

Biden said Monday in a governors meeting, "There is no federal solution, this gets solved at a state level." A recap of federal mandates in 2021: - Federal workers mandate - Federal military mandate - Federal contractors mandate - Federal OSHA mandate - Federal CMS mandate Could this new change in tune be prompted by states' resistance like Florida? In November this year, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis passed a bill prohibiting termination of employment for reasons of non-vaccinated status. The bill allows employees to file a religious, medical and/or natural immunity exemption form provided by the Florida Department of Health. The bill also states, "An employer shall not inquire into the veracity of the employee’s religious beliefs." Will we see more push back like this from other states?



This makes me so upset. My kid loves Sesame Street :(

As COVID-19 "vaccine" injuries are on the rise, Big Pharma and Big Government waste no time creating propaganda to insight and round up their next victims.



"Work Exclusively Outside, below, for a discussion of the risk of exposure in outdoor
a. General Impact on Workers.
Data on SARS-CoV-2 infections, illnesses, and deaths among employees in
general industry, agriculture, construction, and maritime support OSHA’s finding that
COVID-19 poses a grave danger to employees in these sectors across the U.S. economy"
Department Of Labor. OSHA [Docket No. OSHA-20210-0007.RIN 12180AD42. AKA BIDEN Mandate.

A war on blue collar , craftsmen, traders just like happened in Australia before it became a police state. Is it really still about our health ?



New data out of Israel where a very large portion of the population is vaccinated now shows that the rate of hospitalization and death is largely unchanged.




Hospitals and Companies Should be Seeking Out Nurses With Natural Immunity Not Firing Them.
