🚨 German Health Officials Caved to Political Pressure on COVID Policies, Newly Released Documents Show

“I don’t think there’s an equivalent document which admits repeatedly that this event was wholly POLITICAL and decisions entirely driven by non-technically qualified political people at the top of government.” — Michael Yeadon



Dr. Stefan Homburg, a retired public finance expert, alleges Germany’s public health officials and scientific advisers aligned COVID-19 recommendations with political directives rather than available evidence.


🚨 ‘Impossible’: FDA’s Fast Review of Pfizer Vaccine Sparks Debate on Thoroughness

“The only way the FDA could have finished a full analysis of Pfizer’s IPD in 22 days is if they cut corners or they only analysed the aggregated information submitted in the dossier.” — Peter Gøtzsche



Experts say that properly analyzing millions of pages of individual participant data would require at least six months, raising questions about the emergency authorization process used to get Pfizer’s COVID-19 shots to market.


🚨 Assange Freed, but Supporters Say Guilty Plea a ‘Big Blow to Freedom of the Press’

“In the future, the federal government can use this as a precedent to go after journalists ... this is a loaded gun cocked at the heads of all journalists...” — Francis Boyle, J.D., Ph.D.


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange agreed to a plea deal Monday and was released on bail, leaving Belmarsh maximum security prison and the U.K. Supporters celebrated his release but expressed concerns for the future of press freedom.


🚨 ‘Unprecedented Censorship’: Autopsy Study Linking COVID Shots to Deaths Finally Published, After Lancet Removed It

“Lancet did not want the world to know that among deaths that were autopsied after COVID-19 vaccination, independent adjudication found that the vaccine was the cause of death in 73.9% of cases." — Peter A. McCullough, M.D., MPH



A systematic review of autopsy-related literature following COVID-19 vaccination finding that 73.9% of the 325 deaths were linked to the shots was published on June 21 in the peer-reviewed journal Forensic Science International.


♻️ Plastic Is Piling Up and Poisoning Our Bodies — Industry’s Latest ‘Miracle’ Solution Won’t Solve the Problem

"Plastic doesn’t break down in nature. If you turned all of what’s been made into cling wrap, it would cover every inch of the globe. It’s piling up, leaching into our water and poisoning our bodies." — ProPublica



The industry’s latest miracle solution is an “advanced” type of recycling known as pyrolysis. But the inconvenient truth is this: Not much is being recycled at all, nor is pyrolysis capable of curbing the plastic crisis. Not now. Maybe not ever.
