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3 hrs ago

Recent efforts have focused on integrating Ti3C2Tx and V2CTx MXenes with MOFs to result in hybrid materials with augmented electrochemical and physicochemical properties, widening the scope for emerging applications. This review discusses the potential design strategies of MXene@MOF hybrids, attributes of tunable properties in the resulting hybrids, and their applications in water treatment, sensing, electrochemical energy storage, smart textiles, and electrocatalysis. Comprehensive discussions on the recent efforts on rapidly evolving MXene@MOF materials for various applications and potential future directions are highlighted.Uranyl compounds with tetrahedral oxoanions demonstrate a significant structural and topological diversity. Complexes of transuranium elements with such anions are not equally well-represented in the literature. To answer the question about the structural similarity in a series of An6+ complexes with XO42- anions, we synthesized and studied 10 new U, Np, and Pu chromates with outer-sphere organic cations. The structural analysis and comparison with the literature data shows that the Np and Pu complexes are generally based on the same structural blocks as the uranyl compounds. Moreover, the chromate anion does not show any unique structural role as compared to the sulfate and selenate ions. As a result, the neptunium and plutonium chromates contain 1D and 2D structural units similar to those found in the uranyl sulfates and selenates. The templating role of the outer-sphere cations in the actinyl complexes with tetrahedral oxoanions is also not evident, and there is no clear correlation between the nature of the outer-sphere cations and the topology of the structural units.Hyperdegranulation of neutrophilic granulocytes is a common finding in sepsis that directly contributes to the heightened immune response leading to organ dysfunction. Currently, cell degranulation is detected by flow cytometry, which requires large infrastructure that is not always available at the point of care. Here, we propose a plasmonic assay for detecting the degranulation status of septic cells colorimetrically. It is based on triggering the aggregation of gold nanoparticles with cationic granule proteins. Cells from septic patients contain fewer granules and therefore release less cationic proteins than healthy cells. This results in red-colored assays than can be easily detected by eye. The assay can selectively detect cationic granule proteins even in the presence of an excess of unrelated proteins, which is key to detect degranulation with high specificity. Coupling this signal generation mechanism with a magnetic purification step enabled the identification of septic cells with the same performance as flow cytometry. This makes the proposed method a promising alternative for diagnosing sepsis in decentralized healthcare schemes.Versatile DNA assembly standards and compatible, well-characterized part libraries are essential tools for creating effective designs in synthetic biology. However, to date, vector standards for Gram-positive hosts have limited flexibility. As a result, users often revert to PCR-based methods for building the desired genetic constructs. These methods are inherently prone to introducing mutations, which is problematic considering vector backbone parts are often left unsequenced in cloning workflows. To circumvent this, we present the ProUSER2.0 toolbox a standardized vector platform for building both integrative and replicative shuttle vectors forBacillus subtilis. The ProUSER2.0 vectors consist of a ProUSER cassette for easy and efficient insertion of cargo sequences and six exchangeable modules. Furthermore, the standard is semicompatible with several previously developed standards, allowing the user to utilize the parts developed for these. To provide parts for the toolbox, seven novel integration sites and six promoters were thoroughly characterized in B. subtilis. Finally, the capacity of the ProUSER2.0 system was demonstrated through the construction of signal peptide libraries for two industrially relevant proteins. Altogether, the ProUSER2.0 toolbox is a powerful and flexible framework for use in B. subtilis.
This work aimed to determine the association between vitamin D deficiency and metabolic syndrome (MS) in overweight and obese adolescents from Ukraine.

136 obese and overweight, and 60 adolescents with normal body weight, were examined. Anthropometric measurements, general and biochemical examinations were performed in all adolescents. The vitamin D status was determined by the 25(OH)D level in blood serum. To establish the factors influencing vitamin D status, children were asked to fill in a questionnaire. To determine MS 2007 IDF diagnostic criteria were used. All research results were processed statistically.

The 25(OH)D sufficient level was defined in 3.9% of obese adolescents with obesity and in 6.7% overweight adolescents. The MS in obese adolescents with vitamin D deficiency was determined in 64.4%, and in overweight adolescents - in 26.2%. The study has established factors associated with the risk of developing vitamin D deficiency in adolescents with MS male sex (р=0.042), low income per family member (р=0.040), daily milk consumption up to 1 cup per day (р=0.001), physical activity (р=0.001), the duration of stay outdoor (р=0.001), passive rest in front of the computer/TV (р=0.001). In adolescents with MS was found predominance of BMI (p<0.001), WC (p<0.001), fasting blood glucose level (p<0.001), decrease 25(OH)D level (p=0.022). The vitamin D deficiency was reliably interrelated with WC and increased fasting blood glucose (p<0.05) among the MS components.

Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in overweight and obese adolescents from Ukraine. There is association between vitamin D deficiency and MS criteria in overweight and obese adolescents.
Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in overweight and obese adolescents from Ukraine. There is association between vitamin D deficiency and MS criteria in overweight and obese adolescents.
Type 1 Diabetes mellitus (T1DM), is an autoimmune condition characterised by antipancreatic antibodies presence. Autoimmune process is also directed against other organs, most frequently against the thyroid gland, intestinal mucosa and the gastric parietal cells.

We have investigated in 121 children with T1DM and mean age ±SD of 11.99±4.63 years (range 2.0-20.0) the frequency of associated autoimmunity and explored the presence of predictive factors, such as current age, sex, severity at diabetes diagnosis, T1DM duration and family history of autoimmunity.

Associated autoimmunity was present in 28.9% of T1DM patients. Children with associated autoimmunity at diabetes diagnosis were older (p=0.009), and had longer diabetes duration, compared to children without associated autoimmunity (p=0.044). Adolescents with present age 12-20 years had statistically significant higher chance of developing thyroid autoimmunity compared to children aged 1-5 years (p = 0.019). Multiple autoimmunity (MA) (T1DM and >2 diagnosis and the presence of a significant family history of autoimmunity.
The use of systemic steroids for 6+ weeks in children is associated with decreased bone mineral content (BMC) and density (BMD). However, the effects of a shorter duration of use on BMD are unknown.

To determine the effect of the use of systemic steroids for 2-6 weeks on BMD and BMC in pediatric patients.

Twenty-five pediatric patients (21 with tuberculosis, 2 with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis, 1 with inflammatory bowel disease, 1 with autoimmune hemolytic anemia) who received systemic steroids for 2-6 weeks and 25 age- and sex-matched controls were enrolled. BMC, BMD, and Z scores of the whole body (WB), lumbar spine (LS), non-dominant distal radius (DR), and total body less the head (TBLH) were determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at baseline, the end of steroid therapy or 6 weeks (whichever was earlier; first follow-up), and at the end of 3 months from baseline (second follow-up) in patients and at baseline in controls. The values were adjusted for confounding variables. Continuoutical bones, an effect that persisted after discontinuation.
To identify patients who would benefit from third and subsequent lines of chemotherapy in recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC).

Recurrent EOC patients who received third, fourth, or fifth-line palliative chemotherapy were retrospectively analyzed. Patients' survival outcomes were assessed according to chemotherapy lines. Based on the best objective response, patients were divided into good-response (stable disease [SD] or better) and poor-response (progressive disease [PD] or those who died before response assessment) groups. Survival outcomes were compared between the two groups, and factors associated with chemotherapy responses were investigated.

A total of 189 patients were evaluated. Ninety-four and ninety-five patients were identified as good and poor response group respectively, during the study period of 2008 to 2021. The poor response group showed significantly worse progression-free survival (PFS; median 2.1 vs. 9.7 months; p < 0.001) and overall survival (OS; median, 5.0 vs. 22.9 months; p < 0.001) compared with the good response group. In multivariate analysis adjusting for clinicopathologic factors, short treatment free interval (hazard ratio [HR] 5.557; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.403-12.850), platinum-resistant EOC (HR; 2.367; 95% CI 1.017-5.510), and non-serous/endometrioid histologic type (HR 5.045; 95% CI 1.152-22.088) were identified as independent risk factors for poor response. There was no difference in serious adverse events between good and poor-response groups (p=0.167).

Third and subsequent lines of chemotherapy could be carefully considered for palliative purposes in recurrent EOC patients with serous or endometrioid histology, initial platinum sensitivity, and long TFIs from the previous chemotherapy regimen.
Third and subsequent lines of chemotherapy could be carefully considered for palliative purposes in recurrent EOC patients with serous or endometrioid histology, initial platinum sensitivity, and long TFIs from the previous chemotherapy regimen.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical implication of multigene panel testing of beyond BRCA genes in Korean patients with BRCA1/2 mutation-negative breast cancer.

Between 2016 and 2019, a total of 700 BRCA1/2 mutation-negative breast cancer patients received comprehensive multigene panel testing and genetic counseling. Among them, 347 patients completed a questionnaire about cancer worry, genetic knowledge, and preference for the method of genetic tests during pre- and post-genetic test counseling. The frequency of pathogenic and likely pathogenic variants (PV/LPV) were analyzed.

At least one PV/LPV of 26 genes were found in 76 out of 700 patients (10.9 %). The rate for PV/LPV was 3.4% for high-risk genes (17 PALB2, 6 TP53, and 1 PTEN). PV/LPVs of clinical actionable genes for breast cancer management, such as ATM, BARD1, BRIP, CHEK2, NF1, and RAD51D, were observed in 7.4%. Patients who completed the questionnaire showed decreased concerns about the risk of additional cancer development (average score, 4.

4 hrs ago

In 2018, the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance of Guatemala published the last update of the prevalence of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), and as in other low-income countries, the prevalence of NCD morbidity and mortality had risen. The prevalence of hypertension in Guatemala has been reported in a range from 18.7 to 22.7% which could be underestimated, because the country does not have an adequate statistical surveillance system. May Measurement Month (MMM) 2017, 2018, and 2019 in Guatemala was an opportunistic survey, which followed the methodology previously published. Blood pressure (BP) measurements were carried out in various locations, mainly hospitals and clinics (48.9%) or pharmacies (34.2%) in Guatemala City. In all patients, three BP measurements were taken after 5 min of rest and sitting in the correct recommended position. The mean of the second and third BP measurements was used for the analyses. Multiple imputation was used to impute the missing readings, based on the global MMM data. After multiple imputation, of all 3265 participants, 43.4% had hypertension. Of all participants with hypertension, 74.7% were aware of their diagnosis, 69.2% were on antihypertensive medication, and 63.1% had controlled BP ( less then 140/90 mmHg). Of all those with hypertension, 43.6% had controlled BP. MMM is the largest hypertension survey ever carried out globally. The MMM results from Guatemala reported here provide complementary and strong data on the impact of hypertension in the country and help to make hypertension visible as a priority health problem, which requires urgent solutions.Hypertension is a key cardiovascular disease risk factor leading to premature mortality worldwide. The purpose of the May Measurement Month (MMM) campaign in Ukraine is to improve awareness of hypertension at the individual and population level. Adults (≥18 years) were screened at sites in Ukraine. Data from the MMM17 (19 sites), MMM18 (1 site), and MMM19 (5 sites) campaigns are included in the present analysis. Ideally, three blood pressure (BP) measurements were taken for each participant, and data on lifestyle factors and comorbidities were collected. Hypertension was defined as systolic BP ≥ 140 mmHg and/or diastolic BP ≥ 90 mm Hg (based on the mean of the second and third readings) or being on antihypertension medication. Multiple imputation was used to estimate participants' mean BP where readings were missing. Linear regression models were used to evaluate associations between BP and participant characteristics. Of all 46 549 screenees, 33 307 (71.6%) had hypertension, and 82.6% of whom were on antihypertensive medication. Of all those on medication, 31.4% were controlled to BP less then 140/90 mmHg, and of all 33 307 participants with hypertension, 25.9% had controlled BP. Of all participants, 6.6% took statins and 11.2% took aspirin. The analysis of the MMM 2017, 2018, and 2019 campaigns has shown a high proportion of hypertension, insufficient level of awareness, and critically low level of effective BP control in Ukraine. Further MMM screening is needed to increase awareness of high BP and to help improve diagnosis, management, and treatment of hypertension.May Measurement Month (MMM) is an international screening campaign for arterial hypertension initiated by the International Society of Hypertension and endorsed by the World Hypertension League. Its aim is to raise the awareness of elevated blood pressure (BP) in the population worldwide. The goal of the present analyses is to assess the results obtained during three years of this campaign in Switzerland. Swiss data from MMM17 to MMM19 campaigns were used. BP and a questionnaire for basic demographic and clinical information were recorded for each participant. BP measurements and definition of arterial hypertension followed the standard MMM protocol. To assess BP control, European Society of Hypertension 2018 thresholds of less then 140/90 mmHg were used. Overall, 3635 participants had their BP measured, including 2423 women (66.7%) and 1212 (33.3%) men. More than half of the data came from pharmacies during MMM18 and MMM 19 campaigns. The difference in BP between pharmacies and other screenings sites was small. Overall, prevalence and awareness rates were 32.7% and 72.3%, respectively. Of those on medication, 60.9% were controlled, and of all hypertensive patients, 39.4% had controlled BP. In Switzerland, the prevalence of hypertension based on a 3-year awareness campaign was similar to previous epidemiological data within the country. One third of the population screened had hypertension, two thirds were aware of it, and less than half had controlled BP.The May Measurement Month (MMM) screening campaigns comprise an opportunistic assessment of the arterial blood pressure (BP) of Pakistani adults (≥18 years old) and evaluate the level of awareness and spectrum of the problem of hypertension and the associated risk factors. The prospective study was carried out in May 2018 in multiple medical screening camps at hospitals, pharmacies, and public areas with the help of local health care workers under ethical guidelines. The volunteers took BP measurements using OMRON digital BP devices, in a seated position, and three successive readings were noted after 5 min rest. The mean values of the second and third readings were attained. Data were analysed centrally by the MMM project management team and multiple imputations were performed, where BP readings were missing. Hypertension was defined as a systolic BP ≥140 mmHg or diastolic BP ≥90 mmHg, or in those taking antihypertensive medication. This study included 25 076 participants, of whom 14 726 (58.7%) were hypertensive. Among all hypertensives, only 11 681 were aware of their hypertension status. After imputation, age and gender standardization, mean systolic and diastolic BP were 129.8 mmHg and 82.9 mmHg, respectively. MMM17 data revealed that 55.2% of those screened were hypertensive in Pakistan, while in 2018 the proportion rose slightly to 58.7%. The prevalence of hypertension among those screened for MMM in Pakistan was high in both years. Although most patients with hypertension were treated, the majority remained uncontrolled. Further efforts to improve awareness and control are needed.The aim of this study was to screen for cardiovascular risk factors with particular focus on high blood pressure (BP) in Niger and thereby to raise awareness among the population of Niger about raised BP and the associated risk to health. The city of Niamey served as our study location during the month of May in 2017, 2018, and 2019. We screened volunteer adults aged ≥18 years, who completed a pre-established questionnaire and had three sitting BP measurements taken. Hypertension was defined as a systolic BP ≥140 mmHg or diastolic BP ≥90 mmHg (based on the mean of the second and third BP readings) or being on antihypertensive medication. We screened 2297 adults of which 42.9% were women and 57.1% men. Of the 2297 screened, 33.2% were found to be hypertensive of whom only 26 (3.4%) were recorded as being on treatment. Approximately 30% of those screened were found to be obese or overweight. High BP is a real public health danger, and this study finds alarming figures that highlight the need for improved policies for screening and management of hypertension. Raising awareness and improving detection of hypertension remain essential to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease.The aim of this study was to highlight the importance of measuring blood pressure (BP) and to identify and reduce the BPs of those people who require intervention to lower their BP according to current guidelines. A total of 7782 individuals aged ≥18 years were recruited during the 3 years of the May Measurement Month (MMM) campaign (2017 1196, 2018 2285, 2019 4301). Recruitment was through opportunistic sampling at a variety of screening sites distributed throughout the country. Each participant underwent a pre-specified questionnaire with questions on risk factors concluding with three BP measurements at 1 min intervals and measurement of weight and height. Hypertension was defined as a systolic BP ≥140 mmHg or diastolic BP ≥90 mmHg or those receiving antihypertensive therapy. Of all 7782 participants, 3323 had hypertension (42.7%) of whom 61.8% were aware and 50.4% were not receiving antihypertensive medication. Of those treated (49.6%), 43.8% had controlled BP ( less then 140/90 mmHg). Among all hypertensive patients (with and without medication), 21.7% had controlled BP. In relation to previous surveys carried out in the country, awareness of hypertension increased two-fold, with no change in the proportion of hypertensive patients on treatment and the proportion of hypertensive patients with controlled BP which remained low.Hypertension is a growing burden worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, ∼1.13 billion people worldwide suffer from hypertension. May Measurement Month (MMM) is a global initiative of the International Society of Hypertension aimed at raising awareness of high blood pressure (BP) and to act as a temporary solution to the lack of screening programmes worldwide. We provide the results of the 2017 MMM (MMM17) edition in Mauritius. This cross-sectional survey of participants aged 18 years and over was carried out in May 2017. Hypertension was defined as systolic BP of at least 140 mmHg or diastolic BP of at least 90mmHg or in those on antihypertensive medication. Blood pressure measurement and statistical analysis followed the standard MMM protocol. The screening was conducted by the Non-Communicable Diseases and Health Promotion Unit, which is under the aegis of the Ministry of Health and Wellness, mainly in workplaces and community centres, in both rural and urban areas across Mauritius. Of the 2302 individuals screened, after multiple imputations, 375 (16.3%) had untreated hypertension. May Measurement Month 2017 was the very first BP screening campaign initiated in Mauritius. These results suggest that MMM17 was useful in the identification of potential patients with raised BP.In 2017, Lithuania joined the global May Measurement Month (MMM) campaign which aims at raising awareness of raised blood pressure worldwide. Presented here are the data arising from the 2017, 2018, and 2019 campaigns. An opportunistic cross-sectional survey of individuals aged ≥18 years was carried out in Lithuania in 2017, 2018, and 2019. Two thousand nine hundred and nineteen participants were recruited in the MMM campaigns in response to the media engagement and interactions with the study team. The mean age of participants was 46.1 years (SD 16.3) years, 58.9% were females. Blood pressures were measured using electronic devices provided by Omron according to the MMM protocol. Of the 2919 screened participants, 1308 (44.8%) had hypertension. Of all hypertensive participants, the awareness rate, the treatment rate, and the control rates ( less then 140/90 mmHg) were 79.5%, 41.0%, and 14.2%, respectively. Of those on antihypertensive medication, the control rate was 34.8%. The high percentage of participants with hypertension was either untreated (59.

5 hrs ago

y practice. While missing ASMs were a small feature, there continue to remain opportunities where best practice standards can be improved. The increasing use of digital ASMs potentially highlights a shift in clinical practice standards.This article introduces Interdisciplinary Research Maps as a novel visualization technique to assist with interdisciplinary research analytics and to map common (and distinct) topics across publications from different disciplines. We detail the method for this technique which is based on entity linking and illustrate its application to a sample of articles sourced from the top business/management and environmental sciences journals. Both fields have separately been criticized for a lack of interdisciplinary research to co-create insights for tackling pressing environmental issues such as climate change. Our mapping approach provides a starting point for exploring similarities and differences in research topics across these fields. The mapping technique introduced here has broader applicability to facilitate the creation and exchange of knowledge across fields. We discuss avenues for visualization techniques to bridge the different fields by focusing on identifying common concepts to provide a basis for future analysis.Grassland biodiversity is vulnerable to land use change. How to best manage semi-natural grasslands for maintaining biodiversity is still unclear in many cases because land-use processes may depend on environmental conditions and the indirect effects of land-use on biodiversity mediated by altered abiotic and biotic factors are rarely considered. Here we evaluate the relative importance of the direct and indirect effects of grazing intensity on plant communities along an elevational gradient on a large topographic scale in the Eastern Carpathians in Ukraine. We sampled for two years 31 semi-natural grasslands exposed to cattle grazing. Within each grassland site we measured plant community properties such as the number of species, functional groups, and the proportion of species undesirable for grazing. In addition, we recorded cattle density (as a proxy for grazing intensity), soil properties (bare soil exposure, soil organic carbon, and soil pH) and densities of soil decomposers (earthworms and soil microor Furthermore, we found lower soil pH, organic carbon and decomposer density with elevation, indicating that the effects of grazing on soil and related ecosystem functions and services in semi-natural grasslands may be more pronounced with elevation. This demonstrates that we need to account for environmental gradients when attempting to generalize effects of land-use intensity on biodiversity.Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), caused by JC polyomavirus, is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system that primarily affects oligodendrocytes. It can cause significant morbidity and mortality. An early diagnosis is of high relevance as timely immune reconstitution is essential. However, diagnosis can be challenging if virus detection via cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) PCR remains negative. Hence, identifying CSF biomarkers for this disease is of crucial importance. We applied a targeted metabolomic screen to CSF from 23 PML patients and eight normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) patients as controls. Out of 188 potentially detectable metabolites, 48 (13 amino acids, 4 biogenic amines, 1 acylcarnitine, 21 phosphatidylcholines, 8 sphingolipids, and the sum of hexoses) passed the quality screen and were included in the analyses. Even though there was a tendency towards lower concentrations in PML (mostly of phosphatidylcholines and sphingomyelins), none of the differences between PML and controls in individual metabolite concentrations reached statistical significance (lowest p = 0.104) and there were no potential diagnostic biomarkers (highest area under the ROC curve 0.68). Thus, CSF metabolite changes in PML are likely subtle and possibly larger group sizes and broader metabolite screens are needed to identify potential CSF metabolite biomarkers for PML.
To evaluate the availability, prices, and affordability of essential medicines in Zhejiang Province, China.

The survey was carried out in Zhejiang Province in 2018 following the methodology of the World Health Organization (WHO) and Health Action International (HAI). This method is an international standard method.Data on 50 medicines were collected from public health facilities and private pharmacies. Medication prices were compared with international reference prices to obtain a median price ratio. The affordability of medicines was measured based on the daily wage of the lowest-paid unskilled government worker. In private pharmacies, the mean availability of Originator Brands (OBs) and Lowest-priced Generics (LPGs) was 36.7% and 40.3%, respectively.

The effects of the mean availability of OBs and LPGs were seen in private pharmacies. Correspondingly, the average availability of OBs and LPGs was 41.8% and 35.1% in the public sector, respectively. In the public sector, the median price ratios (MPRs) weessential medicines.The availability of breastfeeding support resources, including those provided by Baby-Friendly Hospitals, International Board Certified Lactation Consultants, breastfeeding counselors and educators, and volunteer-based mother-to-mother support organizations, such as La Leche League, are critically important for influencing breastfeeding initiation and continuation for the mother-child dyad. In addition, the emergence of community support options via information and communication technologies such as Skype and Facetime, social media (e.g., Facebook), and telelactation providers are providing mothers with a new range of support options that can help bridge geographic barriers to traditional community support. However, telelactation services that use information and communication technologies to connect breastfeeding mothers to remotely located breastfeeding experts require reliable, affordable, high-quality broadband connections to facilitate interaction between mothers and their support resources. The purpose of this paper is to explore the complex spatial landscape of virtual and face-to-face breastfeeding support options for mothers in the state of Ohio (U.S.), identifying barriers to support. Using a range of spatial and network analytics, the results suggest that a divide is emerging. While urban areas in Ohio benefit from both a density of face-to-face breastfeeding support resources and robust broadband options for engaging in telelactation, many rural areas of the state are lacking access to both. Policy implications and several potential strategies for mitigating these inequities are discussed.Structural brain alterations have been repeatedly reported in schizophrenia; however, the pathophysiology of its alterations remains unclear. Multivariate pattern recognition analysis such as support vector machines can classify patients and healthy controls by detecting subtle and spatially distributed patterns of structural alterations. We aimed to use a support vector machine to distinguish patients with schizophrenia from control participants on the basis of structural magnetic resonance imaging data and delineate the patterns of structural alterations that significantly contributed to the classification performance. We used independent datasets from different sites with different magnetic resonance imaging scanners, protocols and clinical characteristics of the patient group to achieve a more accurate estimate of the classification performance of support vector machines. We developed a support vector machine classifier using the dataset from one site (101 participants) and evaluated the performance of the trained support vector machine using a dataset from the other site (97 participants) and vice versa. We assessed the performance of the trained support vector machines in each support vector machine classifier. Both support vector machine classifiers attained a classification accuracy of >70% with two independent datasets indicating a consistently high performance of support vector machines even when used to classify data from different sites, scanners and different acquisition protocols. The regions contributing to the classification accuracy included the bilateral medial frontal cortex, superior temporal cortex, insula, occipital cortex, cerebellum, and thalamus, which have been reported to be related to the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. These results indicated that the support vector machine could detect subtle structural brain alterations and might aid our understanding of the pathophysiology of these changes in schizophrenia, which could be one of the diagnostic findings of schizophrenia.Managing water (e.g., catchments) to increase the abundance and distribution of game is popular in arid regions, especially throughout the southwest United States, where biologists often manage water year-round for desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni). Bighorn may visit water when predators (e.g., mountain lions [Puma concolor], coyotes [Canis latrans]) do not, suggesting that differences in species ecology or their surface water requirements influence visit timing. Alternatively, visits by desert bighorn sheep and predators may align. The former outcome identifies opportunities to improve water management by providing water when desert bighorn sheep visit most, which hypothetically may reduce predator presence, range expansion and predation, thereby supporting objectives to increase sheep abundances. Since advancing water management hinges on understanding the patterns of species visits, we identified when these three species and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) visited managed waters in three Northwater management for enhancing stewardship of desert mammals, be it the southwest United States or arid regions elsewhere.Plant grafting is a sequential wound healing process. However, whether wounding induces a different jasmonic acid (JA) response within half a day (12 h) after grafting or non-grafting remains unclear. Using the tomato hypocotyl grafting method, we show that grafting alleviates the asymmetrical accumulation of JA and jasmonic acid isoleucine conjugate (JA-Ile) in scion and rootstock caused by wounding, and from 2 h after tomato micrografting, grafting obviously restored the level of JA-Ile in the scion and rootstock. Meanwhile, five JA-related genes, SlLOX11, SlAOS, SlCOI1, SlLAPA and SlJA2L, are detected and show significant changes in transcriptional expression patterns within 12 h of grafting, from asymmetrical to symmetrical, when the expression of 30 JA- and defense-related genes were analyzed. The results indicated that grafting alleviates the asymmetrical JA and defense response between scion and rootstock of the tomato hypocotyl within 12 h as induced by wounding. Moreover, we demonstrate that in the very early hours after grafting, JA-related genes may be involved in a molecular mechanism that changes asymmetrical expression as induced by wounding between scion and rootstock, thereby promoting wound healing and grafting success.
In South Africa, large increases in early adult mortality during the 1990s and early 2000s have reversed since public HIV treatment rollout in 2004. In a rural population in KwaZulu-Natal, we investigate trends in parental mortality and orphanhood from 2000-2014.

Using longitudinal demographic surveillance data for a population of approximately 90,000, we calculated annual incidence and prevalence of maternal, paternal and double orphanhood in children and adolescents (<20 years) and, overall and cause-specific mortality of parents by age.

The proportion of children and adolescents (<20 years) for whom one or both parents had died rose from 26% in 2000 to peak at 36% in 2010, followed by a decline to 32% in 2014. The burden of orphanhood remains high especially in the oldest age group in 2014, 53% of adolescents 15-19 years had experienced the death of one or both parents. In all age groups and years, paternal orphan prevalence was three-five times higher than maternal orphan prevalence. Maternal and paternal orphan incidence peaked in 2005 at 17 and 27 per 1,000 person years respectively (<20 years) before declining by half through 2014.


9 hrs ago

In today’s episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez delves into the mysterious case of Ryan Routh, a man who reportedly plotted against Donald Trump and developed an unusual obsession with Ukraine. Rick unravels Routh’s astonishing transition from a minor criminal to a figure with connections to both Ukrainian military leaders and US lawmakers. Along the way, he questions the reliability of mainstream media coverage and explores the potential political undercurrents at play. The episode also covers an extraordinary situation in Lebanon, where beepers are mysteriously exploding and causing widespread injuries. Rick will be joined by experts Elijah Magnier and Nabeel Khoury to help make sense of this unfolding crisis.

9 hrs ago

On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez delves into a disturbing incident involving a thwarted assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, exposing the bizarre obsession of the suspect, Ryan Routh. The show also explores the divisive impact of media bias on domestic issues, such as the recent anti-Haitian rhetoric causing fear and school closures in Springfield, Ohio. Joining Rick is Professor Aviva Chomsky, who provides insights into the broader context of immigration controversies and media influence.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez delves into the latest geopolitical developments and their far-reaching implications. With expert analysis from Ghadi Francis and Elijah Magnier, Sanchez explores Ukraine’s precarious position and the potential US authorization for Ukrainian missile strikes on Russian territory. The show also investigates the surprising celebrations in Jordan following an attack on Israeli soldiers and dissects the global reaction to Donald Trump’s controversial debate comments.


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9 hrs ago

In today’s episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez delves into the mysterious case of Ryan Routh, a man who reportedly plotted against Donald Trump and developed an unusual obsession with Ukraine. Rick unravels Routh’s astonishing transition from a minor criminal to a figure with connections to both Ukrainian military leaders and US lawmakers. Along the way, he questions the reliability of mainstream media coverage and explores the potential political undercurrents at play. The episode also covers an extraordinary situation in Lebanon, where beepers are mysteriously exploding and causing widespread injuries. Rick will be joined by experts Elijah Magnier and Nabeel Khoury to help make sense of this unfolding crisis.

9 hrs ago

On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez delves into a disturbing incident involving a thwarted assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, exposing the bizarre obsession of the suspect, Ryan Routh. The show also explores the divisive impact of media bias on domestic issues, such as the recent anti-Haitian rhetoric causing fear and school closures in Springfield, Ohio. Joining Rick is Professor Aviva Chomsky, who provides insights into the broader context of immigration controversies and media influence.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez delves into the latest geopolitical developments and their far-reaching implications. With expert analysis from Ghadi Francis and Elijah Magnier, Sanchez explores Ukraine’s precarious position and the potential US authorization for Ukrainian missile strikes on Russian territory. The show also investigates the surprising celebrations in Jordan following an attack on Israeli soldiers and dissects the global reaction to Donald Trump’s controversial debate comments.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez dissects a contentious and dramatic presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. With insightful commentary and analysis from experts Craig Jardula and Angie Wong, Sanchez explores how Harris strategically baited Trump into revealing his frustration and anger, while both candidates failed to deliver substantial policy details. The show highlights key moments from the debate, including Trump’s handling of the Ukraine conflict and Harris’ provocative tactics, concluding that Harris’ approach might sway undecided voters and attract Democratic support.


In this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez takes a closer look at the tangled web of global conflicts and shifting public opinions. The show kicks off with a jaw-dropping moment: a high-ranking Chinese diplomat delivers a sharp critique to former US Vice President Dick Cheney. From there, Rick dives into recent polls from Israel and Ukraine, which suggest a growing public desire to end these protracted wars. Rick is joined by Craig ‘Pasta’ Jardula of The Convo Couch to unpack the significance of these polling trends and their potential effects on media and policy. In the second half of the show, attorney and political commentator Steve Gill weighs in on the upcoming US presidential debate and what it could mean for the political landscape ahead.


3 hrs ago

Recent efforts have focused on integrating Ti3C2Tx and V2CTx MXenes with MOFs to result in hybrid materials with augmented electrochemical and physicochemical properties, widening the scope for emerging applications. This review discusses the potential design strategies of MXene@MOF hybrids, attributes of tunable properties in the resulting hybrids, and their applications in water treatment, sensing, electrochemical energy storage, smart textiles, and electrocatalysis. Comprehensive discussions on the recent efforts on rapidly evolving MXene@MOF materials for various applications and potential future directions are highlighted.Uranyl compounds with tetrahedral oxoanions demonstrate a significant structural and topological diversity. Complexes of transuranium elements with such anions are not equally well-represented in the literature. To answer the question about the structural similarity in a series of An6+ complexes with XO42- anions, we synthesized and studied 10 new U, Np, and Pu chromates with outer-sphere organic cations. The structural analysis and comparison with the literature data shows that the Np and Pu complexes are generally based on the same structural blocks as the uranyl compounds. Moreover, the chromate anion does not show any unique structural role as compared to the sulfate and selenate ions. As a result, the neptunium and plutonium chromates contain 1D and 2D structural units similar to those found in the uranyl sulfates and selenates. The templating role of the outer-sphere cations in the actinyl complexes with tetrahedral oxoanions is also not evident, and there is no clear correlation between the nature of the outer-sphere cations and the topology of the structural units.Hyperdegranulation of neutrophilic granulocytes is a common finding in sepsis that directly contributes to the heightened immune response leading to organ dysfunction. Currently, cell degranulation is detected by flow cytometry, which requires large infrastructure that is not always available at the point of care. Here, we propose a plasmonic assay for detecting the degranulation status of septic cells colorimetrically. It is based on triggering the aggregation of gold nanoparticles with cationic granule proteins. Cells from septic patients contain fewer granules and therefore release less cationic proteins than healthy cells. This results in red-colored assays than can be easily detected by eye. The assay can selectively detect cationic granule proteins even in the presence of an excess of unrelated proteins, which is key to detect degranulation with high specificity. Coupling this signal generation mechanism with a magnetic purification step enabled the identification of septic cells with the same performance as flow cytometry. This makes the proposed method a promising alternative for diagnosing sepsis in decentralized healthcare schemes.Versatile DNA assembly standards and compatible, well-characterized part libraries are essential tools for creating effective designs in synthetic biology. However, to date, vector standards for Gram-positive hosts have limited flexibility. As a result, users often revert to PCR-based methods for building the desired genetic constructs. These methods are inherently prone to introducing mutations, which is problematic considering vector backbone parts are often left unsequenced in cloning workflows. To circumvent this, we present the ProUSER2.0 toolbox a standardized vector platform for building both integrative and replicative shuttle vectors forBacillus subtilis. The ProUSER2.0 vectors consist of a ProUSER cassette for easy and efficient insertion of cargo sequences and six exchangeable modules. Furthermore, the standard is semicompatible with several previously developed standards, allowing the user to utilize the parts developed for these. To provide parts for the toolbox, seven novel integration sites and six promoters were thoroughly characterized in B. subtilis. Finally, the capacity of the ProUSER2.0 system was demonstrated through the construction of signal peptide libraries for two industrially relevant proteins. Altogether, the ProUSER2.0 toolbox is a powerful and flexible framework for use in B. subtilis.
This work aimed to determine the association between vitamin D deficiency and metabolic syndrome (MS) in overweight and obese adolescents from Ukraine.

136 obese and overweight, and 60 adolescents with normal body weight, were examined. Anthropometric measurements, general and biochemical examinations were performed in all adolescents. The vitamin D status was determined by the 25(OH)D level in blood serum. To establish the factors influencing vitamin D status, children were asked to fill in a questionnaire. To determine MS 2007 IDF diagnostic criteria were used. All research results were processed statistically.

The 25(OH)D sufficient level was defined in 3.9% of obese adolescents with obesity and in 6.7% overweight adolescents. The MS in obese adolescents with vitamin D deficiency was determined in 64.4%, and in overweight adolescents - in 26.2%. The study has established factors associated with the risk of developing vitamin D deficiency in adolescents with MS male sex (р=0.042), low income per family member (р=0.040), daily milk consumption up to 1 cup per day (р=0.001), physical activity (р=0.001), the duration of stay outdoor (р=0.001), passive rest in front of the computer/TV (р=0.001). In adolescents with MS was found predominance of BMI (p<0.001), WC (p<0.001), fasting blood glucose level (p<0.001), decrease 25(OH)D level (p=0.022). The vitamin D deficiency was reliably interrelated with WC and increased fasting blood glucose (p<0.05) among the MS components.

Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in overweight and obese adolescents from Ukraine. There is association between vitamin D deficiency and MS criteria in overweight and obese adolescents.
Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in overweight and obese adolescents from Ukraine. There is association between vitamin D deficiency and MS criteria in overweight and obese adolescents.
Type 1 Diabetes mellitus (T1DM), is an autoimmune condition characterised by antipancreatic antibodies presence. Autoimmune process is also directed against other organs, most frequently against the thyroid gland, intestinal mucosa and the gastric parietal cells.

We have investigated in 121 children with T1DM and mean age ±SD of 11.99±4.63 years (range 2.0-20.0) the frequency of associated autoimmunity and explored the presence of predictive factors, such as current age, sex, severity at diabetes diagnosis, T1DM duration and family history of autoimmunity.

Associated autoimmunity was present in 28.9% of T1DM patients. Children with associated autoimmunity at diabetes diagnosis were older (p=0.009), and had longer diabetes duration, compared to children without associated autoimmunity (p=0.044). Adolescents with present age 12-20 years had statistically significant higher chance of developing thyroid autoimmunity compared to children aged 1-5 years (p = 0.019). Multiple autoimmunity (MA) (T1DM and >2 diagnosis and the presence of a significant family history of autoimmunity.
The use of systemic steroids for 6+ weeks in children is associated with decreased bone mineral content (BMC) and density (BMD). However, the effects of a shorter duration of use on BMD are unknown.

To determine the effect of the use of systemic steroids for 2-6 weeks on BMD and BMC in pediatric patients.

Twenty-five pediatric patients (21 with tuberculosis, 2 with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis, 1 with inflammatory bowel disease, 1 with autoimmune hemolytic anemia) who received systemic steroids for 2-6 weeks and 25 age- and sex-matched controls were enrolled. BMC, BMD, and Z scores of the whole body (WB), lumbar spine (LS), non-dominant distal radius (DR), and total body less the head (TBLH) were determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at baseline, the end of steroid therapy or 6 weeks (whichever was earlier; first follow-up), and at the end of 3 months from baseline (second follow-up) in patients and at baseline in controls. The values were adjusted for confounding variables. Continuoutical bones, an effect that persisted after discontinuation.
To identify patients who would benefit from third and subsequent lines of chemotherapy in recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC).

Recurrent EOC patients who received third, fourth, or fifth-line palliative chemotherapy were retrospectively analyzed. Patients' survival outcomes were assessed according to chemotherapy lines. Based on the best objective response, patients were divided into good-response (stable disease [SD] or better) and poor-response (progressive disease [PD] or those who died before response assessment) groups. Survival outcomes were compared between the two groups, and factors associated with chemotherapy responses were investigated.

A total of 189 patients were evaluated. Ninety-four and ninety-five patients were identified as good and poor response group respectively, during the study period of 2008 to 2021. The poor response group showed significantly worse progression-free survival (PFS; median 2.1 vs. 9.7 months; p < 0.001) and overall survival (OS; median, 5.0 vs. 22.9 months; p < 0.001) compared with the good response group. In multivariate analysis adjusting for clinicopathologic factors, short treatment free interval (hazard ratio [HR] 5.557; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.403-12.850), platinum-resistant EOC (HR; 2.367; 95% CI 1.017-5.510), and non-serous/endometrioid histologic type (HR 5.045; 95% CI 1.152-22.088) were identified as independent risk factors for poor response. There was no difference in serious adverse events between good and poor-response groups (p=0.167).

Third and subsequent lines of chemotherapy could be carefully considered for palliative purposes in recurrent EOC patients with serous or endometrioid histology, initial platinum sensitivity, and long TFIs from the previous chemotherapy regimen.
Third and subsequent lines of chemotherapy could be carefully considered for palliative purposes in recurrent EOC patients with serous or endometrioid histology, initial platinum sensitivity, and long TFIs from the previous chemotherapy regimen.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical implication of multigene panel testing of beyond BRCA genes in Korean patients with BRCA1/2 mutation-negative breast cancer.

Between 2016 and 2019, a total of 700 BRCA1/2 mutation-negative breast cancer patients received comprehensive multigene panel testing and genetic counseling. Among them, 347 patients completed a questionnaire about cancer worry, genetic knowledge, and preference for the method of genetic tests during pre- and post-genetic test counseling. The frequency of pathogenic and likely pathogenic variants (PV/LPV) were analyzed.

At least one PV/LPV of 26 genes were found in 76 out of 700 patients (10.9 %). The rate for PV/LPV was 3.4% for high-risk genes (17 PALB2, 6 TP53, and 1 PTEN). PV/LPVs of clinical actionable genes for breast cancer management, such as ATM, BARD1, BRIP, CHEK2, NF1, and RAD51D, were observed in 7.4%. Patients who completed the questionnaire showed decreased concerns about the risk of additional cancer development (average score, 4.

4 hrs ago

In 2018, the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance of Guatemala published the last update of the prevalence of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), and as in other low-income countries, the prevalence of NCD morbidity and mortality had risen. The prevalence of hypertension in Guatemala has been reported in a range from 18.7 to 22.7% which could be underestimated, because the country does not have an adequate statistical surveillance system. May Measurement Month (MMM) 2017, 2018, and 2019 in Guatemala was an opportunistic survey, which followed the methodology previously published. Blood pressure (BP) measurements were carried out in various locations, mainly hospitals and clinics (48.9%) or pharmacies (34.2%) in Guatemala City. In all patients, three BP measurements were taken after 5 min of rest and sitting in the correct recommended position. The mean of the second and third BP measurements was used for the analyses. Multiple imputation was used to impute the missing readings, based on the global MMM data. After multiple imputation, of all 3265 participants, 43.4% had hypertension. Of all participants with hypertension, 74.7% were aware of their diagnosis, 69.2% were on antihypertensive medication, and 63.1% had controlled BP ( less then 140/90 mmHg). Of all those with hypertension, 43.6% had controlled BP. MMM is the largest hypertension survey ever carried out globally. The MMM results from Guatemala reported here provide complementary and strong data on the impact of hypertension in the country and help to make hypertension visible as a priority health problem, which requires urgent solutions.Hypertension is a key cardiovascular disease risk factor leading to premature mortality worldwide. The purpose of the May Measurement Month (MMM) campaign in Ukraine is to improve awareness of hypertension at the individual and population level. Adults (≥18 years) were screened at sites in Ukraine. Data from the MMM17 (19 sites), MMM18 (1 site), and MMM19 (5 sites) campaigns are included in the present analysis. Ideally, three blood pressure (BP) measurements were taken for each participant, and data on lifestyle factors and comorbidities were collected. Hypertension was defined as systolic BP ≥ 140 mmHg and/or diastolic BP ≥ 90 mm Hg (based on the mean of the second and third readings) or being on antihypertension medication. Multiple imputation was used to estimate participants' mean BP where readings were missing. Linear regression models were used to evaluate associations between BP and participant characteristics. Of all 46 549 screenees, 33 307 (71.6%) had hypertension, and 82.6% of whom were on antihypertensive medication. Of all those on medication, 31.4% were controlled to BP less then 140/90 mmHg, and of all 33 307 participants with hypertension, 25.9% had controlled BP. Of all participants, 6.6% took statins and 11.2% took aspirin. The analysis of the MMM 2017, 2018, and 2019 campaigns has shown a high proportion of hypertension, insufficient level of awareness, and critically low level of effective BP control in Ukraine. Further MMM screening is needed to increase awareness of high BP and to help improve diagnosis, management, and treatment of hypertension.May Measurement Month (MMM) is an international screening campaign for arterial hypertension initiated by the International Society of Hypertension and endorsed by the World Hypertension League. Its aim is to raise the awareness of elevated blood pressure (BP) in the population worldwide. The goal of the present analyses is to assess the results obtained during three years of this campaign in Switzerland. Swiss data from MMM17 to MMM19 campaigns were used. BP and a questionnaire for basic demographic and clinical information were recorded for each participant. BP measurements and definition of arterial hypertension followed the standard MMM protocol. To assess BP control, European Society of Hypertension 2018 thresholds of less then 140/90 mmHg were used. Overall, 3635 participants had their BP measured, including 2423 women (66.7%) and 1212 (33.3%) men. More than half of the data came from pharmacies during MMM18 and MMM 19 campaigns. The difference in BP between pharmacies and other screenings sites was small. Overall, prevalence and awareness rates were 32.7% and 72.3%, respectively. Of those on medication, 60.9% were controlled, and of all hypertensive patients, 39.4% had controlled BP. In Switzerland, the prevalence of hypertension based on a 3-year awareness campaign was similar to previous epidemiological data within the country. One third of the population screened had hypertension, two thirds were aware of it, and less than half had controlled BP.The May Measurement Month (MMM) screening campaigns comprise an opportunistic assessment of the arterial blood pressure (BP) of Pakistani adults (≥18 years old) and evaluate the level of awareness and spectrum of the problem of hypertension and the associated risk factors. The prospective study was carried out in May 2018 in multiple medical screening camps at hospitals, pharmacies, and public areas with the help of local health care workers under ethical guidelines. The volunteers took BP measurements using OMRON digital BP devices, in a seated position, and three successive readings were noted after 5 min rest. The mean values of the second and third readings were attained. Data were analysed centrally by the MMM project management team and multiple imputations were performed, where BP readings were missing. Hypertension was defined as a systolic BP ≥140 mmHg or diastolic BP ≥90 mmHg, or in those taking antihypertensive medication. This study included 25 076 participants, of whom 14 726 (58.7%) were hypertensive. Among all hypertensives, only 11 681 were aware of their hypertension status. After imputation, age and gender standardization, mean systolic and diastolic BP were 129.8 mmHg and 82.9 mmHg, respectively. MMM17 data revealed that 55.2% of those screened were hypertensive in Pakistan, while in 2018 the proportion rose slightly to 58.7%. The prevalence of hypertension among those screened for MMM in Pakistan was high in both years. Although most patients with hypertension were treated, the majority remained uncontrolled. Further efforts to improve awareness and control are needed.The aim of this study was to screen for cardiovascular risk factors with particular focus on high blood pressure (BP) in Niger and thereby to raise awareness among the population of Niger about raised BP and the associated risk to health. The city of Niamey served as our study location during the month of May in 2017, 2018, and 2019. We screened volunteer adults aged ≥18 years, who completed a pre-established questionnaire and had three sitting BP measurements taken. Hypertension was defined as a systolic BP ≥140 mmHg or diastolic BP ≥90 mmHg (based on the mean of the second and third BP readings) or being on antihypertensive medication. We screened 2297 adults of which 42.9% were women and 57.1% men. Of the 2297 screened, 33.2% were found to be hypertensive of whom only 26 (3.4%) were recorded as being on treatment. Approximately 30% of those screened were found to be obese or overweight. High BP is a real public health danger, and this study finds alarming figures that highlight the need for improved policies for screening and management of hypertension. Raising awareness and improving detection of hypertension remain essential to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease.The aim of this study was to highlight the importance of measuring blood pressure (BP) and to identify and reduce the BPs of those people who require intervention to lower their BP according to current guidelines. A total of 7782 individuals aged ≥18 years were recruited during the 3 years of the May Measurement Month (MMM) campaign (2017 1196, 2018 2285, 2019 4301). Recruitment was through opportunistic sampling at a variety of screening sites distributed throughout the country. Each participant underwent a pre-specified questionnaire with questions on risk factors concluding with three BP measurements at 1 min intervals and measurement of weight and height. Hypertension was defined as a systolic BP ≥140 mmHg or diastolic BP ≥90 mmHg or those receiving antihypertensive therapy. Of all 7782 participants, 3323 had hypertension (42.7%) of whom 61.8% were aware and 50.4% were not receiving antihypertensive medication. Of those treated (49.6%), 43.8% had controlled BP ( less then 140/90 mmHg). Among all hypertensive patients (with and without medication), 21.7% had controlled BP. In relation to previous surveys carried out in the country, awareness of hypertension increased two-fold, with no change in the proportion of hypertensive patients on treatment and the proportion of hypertensive patients with controlled BP which remained low.Hypertension is a growing burden worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, ∼1.13 billion people worldwide suffer from hypertension. May Measurement Month (MMM) is a global initiative of the International Society of Hypertension aimed at raising awareness of high blood pressure (BP) and to act as a temporary solution to the lack of screening programmes worldwide. We provide the results of the 2017 MMM (MMM17) edition in Mauritius. This cross-sectional survey of participants aged 18 years and over was carried out in May 2017. Hypertension was defined as systolic BP of at least 140 mmHg or diastolic BP of at least 90mmHg or in those on antihypertensive medication. Blood pressure measurement and statistical analysis followed the standard MMM protocol. The screening was conducted by the Non-Communicable Diseases and Health Promotion Unit, which is under the aegis of the Ministry of Health and Wellness, mainly in workplaces and community centres, in both rural and urban areas across Mauritius. Of the 2302 individuals screened, after multiple imputations, 375 (16.3%) had untreated hypertension. May Measurement Month 2017 was the very first BP screening campaign initiated in Mauritius. These results suggest that MMM17 was useful in the identification of potential patients with raised BP.In 2017, Lithuania joined the global May Measurement Month (MMM) campaign which aims at raising awareness of raised blood pressure worldwide. Presented here are the data arising from the 2017, 2018, and 2019 campaigns. An opportunistic cross-sectional survey of individuals aged ≥18 years was carried out in Lithuania in 2017, 2018, and 2019. Two thousand nine hundred and nineteen participants were recruited in the MMM campaigns in response to the media engagement and interactions with the study team. The mean age of participants was 46.1 years (SD 16.3) years, 58.9% were females. Blood pressures were measured using electronic devices provided by Omron according to the MMM protocol. Of the 2919 screened participants, 1308 (44.8%) had hypertension. Of all hypertensive participants, the awareness rate, the treatment rate, and the control rates ( less then 140/90 mmHg) were 79.5%, 41.0%, and 14.2%, respectively. Of those on antihypertensive medication, the control rate was 34.8%. The high percentage of participants with hypertension was either untreated (59.

5 hrs ago

y practice. While missing ASMs were a small feature, there continue to remain opportunities where best practice standards can be improved. The increasing use of digital ASMs potentially highlights a shift in clinical practice standards.This article introduces Interdisciplinary Research Maps as a novel visualization technique to assist with interdisciplinary research analytics and to map common (and distinct) topics across publications from different disciplines. We detail the method for this technique which is based on entity linking and illustrate its application to a sample of articles sourced from the top business/management and environmental sciences journals. Both fields have separately been criticized for a lack of interdisciplinary research to co-create insights for tackling pressing environmental issues such as climate change. Our mapping approach provides a starting point for exploring similarities and differences in research topics across these fields. The mapping technique introduced here has broader applicability to facilitate the creation and exchange of knowledge across fields. We discuss avenues for visualization techniques to bridge the different fields by focusing on identifying common concepts to provide a basis for future analysis.Grassland biodiversity is vulnerable to land use change. How to best manage semi-natural grasslands for maintaining biodiversity is still unclear in many cases because land-use processes may depend on environmental conditions and the indirect effects of land-use on biodiversity mediated by altered abiotic and biotic factors are rarely considered. Here we evaluate the relative importance of the direct and indirect effects of grazing intensity on plant communities along an elevational gradient on a large topographic scale in the Eastern Carpathians in Ukraine. We sampled for two years 31 semi-natural grasslands exposed to cattle grazing. Within each grassland site we measured plant community properties such as the number of species, functional groups, and the proportion of species undesirable for grazing. In addition, we recorded cattle density (as a proxy for grazing intensity), soil properties (bare soil exposure, soil organic carbon, and soil pH) and densities of soil decomposers (earthworms and soil microor Furthermore, we found lower soil pH, organic carbon and decomposer density with elevation, indicating that the effects of grazing on soil and related ecosystem functions and services in semi-natural grasslands may be more pronounced with elevation. This demonstrates that we need to account for environmental gradients when attempting to generalize effects of land-use intensity on biodiversity.Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), caused by JC polyomavirus, is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system that primarily affects oligodendrocytes. It can cause significant morbidity and mortality. An early diagnosis is of high relevance as timely immune reconstitution is essential. However, diagnosis can be challenging if virus detection via cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) PCR remains negative. Hence, identifying CSF biomarkers for this disease is of crucial importance. We applied a targeted metabolomic screen to CSF from 23 PML patients and eight normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) patients as controls. Out of 188 potentially detectable metabolites, 48 (13 amino acids, 4 biogenic amines, 1 acylcarnitine, 21 phosphatidylcholines, 8 sphingolipids, and the sum of hexoses) passed the quality screen and were included in the analyses. Even though there was a tendency towards lower concentrations in PML (mostly of phosphatidylcholines and sphingomyelins), none of the differences between PML and controls in individual metabolite concentrations reached statistical significance (lowest p = 0.104) and there were no potential diagnostic biomarkers (highest area under the ROC curve 0.68). Thus, CSF metabolite changes in PML are likely subtle and possibly larger group sizes and broader metabolite screens are needed to identify potential CSF metabolite biomarkers for PML.
To evaluate the availability, prices, and affordability of essential medicines in Zhejiang Province, China.

The survey was carried out in Zhejiang Province in 2018 following the methodology of the World Health Organization (WHO) and Health Action International (HAI). This method is an international standard method.Data on 50 medicines were collected from public health facilities and private pharmacies. Medication prices were compared with international reference prices to obtain a median price ratio. The affordability of medicines was measured based on the daily wage of the lowest-paid unskilled government worker. In private pharmacies, the mean availability of Originator Brands (OBs) and Lowest-priced Generics (LPGs) was 36.7% and 40.3%, respectively.

The effects of the mean availability of OBs and LPGs were seen in private pharmacies. Correspondingly, the average availability of OBs and LPGs was 41.8% and 35.1% in the public sector, respectively. In the public sector, the median price ratios (MPRs) weessential medicines.The availability of breastfeeding support resources, including those provided by Baby-Friendly Hospitals, International Board Certified Lactation Consultants, breastfeeding counselors and educators, and volunteer-based mother-to-mother support organizations, such as La Leche League, are critically important for influencing breastfeeding initiation and continuation for the mother-child dyad. In addition, the emergence of community support options via information and communication technologies such as Skype and Facetime, social media (e.g., Facebook), and telelactation providers are providing mothers with a new range of support options that can help bridge geographic barriers to traditional community support. However, telelactation services that use information and communication technologies to connect breastfeeding mothers to remotely located breastfeeding experts require reliable, affordable, high-quality broadband connections to facilitate interaction between mothers and their support resources. The purpose of this paper is to explore the complex spatial landscape of virtual and face-to-face breastfeeding support options for mothers in the state of Ohio (U.S.), identifying barriers to support. Using a range of spatial and network analytics, the results suggest that a divide is emerging. While urban areas in Ohio benefit from both a density of face-to-face breastfeeding support resources and robust broadband options for engaging in telelactation, many rural areas of the state are lacking access to both. Policy implications and several potential strategies for mitigating these inequities are discussed.Structural brain alterations have been repeatedly reported in schizophrenia; however, the pathophysiology of its alterations remains unclear. Multivariate pattern recognition analysis such as support vector machines can classify patients and healthy controls by detecting subtle and spatially distributed patterns of structural alterations. We aimed to use a support vector machine to distinguish patients with schizophrenia from control participants on the basis of structural magnetic resonance imaging data and delineate the patterns of structural alterations that significantly contributed to the classification performance. We used independent datasets from different sites with different magnetic resonance imaging scanners, protocols and clinical characteristics of the patient group to achieve a more accurate estimate of the classification performance of support vector machines. We developed a support vector machine classifier using the dataset from one site (101 participants) and evaluated the performance of the trained support vector machine using a dataset from the other site (97 participants) and vice versa. We assessed the performance of the trained support vector machines in each support vector machine classifier. Both support vector machine classifiers attained a classification accuracy of >70% with two independent datasets indicating a consistently high performance of support vector machines even when used to classify data from different sites, scanners and different acquisition protocols. The regions contributing to the classification accuracy included the bilateral medial frontal cortex, superior temporal cortex, insula, occipital cortex, cerebellum, and thalamus, which have been reported to be related to the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. These results indicated that the support vector machine could detect subtle structural brain alterations and might aid our understanding of the pathophysiology of these changes in schizophrenia, which could be one of the diagnostic findings of schizophrenia.Managing water (e.g., catchments) to increase the abundance and distribution of game is popular in arid regions, especially throughout the southwest United States, where biologists often manage water year-round for desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni). Bighorn may visit water when predators (e.g., mountain lions [Puma concolor], coyotes [Canis latrans]) do not, suggesting that differences in species ecology or their surface water requirements influence visit timing. Alternatively, visits by desert bighorn sheep and predators may align. The former outcome identifies opportunities to improve water management by providing water when desert bighorn sheep visit most, which hypothetically may reduce predator presence, range expansion and predation, thereby supporting objectives to increase sheep abundances. Since advancing water management hinges on understanding the patterns of species visits, we identified when these three species and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) visited managed waters in three Northwater management for enhancing stewardship of desert mammals, be it the southwest United States or arid regions elsewhere.Plant grafting is a sequential wound healing process. However, whether wounding induces a different jasmonic acid (JA) response within half a day (12 h) after grafting or non-grafting remains unclear. Using the tomato hypocotyl grafting method, we show that grafting alleviates the asymmetrical accumulation of JA and jasmonic acid isoleucine conjugate (JA-Ile) in scion and rootstock caused by wounding, and from 2 h after tomato micrografting, grafting obviously restored the level of JA-Ile in the scion and rootstock. Meanwhile, five JA-related genes, SlLOX11, SlAOS, SlCOI1, SlLAPA and SlJA2L, are detected and show significant changes in transcriptional expression patterns within 12 h of grafting, from asymmetrical to symmetrical, when the expression of 30 JA- and defense-related genes were analyzed. The results indicated that grafting alleviates the asymmetrical JA and defense response between scion and rootstock of the tomato hypocotyl within 12 h as induced by wounding. Moreover, we demonstrate that in the very early hours after grafting, JA-related genes may be involved in a molecular mechanism that changes asymmetrical expression as induced by wounding between scion and rootstock, thereby promoting wound healing and grafting success.
In South Africa, large increases in early adult mortality during the 1990s and early 2000s have reversed since public HIV treatment rollout in 2004. In a rural population in KwaZulu-Natal, we investigate trends in parental mortality and orphanhood from 2000-2014.

Using longitudinal demographic surveillance data for a population of approximately 90,000, we calculated annual incidence and prevalence of maternal, paternal and double orphanhood in children and adolescents (<20 years) and, overall and cause-specific mortality of parents by age.

The proportion of children and adolescents (<20 years) for whom one or both parents had died rose from 26% in 2000 to peak at 36% in 2010, followed by a decline to 32% in 2014. The burden of orphanhood remains high especially in the oldest age group in 2014, 53% of adolescents 15-19 years had experienced the death of one or both parents. In all age groups and years, paternal orphan prevalence was three-five times higher than maternal orphan prevalence. Maternal and paternal orphan incidence peaked in 2005 at 17 and 27 per 1,000 person years respectively (<20 years) before declining by half through 2014.

5 hrs ago

The objective of our own more review ended up being decide if medical professionals possessed theoretical along with useful expertise two years right after coaching. Physicians ended up split up into a pair of teams those that executed this treatment during this time period individuals would not. The outcomes of the assessment ahve shown the need for intermittent intraosseous catheterization education so that physicians that have not practiced this particular tricks would not get rid of the appropriate capabilities along with perform this treatment safely if needed.The purpose of the content is always to carry out a marketplace analysis examination of frequent manifestations of corruption and also problem pitfalls through open public purchase involving medical goods within Ukraine along with foreign nations in order to find great ways to counteract to such circumstances. The materials from the analysis were the particular provisions regarding overseas legal guidelines, national regulatory authorized acts from the medical care industry. Theoretical foundation of the content can be study devoted to various aspects of overcoming problem in neuro-scientific treatments, methods to reduce and minimize instances of data corruption manifestations, advancement regarding anti-corruption steps in the course of community purchase of medical products. Your creators of this article purchased comparison, relative as well as legitimate, traditional and legitimate, conventional as well as legal techniques, methods of official judgement, approach to technique investigation. It's been figured that the situation associated with data corruption is not fresh pertaining to open public purchase area. However, file corruption error dangers improve substantially through emergency situations. Publnteraction steps along with the proper reaction with the state for you to unlawful actions.The goal of this content is usually to review certain capabilities, challenging conditions that occur through standardization inside the medical care sector, and also the significance of this procedure for safeguarding the health of the populace regarding Ukraine. Materials regarding identifying the fact involving standardization inside the health care field have been the actual legal guidelines from the EU, Ukraine, as well as information through the Whom, the particular marketing, the actual caselaw of the Eu The courtroom regarding Human Rights, politics along with authorized publicism, analytical supplies, reference point updates as well as Internet resources. The actual methodological basis of case study is a list of standard medical and specific legitimate strategies to medical cognition, using which can be based on the point, goals and specific top features of the topic associated with clinical questions. Global, regional as well as particular medical criteria in the healthcare industry are already analyzed.

8 hrs ago

an important role in stage III non-small cell lung cancer outcome.The 2017 revision of WHO Classification of tumors of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues contains separate chapters on the immunodeficiency-associated lymphoproliferative disorders. In this mini-review, the brief description of pathological, immunophenotypical and clinical features of lymphoid neoplasms associated with primary immune disorders, HIV infection, those arising in post-transplant setting and other lymphoproliferative disorders (excluding those induced by radiation) is given. The heterogeneous spectrum of these lymphoid malignancies is specified by the nature of those factors that are capable to induce immune suppression or chronic antigenic stimulation of immune system. Taking into account the full swing of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and our ignorance of the ability of this virus to induce the sustained stimulation of immune system, we could not exclude the high risk of autoimmune diseases and lymphoid neoplasms in the long-term post-pandemic period. In this context, the role of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 as well as some recently reported cell receptors for SARS-CoV-2 cell entry should be considered as far as some of them (CD147, CD26) could be tumor-associated antigens.
To study cellular localization of full-length breakpoint cluster region (BCR), Pleckstrin homology domain of BCR and cortactin and determine whether they can coexist in cell nucleus.

HEK293T cell line was transfected with pECFP-BCR, pEGFP-PH and pmTagRFP-N1-CTTN using polyethyleneimine. Live cells were imaged in cell culture dishes with glass coverslip attached to the bottom with Leica SP8 STED 3D confocal microscope in the environmental chamber. Obtained images were processed and analyzed with Fiji software.

We identified colocalization of full-length BCR and cortactin in nucleus of cell undergoing terminal phase of cell division. We did not observe nuclear localization of cortactin in non-dividing cell. Both Pleckstrin homology domain and full-length BCR exhibited cytoplasmic as well as nuclear localization.

Colocalization of BCR with cortactin in cell nucleus indicates their potential role in regulation of actin network allowing for the maintenance of nuclear architecture and DNA integrity.
Colocalization of BCR with cortactin in cell nucleus indicates their potential role in regulation of actin network allowing for the maintenance of nuclear architecture and DNA integrity.
Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) is known to be involved in carcinogenesis and cancer progression. Changes in TLR4expression are associated with changes in the expression of key cellular cytokines (transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interferon-γ (IFN-γ)), which affect cancer progression and metastasis.

To study changes in the expression of TLR4, TGF-β, TNF-α, IFN-γ genes, the level of apoptosis and cell cycle distribution in human invasive urothelial carcinoma T24/83cells under the treatment with polyphenolic adjuvant compound of fungal origin melanin, cytotoxic drug cisplatin, and combination of both.

T24/83cells were incubated with cisplatin (0.05mM), melanin (5µg/ml), or their combination. The expression level of TLR-4, TGF-β, INF-γ, TNF-α was evaluated by the real time polymerase chain reaction. The flow cytometry was used to study cell cycle distribution, proliferative activity and level of apoptosis. Morphological analysis of the Т24/83cells was performed as well.

4, TNF-α, TGF-β, INF-γ expression, cell cycle distribution and morphology in T24/83 cells suggesting their transition to less aggressive phenotype.
To assess the functional state of macrophages based on various manifestations of their activity at the different stages of metastatic tumor growth in C57Bl mice.

On days 7, 14, 21and 28after Lewis lung carcinoma transplantation to C57Bl mice, macrophages from various anatomic sites were isolated and tested on their cytotoxicity, metabolic activity, NO production and arginase activity.

In the populations of peritoneal and splenic macrophages, on days 7and 21of tumor growth antitumor (M1) cells prevailed while on days 14and 28tumor-promoting (M2) macrophages predominated. In the population of lung macrophages, cells with M1phenotype were in the majority in the early stages of tumor growth. On days 21and 28, M1cells were gradually substituted by cells exhibiting M2phenotype. This shift correlated with metastasis to lungs.

Lewis lung carcinoma growth is accompanied by the gradual change in macrophage polarization from antitumor (M1) towards tumor-promoting (M2) type. These changes were more evident in population of lung macrophages and correlated with the parameters of metastasis.
Lewis lung carcinoma growth is accompanied by the gradual change in macrophage polarization from antitumor (M1) towards tumor-promoting (M2) type. These changes were more evident in population of lung macrophages and correlated with the parameters of metastasis.Vulvar carcinoma corresponds to the fourth gynecological malignancy in incidence, with more than forty thousand new cases being estimated worldwide in 2020. It is a disease characterized by locoregional spread presenting high recurrence rates although distant metastases are an uncommon event. The purpose of this work is to describe the diagnosis, treatment, and clinical course of vulvar carcinoma in a patient who presented regional recurrences and late metastasis to the mammary gland. Vulvar cancer is a disease with a well-defined natural history; but with the advancement of therapeutic possibilities in recent years, it has been possible to improve the prognosis, reducing the chance of locoregional recurrence. Thus, the possibility of distance recurrence must be remembered in inpatient follow-up with locally advanced vulvar carcinoma, even if atypically, as in the case reported.
To investigate the features of expression of miRNA-21and miRNA-375in tumor cells of patients with cancer of oral cavity(COC) and to determine the possibility of their use to predict the aggressiveness of COC course.

The work is based on the results of examination and treatment of 50patients with stage II-IV COC. miRNA expression in tumor cells was analyzed by real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction.

High levels of miRNA-21expression (> 0.26a.u.) and miRNA-375 (> 0.36a.u.) were determined in 72.0% and 63.0% of cases. We revealed a tendency to decreased miRNA-21expression and increased miRNA-375expression in tumors of patients with recurrence-free survival less than 12months and the presence of metastatic lesions in regional lymph nodes. In patients with COC of low differentiation grade, the level of miRNA-21was 2.0times lower compared with tumors of moderate differentiation grade (p< 0.05), while the expression of miRNA-375, on the contrary, was higher in tumors of low differentiation grade. A decreased expression of miRNA-21 (< 0.26a.u.) against the background of decreased levels of miRNA-375 (< 0.36a.u.) in tumor cells was associated with worse recurrence-free survival.

The obtained results indicate the relation between the main clinical and pathological characteristics of patients with COC and the levels of miRNA-21and -375expression in tumor tissue, which indicates the involvement of these miRNAs in the formation of COC malignancy evidencing on their potential usefulness as additional prognostic markers.
The obtained results indicate the relation between the main clinical and pathological characteristics of patients with COC and the levels of miRNA-21 and -375 expression in tumor tissue, which indicates the involvement of these miRNAs in the formation of COC malignancy evidencing on their potential usefulness as additional prognostic markers.In October 2020, passed away Ada Leonidivna Vorontsova, our esteemed colleague, well known specialist in experimental oncology, doctor of sciences in biology, professor, leading researcher, who devoted all her life to the R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
To assess the level of erythropoietin (EPO) in blood sera of patients with different subtypes of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) from different risk subgroups and to determine its prognostic role.

EPO was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in peripheral blood of 54patients with different MDS subtypes according to the French-American-British (FAB) classification. The comparison group consisted of 15healthy individuals. Complete blood count (hemoglobin, leukocyte and platelet levels) was determined and bone marrow cells were characterized morphologically. The overall and leukemia-free survivals were estimated by Kaplan- Meier method.

The level of ЕРО in MDS was reliably higher in comparison with healthy persons (p< 0.01, Mann- Whitney test). No statistically significant difference was found in serum EPO concentration between the groups of patients with low- and high-risk MDS (603.5pg/ml vs 721.0pg/ml; p> 0.05). In transfusion-dependent patients, the level of EPO was significantly higher tprognostic factors in MDS patients.
This study shows that lower serum EPO level may be considered as one of the additional adverse prognostic factors in MDS patients.
Somatic mutations in coding regions of the genome may result in non-functional proteins that can lead to cancer or other diseases, however cancer mutations in the non-coding regions have rarely been studied and the interpretation of their effects is difficult. Non-coding mutations might act by breaking or creating transcription factor binding motifs in promoters, enhancers or silencers resulting in altered expression of target gene(s). A high number of mutations have been reported in coding and non-coding regions in cells of liver cancer. Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α is a transcription factor that regulates the expression of several genes in liver cells, while the motifs it binds are frequently mutated in promoters and enhancers in liver cancer.

The aim of the study is to evaluate the genetic effects of a non-coding somatic mutation frequently observed in liver cancer.

We evaluated experimentally the effects of a somatic mutation frequently reported in liver cancer as a motif-breaker for the binding of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α. The effects of the mutation on protein binding and enhancer activity were studied in HepG2cells via electrophoresis mobility shift assay and dual luciferase reporter assays. We also studied genome-wide promoter-enhancer interactions performing targeted chromosome conformation capture in liver tissue to identify putative target genes whose expression could be altered by the mutation.

We found that the mutation leads to reduced protein binding and a decrease in enhancer activity. The enhancer harboring the mutation interacts with the promoters of ANAPC13, MAP6D1and MUC13, which have been implicated in liver cancer.

The study highlights the importance of non-coding somatic mutations, vastly understudied, but likely to contribute to cancer development and progression.
The study highlights the importance of non-coding somatic mutations, vastly understudied, but likely to contribute to cancer development and progression.