
Opiate crisis! Who is it hurting the most. I am a 57-year-old male that fell from a two-story building back in 1998. I have been on chronic pain medication for 22 years. I have tried every epidural, and injections possible. One of the finest pain doctors in the country wrote me back a note today stating that I’m stuck in the middle of a political storm. That Kentucky’s overdose rate just hit its highest ever. And I live in Kentucky. This is absolutely insane that the politicians are telling the doctors not to write people like myself their pain medication. One years ago I had my pain under control. Now I am barely able to get out of bed. I still try and take care of my parents they’re in their 80s. And they are watching their son be crippled by doctors. While the doctors are telling other patients that they are no longer writing their opiate medicine. Some patients are being forced to go to the streets. Where The street is laced filled pain medication with fentanyl. They know what they’re taking, they know the chances? I’m not willing to take those chances. Never have never will. But I feel sorry for those people who are like me and yet get taking off of a pain medication that has been helping them for 20 years for some political bullshit reason. There should be a story down about it somewhere. It’s crazy to think the politicians have so much blood on their hands. They think these new regulations on opiate medication is helping. It’s only making the overdose rate go higher and higher. Something needs to be done about it! Either tell the doctors to start writing their medication. And let the people like myself have done it honestly throughout 20 years get back on my medication so I can take care of my parents. And see if the rate don’t stop. I would lay my life on the line and say that it will. People will no longer be forced to go somewhere else to get their pain medication. They will get it from their doctors where they should. These new regulations are all bureaucratic bullshit reasons just to curve the population I think. Yes that is my opinion . They are like assholes everybody’s got one. At least that’s what my grandpa used to say. Something needs to be done though. To watch 50 and 60 year-old men & Women go to the street knowing that they’re basically committing suicide. Yes I’m saying they’re committing suicide by overdose. And the government knows this!