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Lord, how You desire to work out my father’s death for the good in my life? By Cathy Kawar

A portion of what God spoke back to Cathy is below.
What happened is not good, I know that it is painful. But that doesn’t mean goodness can’t come out of it, for no pain is ever wasted, there is always a purpose, My child, and one of the greatest purpose is knowing Me relationally, not just knowledge wise. Just as I created you and formed you in your mother’s womb and know every little and big detail about you, and how that makes My heart so glad, I too, want you to know Me. I too, want to give you the opportunity here on earth, to get to know Me and face life boldly, even in the midst of trials and pains, because You know Me and have encountered My goodness, mercy, love, and faithfulness.

Press into Me, My child. Look to Me. The more you surrender, the more I will heal… your healing may take time, but don’t be afraid to take those steps. I know how hard it was for you to open up this question, because you’re afraid of the unknown. But I will walk with you one step at a time, I will heal and deal gently with your heart. For I am compassionate towards you and I long to see you live a better life. A life of joy in Me, a life of hope no matter the surroundings, a life of purpose no matter the changes, a life of security no matter what has been taken, a life of victory no matter the loss. I want your life to count, and I know you want that too. I know you desire to live a life for My kingdom and to make a difference, and that is what I will do. But I need you to let go. It’s ok to cry, it’s ok to feel sad and to miss your dad, but don’t let it be the focus. Don’t wallow in your pain, or let moments pass you by. I have blessed you with so much. See the blessings, even in the brokenness, for they are there. I have given you a husband who loves and cares for you, and your mom is with you in your life’s journey to love and support you… though you feel you lost much, because of the great, loving influence of your dad, but you are not alone.

Deep in your heart, you know that you need to make room for Me to now be your father. I am your creator, I am your father and I love you. And even if your dad is not here and can’t teach you any more of things of faith or life, or give you his love or support or wisdom or encouragement… know that I am here… and I want to teach you and to raise you in this different part of journey in your life. There is a lot of change that has happened, and perhaps down the journey there will be more changes that you will discover, but I want you to surrender your thoughts and expectations and plans, even what you think is your calling, just surrender it all to Me and let me take you on the path that I want for you. let me re-direct your steps. I know you had it all figured out and I know the wonderful plans you had with your dad about ministry, but trust that he has done his part, for his life and in your life, even if you feel it was interrupted, and just let go and receive what I have in store for you. It doesn’t mean you will forget your dad or love him less; it just means that He is home here with Me. Be thankful for the times you’ve had with him, don’t just look at the traumatic or painful moments. I have blessed you with him in your life as a father figure, in the natural sense and spiritual sense, and now it’s time for something different and new to happen. My plans and ways may not make sense, but trust in Me, that’s all that matters. Trust in My goodness, sovereignty, and wisdom.
I will not leave you nor forsake you. I will build you up, I will strengthen you and uphold you with My right hand. I will walk with you and teach you and pour out My Spirit upon you, and use you greatly. I will cause you to see days of joy, and even in the pain, you will be able to see it. I will do something new in your life. I want to take you on a new journey, for you as an individual, with your husband and soon to be family in My way and time. Just trust and look to Me. Continue to worship Me. Continue to serve Me faithfully. Even if you worship in moments of brokenness, for that is great to Me. Even if you serve when you are tired, for that is great to Me. I do not look for sacrifices and protocols, but a genuine humble heart. And that is what you have. I want to continue to heal and counsel you and teach you things and to purify your heart more and to fill you up more and make you more into My image. To be a reflection of My love, and hope and joy and peace and bold faith, in a world that is broken. Even the Church, even My people, need to see that courageousness because so many of My children live in defeat and worries and fear and even in carnality, and I want them to see that there is a better life in Me, and I want you to be that vessel of glory. Where they look up and see joy and hope and faith in spite of trials that came your way or will come your way. I want to take full credit and glory in your life. I want people to say “the Lord is truly with her…” I want them to magnify My name.

Cathy: Hallelujah amen Lord. I receive and I submit to You, and I humble myself before You and ask You that You strengthen whatever needs strengthening within Me. Help me to surrender to You more and more. I trust You, and even when things don’t make sense, one thing does, and that is eternity and Your glory and being in Your presence forever more. You are worthy Lord. I love You so much and thank You for speaking with Me. I will take Your hand and walk with You on this new, different journey and to trust in You, in Your ways, wisdom, timing, and healing. Amen.


You Are Not Alone
By Billy Graham • February 29

“... for the Lord thy God, He it is that doth go with thee; He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.”
—Deuteronomy 31:6
Loneliness is no respecter of persons. It invades the palace as well as the hut. Many turn to drink because of loneliness. Others lose their sanity because of loneliness. Many commit suicide because of the despair of loneliness. Thousands have found Christ to be the answer for their loneliness. The Hebrew children were not alone when they were hurled into the fiery furnace of persecution. There was One with them like unto the Son of God. Moses wasn’t alone in the Midian Desert when God came to comfort him and call him to a wider ministry. Elijah wasn’t alone at the cave when God came near and spoke with the still, small voice. Paul and Silas were not alone in the Philippian jail when God came down and gave them a song at midnight. Whoever you are, Christ can give you comfort and companionship.

Prayer for the day
Whenever I begin to feel alone, help me to remember that You are always with me. Sometimes the way seems dark but You are still there. Thank You, Lord. Amen.


We Need Both!
JANUARY 15, 2024
He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Hebrews 13:5
Recommended Reading: Deuteronomy 31:7-8
It’s easy to say to a lonely person: “But remember, you have the Lord with you all the time!” That’s true, but it’s not what God said to Adam in the Garden of Eden: “It is not good that man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18). We’re created with an intense need for fellowship with both our Lord and with other people. We need both! Psalm 68:6 says, “God sets the solitary in families.”
If you feel alone, work specifically on cultivating your daily walk with the Lord and enjoy His fellowship. Then, in that context, ask Him to bring into your life a person or group of people who can be a family for you. Of course, we can’t be passive in the process. We need to find someone to whom we can minister and a church in which we can become involved.
The Lord knows all our needs, and He has promised to meet them. Don’t give up and don’t despair. Lean on Him who will never leave or forsake you.
God [is] at work, ready to transform our loneliness into a positive experience that…draws us into the very thing we long for: a closer, deeper, more satisfying relationship with Him and others.
Ruth Graham


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Lord, how You desire to work out my father’s death for the good in my life? By Cathy Kawar

A portion of what God spoke back to Cathy is below.
What happened is not good, I know that it is painful. But that doesn’t mean goodness can’t come out of it, for no pain is ever wasted, there is always a purpose, My child, and one of the greatest purpose is knowing Me relationally, not just knowledge wise. Just as I created you and formed you in your mother’s womb and know every little and big detail about you, and how that makes My heart so glad, I too, want you to know Me. I too, want to give you the opportunity here on earth, to get to know Me and face life boldly, even in the midst of trials and pains, because You know Me and have encountered My goodness, mercy, love, and faithfulness.

Press into Me, My child. Look to Me. The more you surrender, the more I will heal… your healing may take time, but don’t be afraid to take those steps. I know how hard it was for you to open up this question, because you’re afraid of the unknown. But I will walk with you one step at a time, I will heal and deal gently with your heart. For I am compassionate towards you and I long to see you live a better life. A life of joy in Me, a life of hope no matter the surroundings, a life of purpose no matter the changes, a life of security no matter what has been taken, a life of victory no matter the loss. I want your life to count, and I know you want that too. I know you desire to live a life for My kingdom and to make a difference, and that is what I will do. But I need you to let go. It’s ok to cry, it’s ok to feel sad and to miss your dad, but don’t let it be the focus. Don’t wallow in your pain, or let moments pass you by. I have blessed you with so much. See the blessings, even in the brokenness, for they are there. I have given you a husband who loves and cares for you, and your mom is with you in your life’s journey to love and support you… though you feel you lost much, because of the great, loving influence of your dad, but you are not alone.

Deep in your heart, you know that you need to make room for Me to now be your father. I am your creator, I am your father and I love you. And even if your dad is not here and can’t teach you any more of things of faith or life, or give you his love or support or wisdom or encouragement… know that I am here… and I want to teach you and to raise you in this different part of journey in your life. There is a lot of change that has happened, and perhaps down the journey there will be more changes that you will discover, but I want you to surrender your thoughts and expectations and plans, even what you think is your calling, just surrender it all to Me and let me take you on the path that I want for you. let me re-direct your steps. I know you had it all figured out and I know the wonderful plans you had with your dad about ministry, but trust that he has done his part, for his life and in your life, even if you feel it was interrupted, and just let go and receive what I have in store for you. It doesn’t mean you will forget your dad or love him less; it just means that He is home here with Me. Be thankful for the times you’ve had with him, don’t just look at the traumatic or painful moments. I have blessed you with him in your life as a father figure, in the natural sense and spiritual sense, and now it’s time for something different and new to happen. My plans and ways may not make sense, but trust in Me, that’s all that matters. Trust in My goodness, sovereignty, and wisdom.
I will not leave you nor forsake you. I will build you up, I will strengthen you and uphold you with My right hand. I will walk with you and teach you and pour out My Spirit upon you, and use you greatly. I will cause you to see days of joy, and even in the pain, you will be able to see it. I will do something new in your life. I want to take you on a new journey, for you as an individual, with your husband and soon to be family in My way and time. Just trust and look to Me. Continue to worship Me. Continue to serve Me faithfully. Even if you worship in moments of brokenness, for that is great to Me. Even if you serve when you are tired, for that is great to Me. I do not look for sacrifices and protocols, but a genuine humble heart. And that is what you have. I want to continue to heal and counsel you and teach you things and to purify your heart more and to fill you up more and make you more into My image. To be a reflection of My love, and hope and joy and peace and bold faith, in a world that is broken. Even the Church, even My people, need to see that courageousness because so many of My children live in defeat and worries and fear and even in carnality, and I want them to see that there is a better life in Me, and I want you to be that vessel of glory. Where they look up and see joy and hope and faith in spite of trials that came your way or will come your way. I want to take full credit and glory in your life. I want people to say “the Lord is truly with her…” I want them to magnify My name.

Cathy: Hallelujah amen Lord. I receive and I submit to You, and I humble myself before You and ask You that You strengthen whatever needs strengthening within Me. Help me to surrender to You more and more. I trust You, and even when things don’t make sense, one thing does, and that is eternity and Your glory and being in Your presence forever more. You are worthy Lord. I love You so much and thank You for speaking with Me. I will take Your hand and walk with You on this new, different journey and to trust in You, in Your ways, wisdom, timing, and healing. Amen.


You Are Not Alone
By Billy Graham • February 29

“... for the Lord thy God, He it is that doth go with thee; He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.”
—Deuteronomy 31:6
Loneliness is no respecter of persons. It invades the palace as well as the hut. Many turn to drink because of loneliness. Others lose their sanity because of loneliness. Many commit suicide because of the despair of loneliness. Thousands have found Christ to be the answer for their loneliness. The Hebrew children were not alone when they were hurled into the fiery furnace of persecution. There was One with them like unto the Son of God. Moses wasn’t alone in the Midian Desert when God came to comfort him and call him to a wider ministry. Elijah wasn’t alone at the cave when God came near and spoke with the still, small voice. Paul and Silas were not alone in the Philippian jail when God came down and gave them a song at midnight. Whoever you are, Christ can give you comfort and companionship.

Prayer for the day
Whenever I begin to feel alone, help me to remember that You are always with me. Sometimes the way seems dark but You are still there. Thank You, Lord. Amen.


We Need Both!
JANUARY 15, 2024
He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Hebrews 13:5
Recommended Reading: Deuteronomy 31:7-8
It’s easy to say to a lonely person: “But remember, you have the Lord with you all the time!” That’s true, but it’s not what God said to Adam in the Garden of Eden: “It is not good that man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18). We’re created with an intense need for fellowship with both our Lord and with other people. We need both! Psalm 68:6 says, “God sets the solitary in families.”
If you feel alone, work specifically on cultivating your daily walk with the Lord and enjoy His fellowship. Then, in that context, ask Him to bring into your life a person or group of people who can be a family for you. Of course, we can’t be passive in the process. We need to find someone to whom we can minister and a church in which we can become involved.
The Lord knows all our needs, and He has promised to meet them. Don’t give up and don’t despair. Lean on Him who will never leave or forsake you.
God [is] at work, ready to transform our loneliness into a positive experience that…draws us into the very thing we long for: a closer, deeper, more satisfying relationship with Him and others.
Ruth Graham


Overcome Satan's Common Lies

As you journal, you will discover that what the Wonderful Counselor speaks in your journaling lines up perfectly with the Bible, the Word of God. It replaces satan's lies. Below are some common lies and the replacement truth Scripture and the Spirit speak into our hearts.
Let satan's lies which light upon my mind be replaced by God's truth

The lie: 'It's impossible'
God says: All things are possible (Luke 18:27)

The lie: 'I'm too tired'
God says: I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28-30)

The lie: 'I can't go on'
God says: My grace is sufficient (II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)

The lie: 'I can't figure things out'
God says: I will direct your steps (Proverbs 3:5- 6)

The lie: 'I can't do it'
God says: Through ME you can do all things ( Philippians 4:13)

The lie: 'I'm not able'
God says: I am able (II Corinthians 9:8)

The lie: 'I can't forgive myself'
God says: I forgive you (I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)

The lie: 'I can't manage'
God says: I will supply all your needs ( Philippians 4:19)

The lie: 'I'm afraid'
God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear (II Timothy 1:7)

The lie: 'I'm always worried and frustrated'
God says: Cast all your cares on ME (I Peter 5:7)

The lie: 'I'm not smart enough'
God says: I give you wisdom (I Corinthians 1:30)

The lie: 'I feel all alone'
God says: I will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5)

Journal and meditate on Scripture daily so the Wonderful Counselor can counsel you and keep you in faith, hope and love.
Fan the flames of revival by sharing this blog with your friends on social media!


Prophetic Word for 2024 by Ian Wilkinson

Prophetic Word for the New Year: In 2024 you will continue to draw near to me, to learn of me. You will continue to be challenged by news and fake news which is why you have been wise to cultivate a hearing heart in the secret place. I will continue to open revelation and deeper understanding of the good news. What is happening in the world today is not an end of things but the beginning of things. I am only getting started. I have great things in store. As in the time of Noah, the flesh has to die and only that borne by the ark will live. You are borne of the ark and my Spirit carries you. Time of transition - time of transformation - time of metamorphosis. You are to enter into and operate out of rest, but that does not mean you are to be passive. You must be intentional in your desire to pursue love and desire spiritual gifts.

Some of you have tabled. You seem to hit a flat spot. Your accelerated growth seems to have leveled off. This is what could be called a mild wilderness experience. It is part of the process. Do not fear it or become discouraged. Adjustments are being made on your behalf. Things will fall away in the wilderness - attachments and defilements will become dislodged. For forty years my people wandered in a giant flat spot, learning humility - eating manna daily. Do not despair of these flat spots; I am still with you. I will never forsake you. Yet you wonder if you are being punished. I don’t define punishment in the way you do. I bring correction to those I love. You will learn things when you suffer for my sake. Not all suffering is for my sake, but the suffering that is, will instruct not punish. I have made you to be vessels of honor. Fear not. You are not appointed to wrath or failure. You are appointed to carry my glory.

One of the challenges my people continue to face is laying down their good works of service to pick up what I have called them to do. Like the story of Mary and Martha, my people continue to be busy with projects when I have called them to be the project. I am working on you my wonders to perform. Be like Mary - watch and see, listen and learn. Performance orientation must yield to relationship building. I desire relationship first and foremost. Spend time in the vine. Do not misunderstand. I have called you to do good works but only after you have acquired the skill of seeing what the Father is doing. You are called to work in partnership, not independence. There is much for you to do, but like a good wine, you must mature in the casket.

Another challenge faced by my people is that of keeping score. How they measure wins. How they define wins. If that person is elected or that person impeached it is counted as a win or a loss. I have overcome the world. I have called you to overcome. You pray for your team to win. The other team has people praying for their team to win. Come up higher. Gain a new perspective. See beyond the “games” and see what I am doing; for I am doing things - wonderful things. Gain a higher perspective. Sit with me in heavenly places. My kingdom is expanding. My kingdom is coming. I am building my church. Beware of carnal attachments.

Don’t be invested in the chessboard of national affairs and wars and taking sides. Most of it is smoke and mirrors. Most of it is orchestrated and choreographed by the puppet masters to divert your attention and to steal your affection. You become too invested in things without knowing the whole picture. You don’t see the whole. You see what the “magician” wants you to see. Yet some of my people are convinced that they know. This is the problem. You think you know but you don’t know. I know. I know the truth and some of my people hold strong false opinions which do them no good. They only muddy the waters of rhema revelation. I love the people of Russia. I love the people of Iran. I even love the Hamas. I love your enemies and I have told you to love your enemies. Love is key.

Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts. Grow in love. Love is of me. I am love. Grow in me. Pursue love and gifts. With true love comes understanding. With it comes revelation. Love builds relationships. Fellowship is an expression of love. It is every bit as important as doctrine. More so. Sit at my feet and learn of me. Express my love. See through the eyes of divine love. My desire for you in this group is to express divine love. Love one another for love is of God and he that loves, knows God.

May 2024 be to you a year of advanced vision - of seeing behind the scenes - of gaining wisdom. May it be a year of advancement in ruling and reigning in Christ. Eldership, growth, maturity, wisdom. May it be a year of sitting in heavenly places. May it be a year that people take note of you that you have been with Jesus. May you be fruitful and blessed.

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