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This peaceful island

A problem is brewing between the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The two countries share the Caribbean island of Quisqueya, a peaceful place between Cuba and Puerto Rico.

The Dominican Republic is a developing country that has many issues yet to be resolved. But it is on the right way, doing well. Some rules do not exist here, that have stopped people in Europe from finding their own way to make their lives work. There is true free trade, if you have something to sell, if you make or grow something you can sell it. No need for licenses. We are free.
High taxes we do not have. But we also have no free medical services like in the United Kingdom, no state run pension like in many European countries. Those are paid for with the higher taxes.
But the Dominican Republic has gold, silver and other precious metals, mined by a Canadian company called Barrick Gold. Or should I use the word 'stolen' here? Barrick Gold hardly pays for the metals mined here, they ferret them out of the country in an amalgam of metals as blocks that cannot be checked, measured or controlled.

So what is the problem with Haiti

Haiti is famous in a different way, it is the poorest country in the Northern Hemisphere. There is gold, silver below the rocks, I am sure. But Barrick Gold or one of its cronies cannot enter the country or sign contracts with a government. There simply is not a stable government to make deals with. Even corrupt deals, involving bribes, would not work, because people in positions change too often.

After the murder of the President Moise, the situation is even more volatile. The tension along the border can be felt all the way here, and we live in La Romana. We have a community here that is composed of Dominicans, Haitians and naturalized Haitians, OK, with a few foreigners like me to top up the cake.

We are not afraid there will be a war between the two countries, there will not be a war if those two parties were the only players. But there is more!

The big, strong, rich companies that are mining in the Dominican Republic want the same deals, or better, in Haiti, and that is not possible, there are too many people there! So they want to empty Haiti of its people and deal with a few corrupt politicians and the gang members that will remain. They can buy them with arms deals and dollars. So the companies will be free to break up the land and do as they please!

Politics is not about ideas, ideologies, or views of the future, politics is about money, big money! And big money can be gained in the soil of Haiti, if there are no people!

Is this an accusation? Yes, it is. Barrick Gold and its 'friends' are stealing big money from the Dominican Republic and are ready to foment a war between two neighbors to steal that same money from Haiti! Ready enough to use and pay mercenaries to murder a president! Ready enough to start a war!

America's top infectious disease doctor Anthony Fauci on Thursday blasted Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) for suggesting he is somehow responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic.