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We studied the influence of finance, natural resources, and governance on environmental degradation and economic growth for seven countries of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) using the latest panel data over 1996-2018. Panel cointegration tests and the long-run algorithms capable of addressing endogeneity and cross-sectional dependence have been applied to analyze the variables' linkages. To explore the short-run causalities, we further utilized a panel heterogeneous causality test. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/SB-431542.html Empirical estimates concluded that there is a mediating role of finance and governance on improving environmental quality and have a significant positive impression on the economic growth of the SAARC countries. The results supported the natural resources curse theory and substantially contributed to environmental emissions in the study area. The causal results concluded the unilateral causality from the environment to governance and bidirectional causality between finance and environmental degradation. Similarly, there were unilateral causal linkages between economic growth and natural resources, where links are bidirectional between natural resources and environmental degradation for SAARC countries. Based on the outcomes of the study, some policy implications are provided for theory and practice.This study investigates distribution, pollution indices, and potential risk assessment for human health and ecology of eight heavy metals in twenty-five street dust samples collected from metropolitan area-Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Results showed that Zn was of the highest concentration (466.4 ± 236.5 mg/kg), followed by Mn (393.9 ± 93.2 mg/kg), Cu (153.7 ± 64.7 mg/kg), Cr (102.4 ± 50.5 mg/kg), Pb (49.6 ± 21.4 mg/kg), Ni (36.2 ± 15.4 mg/kg), Co (7.9 ± 1.9 mg/kg), and Cd (0.5 ± 0.5 mg/kg). The principal component analysis revealed that three sources of heavy metals measured in street dust include vehicular activities (32.38%), mixed source of vehicular and residential activities (26.72%), and mixture of industrial and natural sources (20.23%). The geo-accumulation index values showed levels of non-pollution to moderately pollution for Mn and Co; moderately pollution for Ni; moderately to strongly pollution for Cd, Cr, and Pb; and strongly pollution for Cu and Zn. The potential ecological risk values of all sampling sites were close to the high-risk category. Zn (28.9%), Cu (25.4%), and Mn (24.4%) dominantly contributed to the ecological risk. For non-carcinogenic risk, the hazard quotient values for both children and adults were within a safety level. For carcinogenic risk, the TCRChildren was about 3 times higher than TCRAdults, but still within a tolerable limit (1 × 10-6 to 1 × 10-4) of cancer risk. Cr was a major contribution to potential risks in humans. Such studies on heavy metal in street dust are crucial but are still limited in Vietnam/or metropolitan area in Southeast Asia. Therefore, this study can fill the information gap about heavy metal contaminated street dust in a metropolitan area of Vietnam.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the short-term irrigation effect with industrial poultry wastewater on young olive trees (Olea europaea L. cv. Chemlali). Industrial poultry wastewater can be considered as a bio-fertilizer due to its richness in nutritive elements (SO42-, HCO3-, total nitrogen, and K+). The physicochemical analysis of wastewater showed a high concentration of TSS, COD, BOD, COT, NO3-, and conductivity. Measurements indicated that poultry wastewater enhanced plant growth, leaves dry matter, and ashes in comparison with tap water, as well as poultry wastewater diluted with tap water; however, a decrease in total soluble sugars (glucose and fructose) was detected in leaves. The determination of fatty acid profile of young olive trees leaves irrigated with poultry wastewater showed richness on saturated fatty acids in comparison with mono- and poly-unsaturated ones. In addition, oleic acid (C181) presented the lowest content in leaves of trees irrigated with poultry wastewater irrigation. According to those results, poultry wastewater lends itself to being a hydric alternative and at the same time a source of nutrients that can help fill the water deficit in semi-arid countries and avoid costly waste disposal for slaughterhouses.The present study focuses on the possibility of applying fly ash to agricultural fields for enhancing the production of agricultural crops. In this study, Pisum sativum L. was grown from germination stage to maturation stage in phytoremediated and non-phytoremediated or raw fly ash-amended soil. All the morphological (height, biomass, number of leaf, and leaf size) and physiological parameters like, protein content, chlorophyll content, nitrate reductase activity, and peroxidase activity were monitored to understand the effects of fly ash or its usefulness for using it as a fertilizer for facilitating micronutrients. Major finding of this study is that 40% (w/w) of non-phytoremediated fly ash amendment could be used for field application. Percentage increase of toxic metals in below ground organs was 6% for Cd, 6% for Cr, 5% for Cu, 15% for Mn, and 7% for Pb when compared with the control. In the non-phytoremediated fly ash-amended set, heavy metals and metalloids were present in the grains only at higher amendments T3 (60%) and T4 (80%). However, except Cd, all the metals were below the permissible limits suggested by the WHO. Phytoremediated fly ash could be used as a fertilizer up to 100% for the cultivation of pea plant as metals concentrations were found either below detection limit or below the WHO permissible limit.Air pollution is a major worldwide concern, and exposure to particulate matter (PM) can increase the risks of pulmonary diseases. Normal human bronchial epithelial cells were applied to clarify the role of ultrafine PM (UFPM) in the pathogenesis of pulmonary toxic effects with realistic alveolar deposition doses. The UFPM used in this research originated from vehicular emissions and coal combustion. UFPM exposure of up to 72 h was found to induce significant time- and concentration-dependent decreases in cell viability. Exposure to UFPM increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation through heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) inhibition and induced massive oxidative stress that increased the interleukin-8 (IL-8) expression. UFPM also reduced the pulmonary trans-epithelial electrical resistance through the depletion of zonula occludens (ZO) proteins. Finally, UFPM decreased the α1-antitrypsin (A1AT) expression, which implies high risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The evidence demonstrates that exposure to UFPM, even at very low concentrations, may affect the functions of the respiratory system.Although autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are commonly characterized by diminished episodic memory, the literature in this area is mixed. We address these inconsistent findings by employing multilevel Bayesian meta-analysis to quantify episodic memory differences between individuals with ASD and typically developing (TD) controls. We used meta-regression to evaluate the effects of test modality (e.g., word list, story recall), delay interval (immediate vs. delayed), retrieval demands (recognition vs. recall), and sensory modality (auditory vs. visual) on episodic memory in ASD. A total of 338 effect sizes from 113 empirical articles, including 5,632 unique participants (ASD = 2,777, TD = 2,855), were included. Results show that the memory deficits associated with ASD were larger for recall (g = -0.52, se = 0.04, 95% CrI [-0.60, -0.43]) compared to recognition (g = -0.25, se = 0.05, 95% CrI [-0.35, -0.14]) and differed based on the testing modality. link2 For example, effect sizes were smallest for words (g = -0.28, se = 0.05, 95% CrI [-0.38, -0.18]), pictures (g = -0.38, se = 0.07, 95% CrI [-0.52, -0.24]), and figure reproduction (g = -0.49, se = 0.11, 95% CrI [-0.70, -0.27]). However, effect sizes for sentences (g = -0.59, se = 0.20, 95% CrI [-1.00, -0.21]), stories (Hedges' g = -0.54, se = 0.08, 95% CrI [-0.69, -0.38]) and staged events (g = -0.75, se = 0.10, 95% CrI [-0.95, -0.55]) were much larger. These findings suggest that ASD is associated with a small to medium reduction in scores on episodic memory tests relative to TD controls.Mixed-effects models are a powerful tool for modeling fixed and random effects simultaneously, but do not offer a feasible analytic solution for estimating the probability that a test correctly rejects the null hypothesis. Being able to estimate this probability, however, is critical for sample size planning, as power is closely linked to the reliability and replicability of empirical findings. A flexible and very intuitive alternative to analytic power solutions are simulation-based power analyses. Although various tools for conducting simulation-based power analyses for mixed-effects models are available, there is lack of guidance on how to appropriately use them. In this tutorial, we discuss how to estimate power for mixed-effects models in different use cases first, how to use models that were fit on available (e.g. published) data to determine sample size; second, how to determine the number of stimuli required for sufficient power; and finally, how to conduct sample size planning without available data. Our examples cover both linear and generalized linear models and we provide code and resources for performing simulation-based power analyses on openly accessible data sets. The present work therefore helps researchers to navigate sound research design when using mixed-effects models, by summarizing resources, collating available knowledge, providing solutions and tools, and applying them to real-world problems in sample sizing planning when sophisticated analysis procedures like mixed-effects models are outlined as inferential procedures.Mobile- and web-based psychological research are a valuable addition to the set of tools available for scientific study, reducing logistical barriers for research participation and allowing the recruitment of larger and more diverse participant groups. link3 However, this comes at the cost of reduced control over the technology used by participants, which can introduce new sources of variability into study results. In this study, we examined differences in measured performance on timed and untimed cognitive tests between users of common digital devices in 59,587 (Study 1) and 3818 (Study 2) visitors to TestMyBrain.org , a web-based cognitive testing platform. Controlling for age, gender, educational background, and cognitive performance on an untimed vocabulary test, users of mobile devices, particularly Android smartphones, showed significantly slower performance on tests of reaction time than users of laptop and desktop computers, suggesting that differences in device latency affect measured reaction times. Users of devices that differ in user interface (e.g. screen size, mouse vs. touchscreen) also show significant differences (p  less then  0.001) in measured performance on tests requiring fast reactions or fine motor movements. By quantifying the contribution of device differences to measured cognitive performance in an online setting, we hope to improve the accuracy of mobile- and web-based cognitive assessments, allowing these methods to be used more effectively.