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In-Graft Endovascular Stenting Restoration regarding Supravalvular Stenosis From Aortic Split After Balloon-Expanding Transcatheter Aortic Device Implantation.
Background Lockdowns to prevent the community transmission of COVID-19 pandemic has confined the people at home and imposed social restrictions, which is expected to cause alterations in circadian driven sleep-wake schedule and its associated lifestyle behaviors. Design and Methods An online questionnaire-based survey was conducted to assess the impact of lockdown on the sleepwake pattern, meal timings and digital media exposure time on the Indian population during lockdown. Responses of 1511 participants (age ≥18 years) were analyzed to assess the effect of gender and age on these parameters before and during lockdown. Results The sleep onset-wakeup times and meals' time was significantly delayed during lockdown, which was more pronounced in younger subjects. However, young individuals reported increased sleep duration at this time. Increased digital media duration was evident in all age groups, mainly in males. However, females reported more delay in sleep onset-waking time and first meal timing with longer sleep duration during lockdown. Conclusions Discord with social and natural cues due to complete lockdown during COVID-19 pandemic leads to a state of social jetlag with delayed sleep-wake, meal timings and excessive digital media exposure among Indians, which has differential impact on males and females as well as across different age groups. These findings have applied implications in sleep health and related behavior during longer social isolation conditions such as current COVID-19 or similar situations and may help to prepare better for any such future events.Background Dietary habits are of substantial concern related to the health of college students. Medical students are expected to have better dietary habits and healthy lifestyle, but due to various factors they are least bothered to follow recommended healthy diet. The present study assessed and compared the eating habits, nutritional awareness and BMI in females from health departments of King Khalid University (KKU), Saudi Arabia. Designs and Methods The cross-sectional survey was conducted in undergraduate females from eight health departments Public Health, Nursing, Medical Laboratory Science, Physiotherapy, Medicine and Surgery, Dental and Oral surgery, Diagnostic Radiology and Pharmacy. Participants completed online questionnaire that include demographic, anthropometric information, questions related to food preference and nutritional awareness. BMI, food preferences, and nutritional awareness responses were assessed and compared among different departments at 0.05 and 0.001 level of significance. Results Total of 377 females were analysed and the mean BMI differ significantly at p less then 0.05 in all departments reporting the highest BMI mean in medicine and surgery department. Upon further stratification of BMI 53% of total analysed students comes under normal BMI. The utmost frequency of overweight students (55.3%) were observed in physiotherapy with no obese category followed by nursing with least obese students (2.2%). Conclusions Inadequate food preference with unhealthy dietary habits but satisfactory nutritional awareness was observed in students of all departments with no significant difference. Designing of nutrition promotional programs and motivation is required for the acquisition of healthy dietary habits.Students with early sexual debut are exposed to risky sexual behaviours. For effective intervention on early sexual debut and its consequences, determination of its magnitude and identifications of associated factors is important. Therefore, this systematic review and meta-analysis aims to estimate the pooled prevalence and the associated factors of early sexual debut among students in Ethiopia. Relevant articles were identified through databases such as PubMed, Global Health, HINARI, Google advance search, Scopus, and EMBASE from March 10th to April 3rd. The data was extracted using a standardized data extraction form and exported to STATA 11 for analysis. The overall pooled prevalence of early sexual debut among students was estimated using a randomeffects meta-analysis. Presence of association was determined using an odds ratio with a corresponding 95% CI.'> A total of 9 studies with 4,217 participants were involved in this meta-analysis. The estimated pooled prevalence of early sexual debut among students in Ethiopia was 27.53% (95% CI 20.52, 34.54). Being female (OR 3.64, 95% CI 1.67, 5.61), watching pornography (OR 3.8, 95% CI 2.10, 5.50) and having boyfriend or girlfriend (OR 2.72, 95% CI 1.24, 5.96) were found to be significantly associated with early sexual debut. More than one fourth of students practiced early sexual debut. The finding suggests the need of strengthening prevention strategies, effective intervention, and programs in educational institutions to reduce early sexual debut and its consequences.'> Furthermore, special attention should be given to female students and students who watch pornography.The recent pandemic (COVID-19) emerged in Wuhan city of China and after causing a lot of destruction there recently changed its epicenter to Europe. There are countless people affected and reported cases are increasing day by day. Predictive models need to consider previous reported cases and forecast the upcoming number of cases. Automatic ARIMA, one of the predictive models used for forecasting contagions, was used in this study to predict the number of confirmed cases for next 10 days in four top European countries through R package "forecast". The study finds that Auto ARIMA applied on the sample satisfactorily forecasts the confirmed cases of coronavirus for next ten days. The confirmed cases for the four countries show an increasing trend for the next ten days with Spain with a highest number of expected new confirmed cases, followed by Germany and France. Italy is expected to have lowest number of new confirmed cases among the four countries.Background Since 2013, City of Denpasar government has adopted a smoke-free law. Implementation of the law faces several obstacles, partly due to the high social acceptability of smoking in the city, where cigarette and smoking has been deeply engrained within social life and become part of hospitality. This study aims to assess the smoke-free law compliance and to explore the social norms that may affect the compliance. Design and Methods The study was a mix of cross-sectional compliance survey and qualitative exploration conducted in Denpasar in 2019. Survey included 538 samples, which were selected using stratified random sampling and a walking protocol. The qualitative data was collected through in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in four sub-districts of Denpasar. Results Of the 538 venues, 32.9% complied with the seven compliance indicators. The university has the highest compliance (83.3%), while public places including worship places have a low compliance. The three most common violations were the absence of no-smoking signage (58.


Conclusions Pediatric oncology clinicians corroborated this functional communication framework. Clinicians and researchers can utilize this framework to guide care and research in the future.Carbonic anhydrase II (CAII) is one of the zinc metalloenzymes that catalyze the reversible hydration of carbon dioxide, leading to the formation of bicarbonate and proton. CAII plays a significant role in health and disease. For example, CAII helps to maintain eye pressure while regulating the pH of the tumor microenvironment, and by extension, contributing to cancer progression. Owing to its remarkable role in cancer, visual health, and other human diseases, CAII can serve as an attractive therapeutic target. We report an original study based on high-throughput virtual screening of natural compounds from the ZINC database in search of potential inhibitors of CAII. We selected the hits based on the physicochemical, absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (ADMET) properties, pan-assay interference compound (PAINS) patterns, and interaction analysis. Importantly, two natural compounds were identified, ZINC08918123 and ZINC00952700, bearing considerable affinity and specific interactions to the residues of the CAII-binding pocket with well-organized conformational fitting compatibility. We investigated the conformational dynamics of CAII in complex with the identified compounds through molecular dynamics simulation, which revealed the formation of a stable complex preserved throughout the 100 ns trajectories. The stability of the protein/ligand complexes is maintained by significant numbers of noncovalent interactions throughout the simulations. In conclusion, natural compounds identified in the present study specifically and computer-assisted drug design broadly offer a reliable resource and strategy to discover potential promising therapeutic inhibitors of CAII to cure various cancers and glaucoma after further experimental validation and clinical studies.The purpose of this study was to identify factors that motivate public health workers to deploy to the field during an emergency event. We conducted 25 semistructured interviews with employees at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, all of whom had deployed to the field for the 2014-2016 Ebola, 2016-2017 Zika, and 2017 hurricane responses. We used a grounded theory approach in our analysis of the data. Themes that emerged from the interviews related to responder autonomy, competence, and relatedness, which are consistent with self-determination theory. Motivating factors included having clarity about the response role, desire to be challenged, ability to apply existing skills in the field (or apply new skills learned during deployment to their home office), desire to be helpful, and feeling rewarded by working with affected populations, communities, and other response staff. These preliminary findings suggest that introjected and identified motivating factors may form the foundation of willingness among public health workers to assist during an emergency event. Understanding what motivates staff at public health agencies to participate in emergency deployment can inform the development of recruitment strategies, strengthen effectiveness of response activities, and improve overall agency preparedness.Pietro Pacifico Gamondi was a tropical physician, who was one of the main protagonists of medical research during the 20th century. His training as a doctor first saw him in Rome following doctor Aldo Castellani. Gamondi then left for Lisbon, London, and the extra-European countries that have characterized his path as a doctor and as a man. In fact, he traveled to Indonesia and Africa, where took care of the population, combining European and local medicine. In this contribution, we wanted to remember the figure of a man who dedicates his life to tropical medicine and to the care of others.Punch grafting is an alternative treatment to enhance wound healing which has been associated with promising clinical outcomes in various leg and foot wound types. We aimed to evaluate the clinical outcomes of punch grafting as a treatment for hard-to-heal diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs). Six patients with chronic neuropathic or neuroischemic DFUs with more than 6 months of evolution not responding to conventional treatment were included in a prospective case series between May 2017 and December 2020. All patients were previously debrided using an ultrasound-assisted wound debridement and then, grafted with 4 to 6 mm punch from the donor site that was in all cases the anterolateral aspect of the thigh. All patients were followed up weekly until wound healing. Four (66.7%) DFUs were located in the heel, 1 (16.7%) in the dorsal aspect of the foot and 1 (16.7%) in the Achilles tendon. The median evolution time was 172 (interquartile range [IQR], 25th-75th; 44-276) weeks with a median area of 5.9 (IQR; 1.87-37.12) cm2 before grafting. Complete epithelization was achieved in 3 (50%) patients at 12 weeks follow-up period with a mean time of 5.67 ± 2.88 weeks. Two of the remaining patients achieved wound healing at 32 and 24 weeks, respectively, and 1 patient showed punch graft unsuccessful in adhering. The median time of wound healing of all patients included in the study was 9.00 (IQR; 4.00-28.00) weeks. The wound area reduction (WAR) at 4 weeks was 38.66% and WAR at 12 weeks was 88.56%. No adverse effects related to the ulcer were registered through the follow-up period. Autologous punch graft is an easy procedure that promotes healing, achieving wound closure in chronic DFUs representing an alternative of treatment for hard-to-heal DFUs in which conservative treatment has been unsuccessful.Pandemics and environmental crises evident from the first two decades of the 21st century call for methods innovation in biosurveillance and early detection of risk signals in planetary ecosystems. In crises conditions, conventional methods in public health, biosecurity, and environmental surveillance do not work well. In addition, the standard laboratory amenities and procedures may become unavailable, irrelevant, or simply not feasible, for example, owing to disruptions in logistics and process supply chains. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a wakeup call in this sense to reintroduce point-of-need diagnostics with an eye to limited resource settings and biosurveillance solutions. We report here a methodology innovation, a fast, scalable, and alkaline DNA extraction pipeline for emergency microbiomics biosurveillance. We believe that the presented methodology is well poised for effective, resilient, and anticipatory responses to future pandemics and ecological crises while contributing to microbiome science and point-of-need diagnostics in nonelective emergency contexts.


Background Lockdowns to prevent the community transmission of COVID-19 pandemic has confined the people at home and imposed social restrictions, which is expected to cause alterations in circadian driven sleep-wake schedule and its associated lifestyle behaviors. Design and Methods An online questionnaire-based survey was conducted to assess the impact of lockdown on the sleepwake pattern, meal timings and digital media exposure time on the Indian population during lockdown. Responses of 1511 participants (age ≥18 years) were analyzed to assess the effect of gender and age on these parameters before and during lockdown. Results The sleep onset-wakeup times and meals' time was significantly delayed during lockdown, which was more pronounced in younger subjects. However, young individuals reported increased sleep duration at this time. Increased digital media duration was evident in all age groups, mainly in males. However, females reported more delay in sleep onset-waking time and first meal timing with longer sleep duration during lockdown. Conclusions Discord with social and natural cues due to complete lockdown during COVID-19 pandemic leads to a state of social jetlag with delayed sleep-wake, meal timings and excessive digital media exposure among Indians, which has differential impact on males and females as well as across different age groups. These findings have applied implications in sleep health and related behavior during longer social isolation conditions such as current COVID-19 or similar situations and may help to prepare better for any such future events.Background Dietary habits are of substantial concern related to the health of college students. Medical students are expected to have better dietary habits and healthy lifestyle, but due to various factors they are least bothered to follow recommended healthy diet. The present study assessed and compared the eating habits, nutritional awareness and BMI in females from health departments of King Khalid University (KKU), Saudi Arabia. Designs and Methods The cross-sectional survey was conducted in undergraduate females from eight health departments Public Health, Nursing, Medical Laboratory Science, Physiotherapy, Medicine and Surgery, Dental and Oral surgery, Diagnostic Radiology and Pharmacy. Participants completed online questionnaire that include demographic, anthropometric information, questions related to food preference and nutritional awareness. BMI, food preferences, and nutritional awareness responses were assessed and compared among different departments at 0.05 and 0.001 level of significance. Results Total of 377 females were analysed and the mean BMI differ significantly at p less then 0.05 in all departments reporting the highest BMI mean in medicine and surgery department. Upon further stratification of BMI 53% of total analysed students comes under normal BMI. The utmost frequency of overweight students (55.3%) were observed in physiotherapy with no obese category followed by nursing with least obese students (2.2%). Conclusions Inadequate food preference with unhealthy dietary habits but satisfactory nutritional awareness was observed in students of all departments with no significant difference. Designing of nutrition promotional programs and motivation is required for the acquisition of healthy dietary habits.Students with early sexual debut are exposed to risky sexual behaviours. For effective intervention on early sexual debut and its consequences, determination of its magnitude and identifications of associated factors is important. Therefore, this systematic review and meta-analysis aims to estimate the pooled prevalence and the associated factors of early sexual debut among students in Ethiopia. Relevant articles were identified through databases such as PubMed, Global Health, HINARI, Google advance search, Scopus, and EMBASE from March 10th to April 3rd. The data was extracted using a standardized data extraction form and exported to STATA 11 for analysis. The overall pooled prevalence of early sexual debut among students was estimated using a randomeffects meta-analysis. Presence of association was determined using an odds ratio with a corresponding 95% CI. A total of 9 studies with 4,217 participants were involved in this meta-analysis. The estimated pooled prevalence of early sexual debut among students in Ethiopia was 27.53% (95% CI 20.52, 34.54). Being female (OR 3.64, 95% CI 1.67, 5.61), watching pornography (OR 3.8, 95% CI 2.10, 5.50) and having boyfriend or girlfriend (OR 2.72, 95% CI 1.24, 5.96) were found to be significantly associated with early sexual debut. More than one fourth of students practiced early sexual debut. The finding suggests the need of strengthening prevention strategies, effective intervention, and programs in educational institutions to reduce early sexual debut and its consequences. Furthermore, special attention should be given to female students and students who watch pornography.The recent pandemic (COVID-19) emerged in Wuhan city of China and after causing a lot of destruction there recently changed its epicenter to Europe. There are countless people affected and reported cases are increasing day by day. Predictive models need to consider previous reported cases and forecast the upcoming number of cases. Automatic ARIMA, one of the predictive models used for forecasting contagions, was used in this study to predict the number of confirmed cases for next 10 days in four top European countries through R package "forecast". The study finds that Auto ARIMA applied on the sample satisfactorily forecasts the confirmed cases of coronavirus for next ten days. The confirmed cases for the four countries show an increasing trend for the next ten days with Spain with a highest number of expected new confirmed cases, followed by Germany and France. Italy is expected to have lowest number of new confirmed cases among the four countries.Background Since 2013, City of Denpasar government has adopted a smoke-free law. Implementation of the law faces several obstacles, partly due to the high social acceptability of smoking in the city, where cigarette and smoking has been deeply engrained within social life and become part of hospitality. This study aims to assess the smoke-free law compliance and to explore the social norms that may affect the compliance. Design and Methods The study was a mix of cross-sectional compliance survey and qualitative exploration conducted in Denpasar in 2019. Survey included 538 samples, which were selected using stratified random sampling and a walking protocol. The qualitative data was collected through in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in four sub-districts of Denpasar. Results Of the 538 venues, 32.9% complied with the seven compliance indicators. The university has the highest compliance (83.3%), while public places including worship places have a low compliance. The three most common violations were the absence of no-smoking signage (58.


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Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.



In-Graft Endovascular Stenting Restoration regarding Supravalvular Stenosis From Aortic Split After Balloon-Expanding Transcatheter Aortic Device Implantation.
Background Lockdowns to prevent the community transmission of COVID-19 pandemic has confined the people at home and imposed social restrictions, which is expected to cause alterations in circadian driven sleep-wake schedule and its associated lifestyle behaviors. Design and Methods An online questionnaire-based survey was conducted to assess the impact of lockdown on the sleepwake pattern, meal timings and digital media exposure time on the Indian population during lockdown. Responses of 1511 participants (age ≥18 years) were analyzed to assess the effect of gender and age on these parameters before and during lockdown. Results The sleep onset-wakeup times and meals' time was significantly delayed during lockdown, which was more pronounced in younger subjects. However, young individuals reported increased sleep duration at this time. Increased digital media duration was evident in all age groups, mainly in males. However, females reported more delay in sleep onset-waking time and first meal timing with longer sleep duration during lockdown. Conclusions Discord with social and natural cues due to complete lockdown during COVID-19 pandemic leads to a state of social jetlag with delayed sleep-wake, meal timings and excessive digital media exposure among Indians, which has differential impact on males and females as well as across different age groups. These findings have applied implications in sleep health and related behavior during longer social isolation conditions such as current COVID-19 or similar situations and may help to prepare better for any such future events.Background Dietary habits are of substantial concern related to the health of college students. Medical students are expected to have better dietary habits and healthy lifestyle, but due to various factors they are least bothered to follow recommended healthy diet. The present study assessed and compared the eating habits, nutritional awareness and BMI in females from health departments of King Khalid University (KKU), Saudi Arabia. Designs and Methods The cross-sectional survey was conducted in undergraduate females from eight health departments Public Health, Nursing, Medical Laboratory Science, Physiotherapy, Medicine and Surgery, Dental and Oral surgery, Diagnostic Radiology and Pharmacy. Participants completed online questionnaire that include demographic, anthropometric information, questions related to food preference and nutritional awareness. BMI, food preferences, and nutritional awareness responses were assessed and compared among different departments at 0.05 and 0.001 level of significance. Results Total of 377 females were analysed and the mean BMI differ significantly at p less then 0.05 in all departments reporting the highest BMI mean in medicine and surgery department. Upon further stratification of BMI 53% of total analysed students comes under normal BMI. The utmost frequency of overweight students (55.3%) were observed in physiotherapy with no obese category followed by nursing with least obese students (2.2%). Conclusions Inadequate food preference with unhealthy dietary habits but satisfactory nutritional awareness was observed in students of all departments with no significant difference. Designing of nutrition promotional programs and motivation is required for the acquisition of healthy dietary habits.Students with early sexual debut are exposed to risky sexual behaviours. For effective intervention on early sexual debut and its consequences, determination of its magnitude and identifications of associated factors is important. Therefore, this systematic review and meta-analysis aims to estimate the pooled prevalence and the associated factors of early sexual debut among students in Ethiopia. Relevant articles were identified through databases such as PubMed, Global Health, HINARI, Google advance search, Scopus, and EMBASE from March 10th to April 3rd. The data was extracted using a standardized data extraction form and exported to STATA 11 for analysis. The overall pooled prevalence of early sexual debut among students was estimated using a randomeffects meta-analysis. Presence of association was determined using an odds ratio with a corresponding 95% CI.'> A total of 9 studies with 4,217 participants were involved in this meta-analysis. The estimated pooled prevalence of early sexual debut among students in Ethiopia was 27.53% (95% CI 20.52, 34.54). Being female (OR 3.64, 95% CI 1.67, 5.61), watching pornography (OR 3.8, 95% CI 2.10, 5.50) and having boyfriend or girlfriend (OR 2.72, 95% CI 1.24, 5.96) were found to be significantly associated with early sexual debut. More than one fourth of students practiced early sexual debut. The finding suggests the need of strengthening prevention strategies, effective intervention, and programs in educational institutions to reduce early sexual debut and its consequences.'> Furthermore, special attention should be given to female students and students who watch pornography.The recent pandemic (COVID-19) emerged in Wuhan city of China and after causing a lot of destruction there recently changed its epicenter to Europe. There are countless people affected and reported cases are increasing day by day. Predictive models need to consider previous reported cases and forecast the upcoming number of cases. Automatic ARIMA, one of the predictive models used for forecasting contagions, was used in this study to predict the number of confirmed cases for next 10 days in four top European countries through R package "forecast". The study finds that Auto ARIMA applied on the sample satisfactorily forecasts the confirmed cases of coronavirus for next ten days. The confirmed cases for the four countries show an increasing trend for the next ten days with Spain with a highest number of expected new confirmed cases, followed by Germany and France. Italy is expected to have lowest number of new confirmed cases among the four countries.Background Since 2013, City of Denpasar government has adopted a smoke-free law. Implementation of the law faces several obstacles, partly due to the high social acceptability of smoking in the city, where cigarette and smoking has been deeply engrained within social life and become part of hospitality. This study aims to assess the smoke-free law compliance and to explore the social norms that may affect the compliance. Design and Methods The study was a mix of cross-sectional compliance survey and qualitative exploration conducted in Denpasar in 2019. Survey included 538 samples, which were selected using stratified random sampling and a walking protocol. The qualitative data was collected through in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in four sub-districts of Denpasar. Results Of the 538 venues, 32.9% complied with the seven compliance indicators. The university has the highest compliance (83.3%), while public places including worship places have a low compliance. The three most common violations were the absence of no-smoking signage (58.


Conclusions Pediatric oncology clinicians corroborated this functional communication framework. Clinicians and researchers can utilize this framework to guide care and research in the future.Carbonic anhydrase II (CAII) is one of the zinc metalloenzymes that catalyze the reversible hydration of carbon dioxide, leading to the formation of bicarbonate and proton. CAII plays a significant role in health and disease. For example, CAII helps to maintain eye pressure while regulating the pH of the tumor microenvironment, and by extension, contributing to cancer progression. Owing to its remarkable role in cancer, visual health, and other human diseases, CAII can serve as an attractive therapeutic target. We report an original study based on high-throughput virtual screening of natural compounds from the ZINC database in search of potential inhibitors of CAII. We selected the hits based on the physicochemical, absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (ADMET) properties, pan-assay interference compound (PAINS) patterns, and interaction analysis. Importantly, two natural compounds were identified, ZINC08918123 and ZINC00952700, bearing considerable affinity and specific interactions to the residues of the CAII-binding pocket with well-organized conformational fitting compatibility. We investigated the conformational dynamics of CAII in complex with the identified compounds through molecular dynamics simulation, which revealed the formation of a stable complex preserved throughout the 100 ns trajectories. The stability of the protein/ligand complexes is maintained by significant numbers of noncovalent interactions throughout the simulations. In conclusion, natural compounds identified in the present study specifically and computer-assisted drug design broadly offer a reliable resource and strategy to discover potential promising therapeutic inhibitors of CAII to cure various cancers and glaucoma after further experimental validation and clinical studies.The purpose of this study was to identify factors that motivate public health workers to deploy to the field during an emergency event. We conducted 25 semistructured interviews with employees at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, all of whom had deployed to the field for the 2014-2016 Ebola, 2016-2017 Zika, and 2017 hurricane responses. We used a grounded theory approach in our analysis of the data. Themes that emerged from the interviews related to responder autonomy, competence, and relatedness, which are consistent with self-determination theory. Motivating factors included having clarity about the response role, desire to be challenged, ability to apply existing skills in the field (or apply new skills learned during deployment to their home office), desire to be helpful, and feeling rewarded by working with affected populations, communities, and other response staff. These preliminary findings suggest that introjected and identified motivating factors may form the foundation of willingness among public health workers to assist during an emergency event. Understanding what motivates staff at public health agencies to participate in emergency deployment can inform the development of recruitment strategies, strengthen effectiveness of response activities, and improve overall agency preparedness.Pietro Pacifico Gamondi was a tropical physician, who was one of the main protagonists of medical research during the 20th century. His training as a doctor first saw him in Rome following doctor Aldo Castellani. Gamondi then left for Lisbon, London, and the extra-European countries that have characterized his path as a doctor and as a man. In fact, he traveled to Indonesia and Africa, where took care of the population, combining European and local medicine. In this contribution, we wanted to remember the figure of a man who dedicates his life to tropical medicine and to the care of others.Punch grafting is an alternative treatment to enhance wound healing which has been associated with promising clinical outcomes in various leg and foot wound types. We aimed to evaluate the clinical outcomes of punch grafting as a treatment for hard-to-heal diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs). Six patients with chronic neuropathic or neuroischemic DFUs with more than 6 months of evolution not responding to conventional treatment were included in a prospective case series between May 2017 and December 2020. All patients were previously debrided using an ultrasound-assisted wound debridement and then, grafted with 4 to 6 mm punch from the donor site that was in all cases the anterolateral aspect of the thigh. All patients were followed up weekly until wound healing. Four (66.7%) DFUs were located in the heel, 1 (16.7%) in the dorsal aspect of the foot and 1 (16.7%) in the Achilles tendon. The median evolution time was 172 (interquartile range [IQR], 25th-75th; 44-276) weeks with a median area of 5.9 (IQR; 1.87-37.12) cm2 before grafting. Complete epithelization was achieved in 3 (50%) patients at 12 weeks follow-up period with a mean time of 5.67 ± 2.88 weeks. Two of the remaining patients achieved wound healing at 32 and 24 weeks, respectively, and 1 patient showed punch graft unsuccessful in adhering. The median time of wound healing of all patients included in the study was 9.00 (IQR; 4.00-28.00) weeks. The wound area reduction (WAR) at 4 weeks was 38.66% and WAR at 12 weeks was 88.56%. No adverse effects related to the ulcer were registered through the follow-up period. Autologous punch graft is an easy procedure that promotes healing, achieving wound closure in chronic DFUs representing an alternative of treatment for hard-to-heal DFUs in which conservative treatment has been unsuccessful.Pandemics and environmental crises evident from the first two decades of the 21st century call for methods innovation in biosurveillance and early detection of risk signals in planetary ecosystems. In crises conditions, conventional methods in public health, biosecurity, and environmental surveillance do not work well. In addition, the standard laboratory amenities and procedures may become unavailable, irrelevant, or simply not feasible, for example, owing to disruptions in logistics and process supply chains. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a wakeup call in this sense to reintroduce point-of-need diagnostics with an eye to limited resource settings and biosurveillance solutions. We report here a methodology innovation, a fast, scalable, and alkaline DNA extraction pipeline for emergency microbiomics biosurveillance. We believe that the presented methodology is well poised for effective, resilient, and anticipatory responses to future pandemics and ecological crises while contributing to microbiome science and point-of-need diagnostics in nonelective emergency contexts.


Background Lockdowns to prevent the community transmission of COVID-19 pandemic has confined the people at home and imposed social restrictions, which is expected to cause alterations in circadian driven sleep-wake schedule and its associated lifestyle behaviors. Design and Methods An online questionnaire-based survey was conducted to assess the impact of lockdown on the sleepwake pattern, meal timings and digital media exposure time on the Indian population during lockdown. Responses of 1511 participants (age ≥18 years) were analyzed to assess the effect of gender and age on these parameters before and during lockdown. Results The sleep onset-wakeup times and meals' time was significantly delayed during lockdown, which was more pronounced in younger subjects. However, young individuals reported increased sleep duration at this time. Increased digital media duration was evident in all age groups, mainly in males. However, females reported more delay in sleep onset-waking time and first meal timing with longer sleep duration during lockdown. Conclusions Discord with social and natural cues due to complete lockdown during COVID-19 pandemic leads to a state of social jetlag with delayed sleep-wake, meal timings and excessive digital media exposure among Indians, which has differential impact on males and females as well as across different age groups. These findings have applied implications in sleep health and related behavior during longer social isolation conditions such as current COVID-19 or similar situations and may help to prepare better for any such future events.Background Dietary habits are of substantial concern related to the health of college students. Medical students are expected to have better dietary habits and healthy lifestyle, but due to various factors they are least bothered to follow recommended healthy diet. The present study assessed and compared the eating habits, nutritional awareness and BMI in females from health departments of King Khalid University (KKU), Saudi Arabia. Designs and Methods The cross-sectional survey was conducted in undergraduate females from eight health departments Public Health, Nursing, Medical Laboratory Science, Physiotherapy, Medicine and Surgery, Dental and Oral surgery, Diagnostic Radiology and Pharmacy. Participants completed online questionnaire that include demographic, anthropometric information, questions related to food preference and nutritional awareness. BMI, food preferences, and nutritional awareness responses were assessed and compared among different departments at 0.05 and 0.001 level of significance. Results Total of 377 females were analysed and the mean BMI differ significantly at p less then 0.05 in all departments reporting the highest BMI mean in medicine and surgery department. Upon further stratification of BMI 53% of total analysed students comes under normal BMI. The utmost frequency of overweight students (55.3%) were observed in physiotherapy with no obese category followed by nursing with least obese students (2.2%). Conclusions Inadequate food preference with unhealthy dietary habits but satisfactory nutritional awareness was observed in students of all departments with no significant difference. Designing of nutrition promotional programs and motivation is required for the acquisition of healthy dietary habits.Students with early sexual debut are exposed to risky sexual behaviours. For effective intervention on early sexual debut and its consequences, determination of its magnitude and identifications of associated factors is important. Therefore, this systematic review and meta-analysis aims to estimate the pooled prevalence and the associated factors of early sexual debut among students in Ethiopia. Relevant articles were identified through databases such as PubMed, Global Health, HINARI, Google advance search, Scopus, and EMBASE from March 10th to April 3rd. The data was extracted using a standardized data extraction form and exported to STATA 11 for analysis. The overall pooled prevalence of early sexual debut among students was estimated using a randomeffects meta-analysis. Presence of association was determined using an odds ratio with a corresponding 95% CI. A total of 9 studies with 4,217 participants were involved in this meta-analysis. The estimated pooled prevalence of early sexual debut among students in Ethiopia was 27.53% (95% CI 20.52, 34.54). Being female (OR 3.64, 95% CI 1.67, 5.61), watching pornography (OR 3.8, 95% CI 2.10, 5.50) and having boyfriend or girlfriend (OR 2.72, 95% CI 1.24, 5.96) were found to be significantly associated with early sexual debut. More than one fourth of students practiced early sexual debut. The finding suggests the need of strengthening prevention strategies, effective intervention, and programs in educational institutions to reduce early sexual debut and its consequences. Furthermore, special attention should be given to female students and students who watch pornography.The recent pandemic (COVID-19) emerged in Wuhan city of China and after causing a lot of destruction there recently changed its epicenter to Europe. There are countless people affected and reported cases are increasing day by day. Predictive models need to consider previous reported cases and forecast the upcoming number of cases. Automatic ARIMA, one of the predictive models used for forecasting contagions, was used in this study to predict the number of confirmed cases for next 10 days in four top European countries through R package "forecast". The study finds that Auto ARIMA applied on the sample satisfactorily forecasts the confirmed cases of coronavirus for next ten days. The confirmed cases for the four countries show an increasing trend for the next ten days with Spain with a highest number of expected new confirmed cases, followed by Germany and France. Italy is expected to have lowest number of new confirmed cases among the four countries.Background Since 2013, City of Denpasar government has adopted a smoke-free law. Implementation of the law faces several obstacles, partly due to the high social acceptability of smoking in the city, where cigarette and smoking has been deeply engrained within social life and become part of hospitality. This study aims to assess the smoke-free law compliance and to explore the social norms that may affect the compliance. Design and Methods The study was a mix of cross-sectional compliance survey and qualitative exploration conducted in Denpasar in 2019. Survey included 538 samples, which were selected using stratified random sampling and a walking protocol. The qualitative data was collected through in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in four sub-districts of Denpasar. Results Of the 538 venues, 32.9% complied with the seven compliance indicators. The university has the highest compliance (83.3%), while public places including worship places have a low compliance. The three most common violations were the absence of no-smoking signage (58.


Our results speak in favour of crucial contributions of the basal ganglia, especially the putamen, external globus pallidus and subthalamic nucleus, and several cerebellar lobules and nuclei for an efficient decoding of and response to vocal emotions.Methyl orange (MO) is a common anionic azo dye that is harmful to the environment and biology, so it must be treated innocuously before it can be discharged. Adsorption is an effective method to remove anionic dyes. Nanotube mineral is a natural one-dimensional adsorption material, and its unique morphology and structure endow it with good adsorption capacity. Although there are many related studies, there is a lack of in-depth discussions on the influence of nanotube's composition and structure on the adsorption of dyes and other pollutants. In this paper, two kinds of natural one-dimensional silicate minerals [halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) and chrysotile nanotubes (ChNTs)] with similar morphology but slightly different compositions and crystal structures were used as adsorbents, and MO solution was used as simulate pollutants. It is the first time to discuss in depth the influence of the composition and structure of nanotube minerals on their charge properties and the adsorption performance of methyl orange dyes. It is found that HNTs and ChNTs have different adsorption capacity due to the difference of electronegativity between Al3+ and Mg2+ in the crystal, so they possess negative and positive charges respectively in near-neutral solution, which leads to the adsorption capacity of MO by ChNTs with positive charges which is greater than that of HNTs.The epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) imparts properties of cancer stem-like cells, including resistance to frequently used chemotherapies, necessitating the identification of molecules that induce cell death specifically in stem-like cells with EMT properties. Herein, we demonstrate that breast cancer cells enriched for EMT features are more sensitive to cytotoxicity induced by ophiobolin A (OpA), a sesterterpenoid natural product. Using a model of experimentally induced EMT in human mammary epithelial (HMLE) cells, we show that EMT is both necessary and sufficient for OpA sensitivity. Moreover prolonged, sub-cytotoxic exposure to OpA is sufficient to suppress EMT-imparted CSC features including sphere formation and resistance to doxorubicin. In vivo growth of CSC-rich mammary cell tumors, is suppressed by OpA treatment. These data identify a driver of EMT-driven cytotoxicity with significant potential for use either in combination with standard chemotherapy or for tumors enriched for EMT features.
Previous research has shown that sleep can play a role in obesity and weight loss. However, the association of sleep with weight loss in patients with severe obesity after bariatric surgery remains unexplored. We aimed to evaluate the role of sleep in weight loss evolution in a cohort of patients who underwent sleeve gastrectomy.

A cohort of 252 patients with severe obesity (75.7% women; age [mean ± SD] 47.7 ± 10.8 years; BMI 44.2 ± 5.9 kg/m
) was followed for 1 year after surgery. Anthropometric, biochemical, physical activity, sleep (bedtime, wakeup time, and sleep duration) and dietary intake variables were collected pre- and post-surgery (1 year). Linear and non-linear regression models were used to examine the associations between sleep variables and weight loss. Participants were grouped into 'early' and 'late' sleepers according to a bedtime threshold (before or after 2400 h), and the differences in weight loss, physical activity, meal timing, and dietary intake between groups were studied.

1-h increments in bedtime were linearly associated with less excess weight loss (EWL) [-2.23%; 95%CI -3.37; -0.70; p = 0.005] 1 year after the sleeve gastrectomy. Late sleepers lost less weight (-5.64% of EWL [95%CI -10.11; -1.17]; p = 0.014) when compared to early sleepers and showed a higher energy intake after 2100 h (8.66% of total energy intake [95% CI 4.87; 12.46]; p < 0.001).

Late bedtime is associated with less success of weight loss 1 year after the sleeve gastrectomy. Late sleepers consumed more of their calories closer to bedtime. Our results highlight the relevance of considering recommendations on bedtime and meal timing for patients after bariatric surgery.
Late bedtime is associated with less success of weight loss 1 year after the sleeve gastrectomy. Late sleepers consumed more of their calories closer to bedtime. Our results highlight the relevance of considering recommendations on bedtime and meal timing for patients after bariatric surgery.The general mechanism of bacterial mechanosensitive channels (MS) has been characterized by extensive studies on a small conductance channel MscS from Escherichia coli (E. coli). However, recent structural studies on the same channel have revealed controversial roles of various channel-bound lipids in channel gating. To better understand bacterial MscS-like channels, it is necessary to characterize homologs other than MscS. Here, we describe the structure of YnaI, one of the closest MscS homologs in E. coli, in its non-conducting state at 3.3 Å resolution determined by cryo electron microscopy. Our structure revealed the intact membrane sensor paddle domain in YnaI, which was stabilized by functionally important residues H43, Q46, Y50 and K93. In the pockets between sensor paddles, there were clear lipid densities that interact strongly with residues Q100 and R120. These lipids were a mixture of natural lipids but may be enriched in cardiolipin and phosphatidylserine. In addition, residues along the ion-conducting pathway and responsible for the heptameric assembly were discussed. Together with biochemical experiments and mutagenesis studies, our results provide strong support for the idea that the pocket lipids are functionally important for mechanosensitive channels.The respiratory tract is a vital, intricate system for several important biological processes including mucociliary clearance, airway conductance, and gas exchange. The Wnt signaling pathway plays several crucial and indispensable roles across lung biology in multiple contexts. This review highlights the progress made in characterizing the role of Wnt signaling across several disciplines in lung biology, including development, homeostasis, regeneration following injury, in vitro directed differentiation efforts, and disease progression. We further note uncharted directions in the field that may illuminate important biology. The discoveries made collectively advance our understanding of Wnt signaling in lung biology and have the potential to inform therapeutic advancements for lung diseases.


Our results indicate that oxidation and surface complexation are the dominant mechanisms and electrostatic binding exists for As(III) removal, while surface complexation predominates for Cd(II) removal. These findings provide insight into developing an effective solution for removing Cd(II)/As(III) from irrigation waters. PURPOSE The aim of this study is to evaluate the presence and prognostic impact of early seizures in cerebral venous sinus thrombosis patients (CVST). METHOD VENOST is a retrospective and prospective national multicenter observational study. CVST patients with or without epileptic seizures (ES) were analyzed and compared in terms of demographic and imaging data, causative factors, clinical variables, and prognosis in a total of 1126 patients. RESULTS The mean age of the patients in the ES group was 39.73 ± 12.64 and 40.17 ± 14.02 years in the non-ES group (p > 0.05). Epileptic seizures were more common (76.6 %) in females (p less then 0.001). Early ES occurred in 269 of 1126 patients (23.9 %). Epileptic seizures mainly presented in the acute phase (71.4 %) of the disease (p less then 0.001). Majority of these (60.5 %) were in the first 24 h of the CVST. The most common neurological signs were focal neurologic deficits (29.9 %) and altered consciousness (31.4 %) in the ES group. Superior sagittal sinus (SSS) and cortical veins (CV) involvement were the most common sites of thrombosis and the mostly related etiology were found puerperium in seizure group (30.3 % vs 13.9 %). Patients with seizures had worse outcome in the first month of the disease (p less then 0.001) but these did not have any influence thereafter. CONCLUSIONS In this largest CVST cohort (VENOST) reported female sex, presence of focal neurological deficits and altered consciousness, thrombosis of the SSS and CVs, hemorrhagic infarction were risk factors for ES occurrence in patients with CVST. BACKGROUND Sleep problems are linked with negative health outcomes, including coronary heart disease. Neuroendocrine dysfunction has been associated with sleep problems and may be a pathway linking sleep and ill health. Dysregulated cortisol output has observed in people with type 2 diabetes (T2D), though little is known about the links between sleep and cortisol in this population at high risk of coronary disease. METHOD This study investigated the association between sleep problems and cortisol over the course of an ordinary day and in response to acute laboratory stress in a sample of 129 individuals with T2D. Sleep problems were assessed using the Jenkins sleep problems questionnaire. Mental stress was induced using two five-minute laboratory stress tasks a mirror-tracing task and the Stroop color-word interference task. RESULTS Sleep problems were positively associated with daily cortisol area under the curve (B = 17.051, C.I. = 6.547 to 27.554, p = 0.002) adjusting for age, sex, marital status, education, household income, body mass index and smoking; suggesting that those with greater sleep problems had greater cortisol concentrations over the course of an ordinary day. Participants reporting greater sleep problems also had raised evening cortisol levels (B = 0.96, C.I. = 0.176 to 1.746, p = 0.017) in adjusted models. In the laboratory sleep problems were negatively associated with cortisol immediately post-task (B = -0.030, C.I. = -0.059 to 0.000, p = 0.048) and 45 minutes post-task (B = -0.037, C.I. = -0.072 to -0.002, p = 0.039) in fully adjusted models; indicating that those who experienced greater sleep problems had lower cortisol concentrations after stress. CONCLUSIONS Sleep problems were associated with disturbances in cortisol responses to stress, as well as changes diurnal cortisol output in people with T2D. Further research is needed to assess if neuroendocrine disturbance increases the risk of cardiovascular disease in this population. OBJECTIVE The present study examined the psychophysiological effects of Family-based Mindfulness Intervention (FBMI) on children and parents from disadvantaged families. METHODS This randomized controlled trial recruited parents and their children from 51 disadvantaged families in Hong Kong and randomized them into FBMI (n = 26) and waitlist control (n = 25) groups. The parent intervention included 6 sessions and the child intervention included 8 sessions with 2 half-hour joint programs. Both interventions lasted 9 hours in total each. All participants completed four salivary cortisol measures after wakeup, before lunchtime, late-afternoon, and before sleep at baseline and end of the intervention. The diurnal cortisol pattern was summarized by the morning cortisol, evening cortisol, mean cortisol, and diurnal cortisol slope. RESULTS Compared to the control group, children in the FBMI group showed significant increases in morning cortisol (d = 0.50, p =  0.03) and significant decreases in diurnal cortisol slopes (d = 0.50, p =  0.04) at the end of intervention. Parents in the FBMI group displayed significant decreases in evening cortisol (d = 0.50, p =  0.04) compared to the control group at the end of intervention. No significant treatment effects were found on the mean cortisol. DISCUSSION The present findings suggest that FBMI could improve the diurnal cortisol slope and cortisol levels of the children and parents from disadvantaged families, respectively. Future studies should elucidate its potential benefits on neuroendocrine functioning. Severe acute stressors are known to trigger mood disorders in humans. Sepsis represents one such stressor, and survivors often suffer long term from psychiatric morbidity. We hypothesized that sepsis leads to lasting changes in neural circuits involved in stress integration, altering affective behavior and the stress response. To investigate this hypothesis, sepsis was induced in male C57Bl/6 mice using cecal ligation and puncture (CLP), and control mice underwent sham surgery. Mice recovered from acute illness within 2 weeks, after which they exhibited increased avoidance behavior and behavioral despair compared with sham, with behavioral changes observed more than 5 weeks after recovery. Sepsis survivors also showed evidence of enhanced hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity, with increased corticosterone after a novel stressor and increased adrenal weight. In the brain, sepsis survivor mice showed decreased stress-induced cfos mRNA and increased glucocorticoid receptor immunoreactivity specifically in the ventral hippocampus, a brain region known to coordinate emotional behavior and HPA axis activity.