Well, met someone today, said they took the vaccine…. Her and her husband because they want to travel. Got the vaccine Wednesday… well Thursday. Her husband was sick and she felt like someone was stabbing her in her kidneys. Has a headache all day… she said she just got a call from her husband saying that, all day he has been shitting blood. No poop. Just blood…. This is as real as im typing it. This is a real person I personally spoke with who felt they had to take the vaccine to be able to vacate to Mexico…. I couldnt bbelieve what I heard and it made me sick. Even when she had told me she had a 2 children and shes 21 yrs old and her husband is 20 years old.

People. Its different when you hear from the source. Its made me feel weird Because I will never take it. I felt bad because these people are going to suffer and theres millions of them… Keep safe and know this real interaction with someone who was hesitant did take the vaccine and a day later was sick. Oh man. Theres going to be a lot of sadness in this world soon. But who is to take the blame? Who pays for all this death and suffering? Im left speechless that this is, the world I am in now. Keep safe and make the best choices for you and your family and seek truth.