ther research.As a representative of acupuncture and nonpharmaceutical therapy, auricular acupuncture has been widely for the treatment of insomnia. Transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) is a combination of auricular point stimulation and vagus nerve stimulation. It can not only treat primary insomnia effectively, but also is noninvasive, painless, portable and economical. The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) is a core region of default mode network (DMN), which is important for maintenance of sleep. However, the mechanism of taVNS in alleviating primary insomnia (PI) remains to be clarified. In this study, we found that taVNS could not only effectively reduce the score of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, but also decreased functional connection (FC) between the left mPFC and bilateral dorsal anterior cingulate gyrus as well as FC between the right mPFC and the occipital cortex in patients with PI. Furthermore, the decrease in FC was positively correlated with the decline of sleep index score. Therefore, we proposed that treatment with taVNS can improve sleep quality and prolong sleep duration in patients with PI by reducing FC within DMN, FC between DMN and salience network, as well as FC between DMN and the occipital cortex. This may be one of mechanisms of taVNS in treating PI.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has proposed an updated international classification system for reporting pancreaticobiliary cytology. Substantial changes to the prior Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology (PSC) system have been recommended. Chiefly, the "neoplastic benign" and "neoplastic other" categories have been replaced by 2 new categories-"pancreatic neoplasia-low-grade" (PaN-Low) and "pancreatic neoplasia-high-grade" (PaN-High)-stratifying neoplastic mucinous cysts by cytological atypia. Low-grade malignancies are placed in the "malignant" category and benign serous cystadenoma in the "benign/negative" category. Risk of malignancy (ROM) associated with the diagnostic categories of the WHO system has yet to be defined.
All patients who underwent endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) for a pancreatic lesion at a single institution from January 2016 to December 2016, prospectively classified using the PSC system, were reclassified using the WHO system. Absolute ROM was determined by histologic outcome and/or clinical follow-up of at least 6months.
A total of 334 EUS-FNA samples from 322 patients were reviewed and reclassified. Absolute ROM for the WHO system was 7.7% for "insufficient/inadequate/nondiagnostic" category, 1.0% for "benign/negative for malignancy," 28.0% for "atypical," 4.8% for "PaN-Low," 60.0% for "PaN-High," 100% for "suspicious for malignancy," and 100% for "malignant;" the absolute ROM for the same cohort using the PSC system was 7.7% for "nondiagnostic" category, 1.0% for "negative (for malignancy)," 28.0% for "atypical," 0.0% for "neoplastic benign," 30.3% for "neoplastic other," 100% for "suspicious (for malignancy)," and 100% for "positive or malignant."
The WHO international system achieves improved stratification by associated ROM compared to the PSC system.
The WHO international system achieves improved stratification by associated ROM compared to the PSC system.A sufficient and balanced maternal diet is critical to meet the nutritional demands of the developing fetus and to facilitate deposition of fat reserves for lactation. Multiple adaptations occur to meet these energy requirements, including reductions in energy expenditure and increases in maternal food intake. The central nervous system plays a vital role in the regulation of food intake and energy homeostasis and responds to multiple metabolic and nutrient cues, including those arising from the gastrointestinal tract. This review describes the nutrient requirements of pregnancy and the impact of over- and undernutrition on the risk of pregnancy complications and adult disease in progeny. The central and peripheral regulation of food intake is then discussed, with particular emphasis on the adaptations that occur during pregnancy and the mechanisms that drive these changes, including the possible role of the pregnancy-associated hormones progesterone, estrogen, prolactin, and growth hormone. We identify the need for deeper mechanistic understanding of maternal adaptations, in particular, changes in gut-brain axis satiety signaling. Improved understanding of food intake regulation during pregnancy will provide a basis to inform strategies that prevent maternal under- or overnutrition, improve fetal health, and reduce the long-term health and economic burden for mothers and offspring.Taspase1 is a unique protease not only pivotal for embryonic development but also implicated in leukemia as well as solid tumors. As such, it is a promising target in cancer therapy, although only a limited number of Taspase1 inhibitors lacking general applicability are currently available. Here we present a bivalent guanidiniocarbonyl-pyrrole (GCP)-containing supramolecular ligand that is capable of disrupting the essential interaction between Taspase1 and its cognate import receptor Importin α in a concentration-dependent manner in vitro with an IC50 of 35 μM. Here, size of the bivalent vs the monovalent construct as well as its derivation with an aromatic cbz-group arose as critical determinants for efficient interference of 2GC. This was also evident when we investigated the effects in different tumor cell lines, resulting in comparable EC50 values (∼40-70 μM). Of note, in higher concentrations, 2GC also interfered with Taspase1's proteolytic activity. We thus believe to set the stage for a novel class of Taspase1 inhibitors targeting a pivotal protein-protein interaction prerequisite for its cancer-associated proteolytic function.C-ros oncogene 1 receptor tyrosine kinase (ROS1) rearrangement has been detected in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Although ROS1 tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) provide a survival benefit for patients with ROS1-rearranged advanced NSCLC, subsequent therapy remains limited. Small cell transformation is an important mechanism of drug resistance in epidermal growth factor receptor-mutant NSCLC. However, its significance in mediating ROS1 resistance has not been determined yet. Here, we present the case of a 63-year-old man with ROS1-rearranged advanced NSCLC who had disease progression with small cell transformation of the mediastinal lymph node after 8 months of treatment with crizotinib. More importantly, fluorescence in situ hybridization of post-progression tumor biopsy demonstrated retention of ROS1 rearrangement. Tissue biopsy remains indispensable for patients who acquire resistance to ROS1 TKIs.
As the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is still ongoing with patients overwhelming healthcare facilities, we aimed to investigate the ability of white blood cell count (WBC) and their subsets, high fluorescence lymphocyte cells (HFLC), immature granulocyte count (IG), and C-reactive protein (CRP) to aid diagnosis of COVID-19 during the triage process and as indicators of disease progression to serious and critical condition.
We collected clinical and laboratory data of patients, suspected COVID-19 cases, admitted at the emergency department of University General Hospital of Ioannina (Ioannina, Greece). We selected 197 negative and 368 positive cases, confirmed by polymerase chain reaction test for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. COVID-19 cases were classified into mild, serious, and critical disease. Receiver operating characteristic curve and binary logistic regression analysis were utilized for assessing the diagnosing ability of biomarkers.
WBC, neutrophil count (NEUT), and HFLC can discriminate efficiently negative cases from mild and serious COVID-19, whereas eosinopenia and basopenia are early indicators of the disease. The combined WBC-HFLC marker is the best diagnostic marker for both mild (sensitivity 90.6% and specificity 64.1%) and serious (sensitivity 90.3% and specificity 73.4%) disease. CRP and Lymphocyte count are early indicators of progression to serious disease whereas WBC, NEUT, IG, and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio are the best indicators of critical disease.
Lymphopenia is not useful in screening patients with COVID-19. HFLC is a good diagnostic marker for mild and serious disease either as a single marker or combined with WBC whereas IG is a good indicator of progression to critical disease.
Lymphopenia is not useful in screening patients with COVID-19. HFLC is a good diagnostic marker for mild and serious disease either as a single marker or combined with WBC whereas IG is a good indicator of progression to critical disease.
Mucopolysaccharidosis IVA (MPS IVA, also called Morquio A syndrome) is caused by a deficiency of N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase (GALNS) and results in skeletal dysplasia symptoms such as short stature and abnormal gait. Treatments include enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), but the effects are limited depending on the age of initiation and clinical phenotype. Thus, this study aims to assess the effects of treatments on MPS IVA patients compared to untreated MPS IVA patients and an age-matched control group.
We used activity of daily living (ADL) survey with 4sections "movement," "movement with cognition," "cognition," and "other MPS symptoms." Lower scores indicate more assistance required. This study included 161 patients, 270 total surveys, and 70 patients with longitudinal data.
We describe 134severe patients and 25 attenuated patients. ERT and HSCT treatment improved only the "other MPS symptoms" section in severe patients. There were no differences between ERT and HSCT severe patient scores. A 19-year-old male patient, who had robust physical training, provided a significant increase in "movement" without treatment, suggesting the importance of exercise.
Overall, this ADL questionnaire has demonstrated validation and reliability in assessing the MPS IVA patients and therapeutic efficacy.
Overall, this ADL questionnaire has demonstrated validation and reliability in assessing the MPS IVA patients and therapeutic efficacy.
The duration of perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis following live liver donor hepatectomy (LDH) is not known.
This is a double-blind equivalence trial. All consecutive LDH were randomized into group A (three doses) and group B (nine doses) of perioperative antibiotics (piperacillin+tazobactam-4.5g intravenous) at fixed 8hourly intervals. link2 Primary end point was incidence of infective complications as per CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) criteria. Secondary end points were liver function tests, total leukocyte count, international normalized ratio, hospital stay, morbidity, and cost analysis.
One hundred and twenty-six LDHs were enrolled. A total of 19.8% (n=25) experienced postoperative complications, 11 (17.7%) in group A and 14 (21.9%) in group B (P=.561). Infective complications were seen in 11 donors (8.1%), five in group A and six in group B (P=.79). link3 A total of 8.1% of donors required continuation/up-gradation of antibiotics in group A and 9.4% in group B. Return to soft diet was delayed in group B (P=.