I made a new Youtube after losing my 17 year old account, please like & share, thanks~!

Tarot with Mary Cowley and Valerie Magrino the movie ends~!

Here we discuss current event, and pull some cards as to what's happening, or going to happen. You can wonder about it or know.


This is Jared Rand's channel. “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very fortunate to have connected with those of you who respond to us and our little transmissions. We know that we got to many of you just in time, and we have heard from many of you that this connection that you feel with us and that you know is true has been life altering. We do our best to keep you all on the straight and narrow, operating from a higher vibration, and in that place of positive expectation, because you are determining what happens next. Nothing is written in stone. You will ascend because you have decided to. Not even that was predetermined for all of you; there were options that you could have taken and didn’t.
But now that you are locked in to ascension, you are the ones determining how you are going to do it and how it’s going to feel along the way. We know that when we have your attention, you are not focusing on what someone else is telling you will happen, and we sincerely hope that our messages tip the scales for all of you and help you to realize that no one can tell you what’s going to happen in your life and on your world. They can speculate, and they can try to influence you to think like them, but they cannot make it happen, and they cannot look into a crystal ball and tell you what the one true future holds.
Now, you are in the month of December, and you have the Solstice coming up, and our recommendation is that you make that date be what you want it to be, not what someone else tells you it is about. If you want ascension to be completed on December 21st, then focus on that reality and on what that reality feels like to you, and don’t worry about what anyone else says. You don’t even have to agree with us when we say that it’s too soon and that you’re needed to be a part of this collective that is ascending. We don’t need you to believe in what we tell you, and we know that as we empower you to become more conscious about what you are creating, we have fulfilled our mission.
We want to see you happy and in peace; we would love to see you operating from the highest vibration possible, and the rest is up to you. You are being given the keys, always, and what you choose to do with them is entirely up to you. You are Source Energy Beings, and Source knows that all creation is not only valid but useful. It is informative, and it leads to more creation and more creation, which is what Source wants. If you can look at all creation right now in the same way, then you can let go of all resistance to it. You can allow a greater flow of energy to you, and you can be a part of a conscious ascension where you are in the driver’s seat, not some modern day Nostradamus.
Continue to focus on where your power lies, which is within you, and it is specifically in your ability to vibrate, not in your ability to think or do. Focus on your vibration right now, and ask yourself where it is, whether it’s as high as you want it to be, and if not, close your eyes and breathe for a while. And that’s the best advice that you’ll get during this month of December.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


Why are CEOs and corporate insiders selling their stocks at a far faster rate than we have ever seen before?

Do they know something that the rest of us do not?


With The Amount Of Information Disseminated Across All Social Media Networks Via Executive Order 13818
If They Haven't Taken Their Masks Off By Now, They Are Lost Forever - They Are Empty Shells With An AI Program.
Think Logically, Everyone Else's Channels Wants You Stuck On The Religion And Cryptocurrency Program.
It's Just Another Program... Created To Keep You At A Low Vibrational State So You Keep Feeding The Fake Artificial Machine.
The Reptilians Created This System So That You Would Never Figure Out It Was Always Them,
Pitting Left Vs Right,
Democrats Vs Republicans,
Black Vs White Vs Asian Vs Etc..
Fake Religion Vs Fake Religion,
Fake Gods Vs Fake Gods.
Every Channel Out There Just Copies And Pastes Anyways, They Provide Nothing Creative But The Same Repetitive Message About Joining A Channel, Or Keeping Yourself Stuck In The Information War.

Want The Proof? Just Watch The Comments And See What They Say
All Spam, No Substance https://gab.com/HSRetoucher/posts/107380170137957648
