
In 1981, scientific researchers made a noteworthy achievement by uncovering techniques to extract embryonic stem cells from early-stage mouse embryos. In 1998 further progress ensued, culminating a technique to derive stem cells from human embryos and cultivate them in a laboratory environment. Today, a biotech company known as Conception claims to have achieved the creation of mice using only stem cells. Their next objective is to conduct human trials to replicate this achievement. Let's review some of the nightmare potential implications associated with this emerging technology. Is it possible this could open doors to the exploitation of artificially created children by those who may seek to profit from trafficking them to other individuals with nefarious intentions? There are also concerns that governments might use this technology as a means to control human reproduction, potentially restricting natural procreation in favor of their own methods in the name of addressing climate change or reducing population size. Additionally, there are apprehensions about the possibility of governments programming these artificially created children to be more compliant, agreeable, and susceptible to following specific agendas, possibly surpassing the ethical concerns associated with past controversial experiments such as MK-ultra. If this technology is just being made public now, history would tell us there's a high probability it existed decades ago. If that is the case, is it possible these type of artificially created humans are walking among us now? What are the legal and ethical responsibilities of this type of technology and how does this affect the dignity of human life?



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