
51 mins ago

يتضمن علاج السرطان مجموعة متنوعة من الأساليب التي تهدف إلى استهداف الخلايا السرطانية في الجسم والقضاء عليها. قد تشمل هذه الأساليب الجراحة والعلاج الكيميائي والعلاج الإشعاعي والعلاج المناعي والعلاج الموجه والعلاج الهرموني وزرع الخلايا الجذعية والطب الدقيق والتجارب السريرية.

اتصل بنا: - +91 9371770341
البريد إلى: -

إقرأ المزيد عن:-

I CANNOT see YO message's, friend request's, misc cuz Sovren's website has issue's with the text is invisible, whether problem's with the Java software which helps with text wordage & visual animation's. PLEASE know of problem's, I CAN'T see, it's Sovren's website, maybe Java or misc software they got is NOT working right cuz my system is all proper so it ain't on my side - to U all who are trying to message me here on Sovren, in my upper notification's icon - where the bell is, when I go to click on the bell & scroll down, the actual text thereof is invisible & not showing any profile photo - picture of who is messaging me is not showing up neither. So best I can say is either try & message me on another of my social media profile platform's &/or try & message Sovren under their contact link at the bottom of the webpage your looking at & you can as well message: - (770) 285-7785.

What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - 2ndly U must believe (via Hebrews 11:1 = what faith is) & further more that we ALL individually deserve eternal Hell: Romans 5:12. 3rdly U must repent (feel or express sincere regret or remorse about YO wrongdoing or sin); as God has-takes NO pleasure in the death of the bad-wicked, misc BUT hope that they'd SELF choose with their given Free Will 2 turn away from ALL that is opposite of solely God's desire as the saying goes, 'Father knows best': Ezekiel 33:11.


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51 mins ago

يتضمن علاج السرطان مجموعة متنوعة من الأساليب التي تهدف إلى استهداف الخلايا السرطانية في الجسم والقضاء عليها. قد تشمل هذه الأساليب الجراحة والعلاج الكيميائي والعلاج الإشعاعي والعلاج المناعي والعلاج الموجه والعلاج الهرموني وزرع الخلايا الجذعية والطب الدقيق والتجارب السريرية.

اتصل بنا: - +91 9371770341
البريد إلى: -

إقرأ المزيد عن:-

I CANNOT see YO message's, friend request's, misc cuz Sovren's website has issue's with the text is invisible, whether problem's with the Java software which helps with text wordage & visual animation's. PLEASE know of problem's, I CAN'T see, it's Sovren's website, maybe Java or misc software they got is NOT working right cuz my system is all proper so it ain't on my side - to U all who are trying to message me here on Sovren, in my upper notification's icon - where the bell is, when I go to click on the bell & scroll down, the actual text thereof is invisible & not showing any profile photo - picture of who is messaging me is not showing up neither. So best I can say is either try & message me on another of my social media profile platform's &/or try & message Sovren under their contact link at the bottom of the webpage your looking at & you can as well message: - (770) 285-7785.

What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - 2ndly U must believe (via Hebrews 11:1 = what faith is) & further more that we ALL individually deserve eternal Hell: Romans 5:12. 3rdly U must repent (feel or express sincere regret or remorse about YO wrongdoing or sin); as God has-takes NO pleasure in the death of the bad-wicked, misc BUT hope that they'd SELF choose with their given Free Will 2 turn away from ALL that is opposite of solely God's desire as the saying goes, 'Father knows best': Ezekiel 33:11.

& as for my social media profile, sovren DOT media/u/lonehuman , I CANNOT see YO message's, friend request's, misc cuz Sovren's website has issue's with the text is invisible, whether problem's with the Java software which helps with text wordage & visual animation's. PLEASE know of problem's, I CAN'T see, it's Sovren's website, maybe Java or misc software they got is NOT working right cuz my system is all proper so it ain't on my side - to U all who are trying to message me here on Sovren, in my upper notification's icon - where the bell is, when I go to click on the bell & scroll down, the actual text thereof is invisible & not showing any profile photo - picture of who is messaging me is not showing up neither. So best I can say is either try & message me on another of my social media profile platform's &/or try & message Sovren under their contact link at the bottom of the webpage your looking at & you can as well message: - (770) 285-7785.

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