
Sigh huh, I got (while I daily work on web-online) local KUSC's classical music FM radio station 2 comfort me externally (outside of my body via ear's) & Holy, retributionary Eye's of Fire, Holy Majesty-King Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God & Heaven (itself) / 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity & WITHOUT or NEVER QUESTIONING HIM 2 comfort me internally within; just had 2 share, if U-ANY wanna tune in2 (above's) music day or night, SIGH -

Welcome to KUSC Los Angeles. Enjoy the beautiful calm and the joyful inspiration of our unique classical music mix and the California spirit of our friendly announcers.

& note TIME of day-night amidst-amongst 8,019,876,189 individual human's give or take (as of 1/2024) of 195 individual countries worldwide USA-globally Earth slowly rotating = 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself. & I'm sharing there is USA 2 global public FREE USA-global public access webcams 2 view local USA 2 global public areas ie: cities, local small businesses etc; feel free 2 web keyword search, good luck God bless in Jesus & please B safe out there, smile.

& if ANY 1 of U 8 billion + of 195 countries USA-globally can't get away ie: vacation, TRY Pluto TV's Naturescape channel under Animals + Nature category & classical music channel under Music Videos category, enjoy & it's FREE in USA but global needs a 3rd party APP 2 watch. & of Pluto TV's Naturescape channel under Animals + Nature category (PONDER OUR dying Earth WE ALL caused past-2date & worse Coming sadly), the actual sponsoring, misc company is "Stingray". U-ANY 1 can web keyword search 4 them via their website -

We’re not just in the game, we’re changing it: Stingray is a pioneering force across multiple industries – from TV broadcasting, streaming, and radio to business services and in-store retail media. Our diverse portfolio includes digital music and content for multi-platform distribution, in-vehicle infotainment, and over 100 radio stations.


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Sigh huh, I got (while I daily work on web-online) local KUSC's classical music FM radio station 2 comfort me externally (outside of my body via ear's) & Holy, retributionary Eye's of Fire, Holy Majesty-King Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God & Heaven (itself) / 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity & WITHOUT or NEVER QUESTIONING HIM 2 comfort me internally within; just had 2 share, if U-ANY wanna tune in2 (above's) music day or night, SIGH -

Welcome to KUSC Los Angeles. Enjoy the beautiful calm and the joyful inspiration of our unique classical music mix and the California spirit of our friendly announcers.

& note TIME of day-night amidst-amongst 8,019,876,189 individual human's give or take (as of 1/2024) of 195 individual countries worldwide USA-globally Earth slowly rotating = 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself. & I'm sharing there is USA 2 global public FREE USA-global public access webcams 2 view local USA 2 global public areas ie: cities, local small businesses etc; feel free 2 web keyword search, good luck God bless in Jesus & please B safe out there, smile.

& if ANY 1 of U 8 billion + of 195 countries USA-globally can't get away ie: vacation, TRY Pluto TV's Naturescape channel under Animals + Nature category & classical music channel under Music Videos category, enjoy & it's FREE in USA but global needs a 3rd party APP 2 watch. & of Pluto TV's Naturescape channel under Animals + Nature category (PONDER OUR dying Earth WE ALL caused past-2date & worse Coming sadly), the actual sponsoring, misc company is "Stingray". U-ANY 1 can web keyword search 4 them via their website -

We’re not just in the game, we’re changing it: Stingray is a pioneering force across multiple industries – from TV broadcasting, streaming, and radio to business services and in-store retail media. Our diverse portfolio includes digital music and content for multi-platform distribution, in-vehicle infotainment, and over 100 radio stations.

& know whether ANY care or not, I NO fret (tripp, worry about) (?) - what have U out there exhibited as & cuz of Holy Bible's Hebrews 11:1 (WHAT faith is) - Luke 17:21-22 (kingdom of God is embedded internally with in me - as however generally saying-speaking ANY 1 right-proper in-of Jesus) - Luke 9:24 (NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT breath NOR Soul) & as overall such, I KNOW via Holy Trinity what this ALL is-(past) been & worse Coming via Holy Trinity's Holy intel info of Holy Bible so nevertheless, I fret NOT but stay-remain SELF denied Holy Warrior 4 Jesus Holy Trinity despite worse Coming. Check my various other social media profile's & go back as far as U want B sides various web keyword News research search U can do, DON'T deny what's past been-is now & Coming!

Check out News host's, misc (& web keyword search each of them individually) Jesse Kelly (outta USA's State of Texas), 1 American News-OANN's Alison Steinberg (who took over for Stephanie Hamill) but she's since move on, Dan Ball's Real America & misc alone with "NewsMax channel on FREE accessing "Pluto TV" under left side category 'News & opinion' via web & mobile device; though I DON'T like LEFT or middle leaning, atheist-SELF individually disgraced = News TYT dot com! & I DO like other separate activist's Elana Freeland, Deborah Tavares - stopthecrime DOT net, Dr. Judy Wood, Scientist James Marvin Herndon, Judy Mikovits, Gary Null, Dr Richard Maximus Fleming, Costs of War Project 's Stephanie Savell, News geoengineeringwatch DOT org's Dane Wigington, News Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Author's Paul L. Williams & Jonathan David Cahn, Nancy MacLean, Barbara Honegger. Good luck researching each of (above) smile.