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Master your General Duty Constable exam preparation with the help of the SSC GD Mock Test 2024 available free of cost on the website of Mockers. A huge number of aspirants rely on our study materials to score well in the real exam. So, don’t waste your time and visit our website to grab this amazing opportunity


A Lot of Grace

February 01, 2024
by Pastor Chuck Swindoll
Scriptures: Job 17:1–16
“My spirit is crushed, and my life is nearly snuffed out. The grave is ready to receive me.

I am surrounded by mockers. I watch how bitterly they taunt me.

You must defend my innocence, O God, since no one else will stand up for me." (Job 17:1–3)
You know why I love the Bible? Because it's so real. There's a lot of fog rolling into Job's life, just as in our lives. On this earth nobody "lives happily ever after." That line is a huge fairy tale. You're living in a dream world if you're waiting for things to be "happy ever after." That's why we need grace. Marriage doesn't get easier, it gets harder. So we need grace to keep it together. Work doesn't get easier, it gets more complicated, so we need grace to stay on the job. Childrearing doesn't get easier. You who have babies one, two, three years old—you think you've got it tough. Wait until they're fourteen. Or eighteen. Talk about needing grace!

I'll be painfully honest here. If I called the shots, I would have relieved Job five minutes after he lost everything. I'd have brought all his kids back to life the very next day. I would have immediately re-created everything he lost, and I would really deal with those sorry comforters! I'd have cut the lips off of Eliphaz after about three sentences. And if that didn't stop him, I'd take the neck. I mean, who needs that clod? But you know what? You would never mature under my kind of treatment. You'd just enjoy the comfort. We'd all go to picnics then on a motorcycle ride and have tons of fun. That's my style. Which explains why Cynthia says to me, "Honey, if everybody handled things like you wanted, all we'd bring to the party is balloons. Nobody would think to bring the food." As usual, she's right.

So, the fog's rolled in. As all hell breaks loose, grace takes a hike. Welcome to the human race, Job. But the wonderful old song says,

Thru many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.1
That's the ticket. Even in the fog, grace will lead us home.

"Amazing Grace," John Newton. Public Domain.


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Master your General Duty Constable exam preparation with the help of the SSC GD Mock Test 2024 available free of cost on the website of Mockers. A huge number of aspirants rely on our study materials to score well in the real exam. So, don’t waste your time and visit our website to grab this amazing opportunity


A Lot of Grace

February 01, 2024
by Pastor Chuck Swindoll
Scriptures: Job 17:1–16
“My spirit is crushed, and my life is nearly snuffed out. The grave is ready to receive me.

I am surrounded by mockers. I watch how bitterly they taunt me.

You must defend my innocence, O God, since no one else will stand up for me." (Job 17:1–3)
You know why I love the Bible? Because it's so real. There's a lot of fog rolling into Job's life, just as in our lives. On this earth nobody "lives happily ever after." That line is a huge fairy tale. You're living in a dream world if you're waiting for things to be "happy ever after." That's why we need grace. Marriage doesn't get easier, it gets harder. So we need grace to keep it together. Work doesn't get easier, it gets more complicated, so we need grace to stay on the job. Childrearing doesn't get easier. You who have babies one, two, three years old—you think you've got it tough. Wait until they're fourteen. Or eighteen. Talk about needing grace!

I'll be painfully honest here. If I called the shots, I would have relieved Job five minutes after he lost everything. I'd have brought all his kids back to life the very next day. I would have immediately re-created everything he lost, and I would really deal with those sorry comforters! I'd have cut the lips off of Eliphaz after about three sentences. And if that didn't stop him, I'd take the neck. I mean, who needs that clod? But you know what? You would never mature under my kind of treatment. You'd just enjoy the comfort. We'd all go to picnics then on a motorcycle ride and have tons of fun. That's my style. Which explains why Cynthia says to me, "Honey, if everybody handled things like you wanted, all we'd bring to the party is balloons. Nobody would think to bring the food." As usual, she's right.

So, the fog's rolled in. As all hell breaks loose, grace takes a hike. Welcome to the human race, Job. But the wonderful old song says,

Thru many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.1
That's the ticket. Even in the fog, grace will lead us home.

"Amazing Grace," John Newton. Public Domain.


The UP Police Mock Test 2024 are the mimic practice set created to help aspirants in the UP Police recruitment Procedure. These sets help candidates understand the real exam experiences, and the exam pattern and get familiar with the format of questions. Mockers provides free mock tests for UP Police exam preparation.UP Police Mock Test 2024
JEE Main Previous Year Question Paper
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Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Unlike Mockers, The Wise Seek Peace.
Proverbs 29:8 (NIV).
8) Mockers stir up a city,
but the wise turn away anger.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
Skeptics intentionally foment anger.
The Wise consistently seek civility.
#mockers #stirup #city #wise #turnaway #anger

Unlike Mockers, The Wise Seek Peace - Proverbs 29:8 Mockers stir up a city #mockers #stirup #city #wise #turnaway #anger