
...and another global elite official narrative enforcers fall away from Agenda 21 one by one. The question is, have they infected enough of the population/SHEEPLE to achieve their goal already?

In the mean time those that don't research the actual science of these mRNA toxins and their failed history at systemic t-cell activation are blind to the devastating components of this poison such as: PEG-forever molecule, GRAPHINE OXIDE, mRNA spike protein all TOXIC short and long term, break through Covid cases within Vaccinated population abundant by design, never ending boosters, mRNA activated T-cells 42% outperforming generic T-cells that could build natural immunity thus resulting in infection and auto immune responses, neurological injuries and death at 500% times any and all (existing actual vaccines) and the list goes on and on.


NewsRescue The United Kingdom has announced it is calling off the so-called vaccine passports impingement of the rights of its citizens to freely associate.



Looking forward to this platform growing with an anti Fascist, BIG BROTHER FREE, Constitutionally protected, FREE SPEECH, ZONE here on Sovern!