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McCullough Foundation
MMR Vaccine Has Not Been Proven Safer Than Measles, Mumps and Rubella - Physicians for Informed Consent Releases New Collection of Educational Documents

-Most measles, mumps and rubella cases are benign.

-Before the mass vaccination program was introduced, fatality and permanent disability from measles, mumps and rubella were rare in the United States. 1 in 93,000 or 0.001% of measles cases with normal levels of vitamin A resulted in permanent disability or death

-Safety studies of the MMR vaccine are lacking in statistical power.

-Seizures from the MMR vaccine occur in about 1 in 640 children, which is about five times more than seizures from measles infection.



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Medical Disclaimers apply. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the assistance of health care professionals for any conditions. We are not doctors.
***Medical Disclaimers apply:: """"Forwarding, not a line by line endorsement of all items.""""" **

New measles data help better compare disease risks to vaccine risks  NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., December 29, 2024 ( – Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) has introduced a new collection of educational documents to assist physicians, policymakers and the public in comparing the risks of measles, mumps and rubella to the…


Dr. Cammy Benton, The New Medicine Paradigm, Next Steps 2023, Building The Parallel Society, February 22-25

Presented by: Dr. Krishna Doniparthi, Dr. Peter Mccullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Cammy Benton, Kimberly Overton, RN

Learn how to:

Create the new infrastructure for alternative treatment facilities.

Form alliances among doctors, nurses, and natural healers.

Use Discount Code "NurseUp10" at checkout to save 10% on any ticket.

Cammy Benton MD, is a family physician who practices Integrative and Functional Medicine in her membership practice, Benton Integrative Medicine, since 2016. She is board certified in Family Medicine and Functional Medicine. She is President of the nonprofit Compass Integrative Health, she is on the board as medical advisor for Sovereign Hive, an innovative way of using cryptocurrency for healthcare, a medical advisor for CrowdHealth Bitcoin Medical advisory board , and founding board member of Physicians for Informed Consent since 2015.

Dr Benton is committed to compassionate medical care with full informed consent. Her plan is to be part of creating the new medical system starting with Compass Integrative Health, a full spectrum integrative medical center based in love, using the best of allopathic and holistic medicine

See also:

Benton Integrative Medicine
North Charlotte
16415 Northcross Drive Suite B
Huntersville, North Carolina 28078
T: (704) 775-6029​​
F: (704) 413-3198

Physicians for Informed Consent

#CammyBenton #ConciergeHealthcare #Healthcare #HealthcareAlternatives #InformedConsent #NewMedicineParadigm #NextSteps2023 #NurseUp #PICPhysicians #SickCare


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McCullough Foundation
MMR Vaccine Has Not Been Proven Safer Than Measles, Mumps and Rubella - Physicians for Informed Consent Releases New Collection of Educational Documents

-Most measles, mumps and rubella cases are benign.

-Before the mass vaccination program was introduced, fatality and permanent disability from measles, mumps and rubella were rare in the United States. 1 in 93,000 or 0.001% of measles cases with normal levels of vitamin A resulted in permanent disability or death

-Safety studies of the MMR vaccine are lacking in statistical power.

-Seizures from the MMR vaccine occur in about 1 in 640 children, which is about five times more than seizures from measles infection.



Note. Some Links locking editor display up, use GoDuck for your reference.
Medical Disclaimers apply. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the assistance of health care professionals for any conditions. We are not doctors.
***Medical Disclaimers apply:: """"Forwarding, not a line by line endorsement of all items.""""" **

New measles data help better compare disease risks to vaccine risks  NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., December 29, 2024 ( – Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) has introduced a new collection of educational documents to assist physicians, policymakers and the public in comparing the risks of measles, mumps and rubella to the…


Dr. Cammy Benton, The New Medicine Paradigm, Next Steps 2023, Building The Parallel Society, February 22-25

Presented by: Dr. Krishna Doniparthi, Dr. Peter Mccullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Cammy Benton, Kimberly Overton, RN

Learn how to:

Create the new infrastructure for alternative treatment facilities.

Form alliances among doctors, nurses, and natural healers.

Use Discount Code "NurseUp10" at checkout to save 10% on any ticket.

Cammy Benton MD, is a family physician who practices Integrative and Functional Medicine in her membership practice, Benton Integrative Medicine, since 2016. She is board certified in Family Medicine and Functional Medicine. She is President of the nonprofit Compass Integrative Health, she is on the board as medical advisor for Sovereign Hive, an innovative way of using cryptocurrency for healthcare, a medical advisor for CrowdHealth Bitcoin Medical advisory board , and founding board member of Physicians for Informed Consent since 2015.

Dr Benton is committed to compassionate medical care with full informed consent. Her plan is to be part of creating the new medical system starting with Compass Integrative Health, a full spectrum integrative medical center based in love, using the best of allopathic and holistic medicine

See also:

Benton Integrative Medicine
North Charlotte
16415 Northcross Drive Suite B
Huntersville, North Carolina 28078
T: (704) 775-6029​​
F: (704) 413-3198

Physicians for Informed Consent

#CammyBenton #ConciergeHealthcare #Healthcare #HealthcareAlternatives #InformedConsent #NewMedicineParadigm #NextSteps2023 #NurseUp #PICPhysicians #SickCare