
Recall any portrayal of a dystopian future from books or movies and realize, before they got to then they passed through now.
Insert recent headline here ...

When a customer wearing a bright orange shirt wanted a refund on a gift card he purchased at a West Hollywood Rite Aid last December, cashier Marylou Fajardo never expected what happened next. She informed the man that company policy does not allow refunds on gift cards, moments before he shoved her to the ground and began attacking her.



Hey, whiskey ... it takes me places. Come along.
Saw this story and just had to laugh. I'm reminded how we are at the height of decadence. We don't merely have kings buying new invisible clothes, but other kings fighting for the right to sell them.

If you don't know what NFTs are, it stands for Non-Fungible Token. Fungible meaning something that is freely exchanged - as in gold or currency. NF is the opposite of that. It is non-money. Think smoke. The "T" stands for token. A picture of a coin which represents a copyright - apiece of paper which states you own a unique set of ones and zeros.

Congratulations, here is your 1001011100110011010. With the proper equipment those digits will display a picture. That will be 50-grand. Of course, in this case, anyone watching the movie can see for free what you paid beaucoup bucks for; but hey it all about decadence.

It's just so ridiculous and can't help but be compared to the tulip mania of 500 hundred years ago. However then, you may have paid way too much for a tulip bulb, but at least you ended up with a tangible pretty flower.

On second thought, it's more like the "I'm Rich" app released in 2008 for the iPhone. For $999 your iPhone would display an image of a jewel. Really. That's all it did.

Miramax filed a lawsuit Tuesday against director Quentin Tarantino over the director's plans to create and auction off a series of NFTs based on his work on Pulp Fiction.



Dear Conservative Friends, Have Hope.
You see the madness and you despair. You think nothing is being done. Woe is us. The Bible reminds us so many times “fear not.” You are not in control and sure-as-hell the MSM is not in control.

If you knew what all is happening below your radar you would be cheering. If you are not visiting the new social media sites you have no clue. That’s okay. It’s coming even though you don’t know it. It’s like the adage, 20% of the people do 80% of the work. That 20% doesn’t reach the media. In fact they are censored. However, when their work comes to fruition, be it through elections or before honest judges, evil will be cowed. There are smart, energetic, tireless people working on your behalf. Many with the needed resources to support the rest, many armed only with the desire for truth. We are the majority and had hoped to not wield our power, but now see we have no choice. The left must be and is being defeated. How can they not be? They are mad.

Your first indicator was when conservatives swept elections across the country two weeks ago. That didn’t happen by accident. Just look at the crazy stuff school boards are doing. This is grass roots anger which flows up. They let rapists go free and arrested the parents who complained. They sicced the FBI on parents for being involved in their schools. The man running for Governor of Virginia and lost was proud to say, parents should not have a role in the curriculum of their schools.

The far-left thought this was their time, and then jumped the shark. They stole an election and then tried to steal your culture and your kids. Big mistake. You don’t have to be a conservative to know books teaching little kids how to give proper blow-jobs is not what are property taxes were meant for. It doesn’t matter if the MSM doesn’t cover reality - reality still exists and it’s about to bitch slap the far-left and the MSM.

Next Tuesday, Nov 23, many states are dropping a lawsuit at the Supreme Court. They are suing the federal government and asking for relief from the fraudulent 2020 election. BOOM!
It will be hard for the MSM to ignore that - though they will certainly try. What will matter more, is that all the proof compiled over the last year, of the greatest crime in our country’s history, will be made public for the first time.

Who can say what the SCOTUS will do since they can be a slippery bunch, but except for a judge in little Antrim County, Mi, no judge has looked at any evidence (the Antirm judge found election fraud). The Supreme Court will be forced to look at the best evidence gathered by so many experts over the last year and it will become part of our public record - finally.

For those interested, that evidence will be displayed all throughout the holiday weekend at Mike Lindell’s website Frankspeech.com. I hope Mike Lindell has statues erected in his honor. He is not a plaintiff in this lawsuit, but he is the man who persisted and made it possible. He spent his time and treasure for us. He dropped into the lap of these attorney generals proof of a presidential coup d'etat. They would not have pursued this on their own and thus allowed it to infect future elections and bring us to utter ruin. We see the damage the corrupt and inept can do in just 9-months.
Fear Not. Have Hope.


This is Why I Like Steve Bannon - He Fights
He followed the law and surrendered to the FBI yesterday. He covers it live and when he exits he tells Pelosi and Garland they are about to unleash the "misdemeanor from hell."
Then this morning he begins his daily show with 4-minutes of MSNBC trying to make him out as dangerous.
Steve's like, yeah ... and?

It Smells Like Victory For Patriots



Citizen, Your Government Has A Correction:
Turns out Covid vaccines really do cause miscarriages just as those conspiracy doctors warned us. Sorry about the baby.


BREAKING…After re-analyzing a study performed by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) researchers, a peer-reviewed study has called for […]
