
Democratic Canada ? Can anyone tell me who is Trudeau's opposition? Either they are being silenced or are silent. Either way the illusion of democracy in this country has long since faded and the ugly truth of Dictatorship is being revealed. Even that may be an illusion since Tredeau is too cowardly to be a dictator. Someone is elbow deep in the puppet we call Justin Tredeau and it's clear there is no one in parliament with us. So as a good man once said “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." JFK


Safe and effective 👍


It's enough to make you sick... To see my fellow Canadians roll over to this attack on our liberty ! I am being kept away from my son because I am not vaxxed , I just lost my job because I am not vaxxed and all I have left is me ! I will rot in hell before I give my freedom to this tyranny, watching people sell their soul to go to a movie is devastating. It is bad enough to watch as your government turns on you and your friends and family alienate you but to watch so many people BLINDLY follow orders is a slap in the face to Canada. It's a slap in the face to our veterans who gave their lives to prevent exactly what is happening now, SHAME ON YOU ! I will fight and even if I am standing alone against my city, province, country or this whole God forsaken planet I AM NOT SCARED ! I WILL NOT COMPLY ! COME AND F'N GET ME... I DARE YOU ! I pay an insane amount of taxes for a minimal quality of life but a great expectation of freedom. If I don't have that then I no longer recognize you as my government you have become an intruder on my land . Live or die by my choices at least I will die strong and free !! I guess that going for chicken wings are more important to the rest of you... F off then you bloody hosers. I know there are still some Canucks that can look their children in the eyes and be proud ! It's too late for us but I don't want my son to grow up an unwitting and unknowing slave to the corporate world order. Ha most people here believe that our politicians are in control and looking out for our best interests lmfao . Here is some perspective ... if they wiped out canada (all of us) it would equal less than a 1% loss of profit on the covid vaccine alone ...


Can someone please tell me that I'm reading this wrong because to me it looks like the cdc is saying that you should get poked if your breastfeeding but they don't know why...?