🗓️ TOMORROW: Kelly Sutton, M.D. joins Paul Thomas, M.D. to encourage parents to take back their personal power over their children's health.

Learn about the shocking changes she has seen in mainstream medicine, specifically before + after the 1986 Act was introduced + much more.

June 16 @ 10:30am ET | 1pm ET on #CHDTV👇


🚨 WATCH: ‘I Will Not Be Accepting Any of These Vaccines’

“All of the issues that have been raised — the concerns, the adverse reactions — don’t really seem to have been taken into full cognizance + they’re plowing ahead.” — John Campbell, Ph.D.



Medical commentator John Campbell, Ph.D., raised concerns about the onrushing “mRNA future” on his YouTube show this week, citing known safety issues of mRNA vaccines and the compromised regulatory process surrounding their development and deployment.


🚨 Do Vaccines Cause Microstrokes That Can Trigger a Host of Chronic Diseases?

"My focus was drawn to the zeta potential concept once I realized that many of the mysteries of COVID-19 (and later the COVID-19 vaccines) were due to the spike protein being extremely disruptive to the body’s zeta potential. I now believe that patient outcomes would significantly improve if the medical system prioritized the zeta potential." — A Midwestern Doctor



Vaccines often cause various side effects, making it hard to identify common causes. Neurologist Andrew Moulden discovered that vaccines frequently trigger microstrokes, which can lead to a myriad of acute and chronic diseases.


🚨 ‘Really Scary’: FBI Asked Employee About Views on COVID Vaccine Mandates During Security Clearance Review

Commenting on the memo, Kim Iversen said, “Can you believe this? So, if you question the vaccine, you’re potentially an enemy of the state. You can’t have a security clearance. We can’t trust you.”



FBI officials asked a longtime employee if he opposed COVID-19 vaccination, was a supporter of former president Donald Trump or had ever attended a pro-Second Amendment rally, according to memos obtained by Just the News and published Monday.


🚨 Most Studies Show COVID Vaccine Affects Menstrual Cycles, BMJ Review Finds

Assessing the effects of COVID-19 vaccination on menstrual cycles is important, because the menstrual cycle is a significant indicator of women’s health + research suggests there is a major gap in understanding, they said.



Assessing the effects of COVID-19 vaccines on menstrual cycles is important, because the menstrual cycle is a significant indicator of women’s health, according to the authors of a review published in BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, who found most studies show the vaccine affects cycles.
