutureManagementGroup AG comes in. They’re not just consultants; they’re your guide to building a vision and strategy that’s ready for tomorrow’s world. This crash course is your ticket to mastering future thinking, tailored to fit your business’s unique situation. You’ll get to grips with the coolest practices and tools that’ll help you plan for innovation and stay ahead of the curve. So why wait? Head over to our website and start learning today: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/knowledge/crash-course/