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International Public Notice: The Recap 1:
By Anna Von Reitz

This week we have exposed and revisited some of the principle fraud schemes that have been used to enslave people and to otherwise subject them to abject peonage in violation of global, international, and national law.

King Henry the VIII, who was having "personal problems" with the Pope, and who was working for the Pope and receiving his crown from the Pope at the same time, not only agreed to return to the fold during the First Convocation (what else could he do?) but also agreed to become the official Pope-sanctioned head of the Protestant Church in England.

Let's repeat that so everyone is forced to think about it a second time: while working as the Overseer of the Pope's Commonwealth lands (and people) in England and receiving his Crown -- literally -- from the Pope, King Henry the Eighth agreed to also act as the head of the Protestant Church in England.

Can anyone in the audience say, "Conflict of interest!"

Quite so. The deal that Henry the Eighth, head of the Protestant Church in England, worked out with the then-Pope was diabolical, but simple enough.

Henry, as the leader of the Anglican Church, would be able to identify ("enroll") every Protestant in the country and would use his position as King to force most of the population to adopt Protestantism and join his Church.

The Pope was fed up with the Brits and more than willing to condemn them all, so long as he got his cut.

Upon their receiving Protestant baptism, King Henry VIII, would seize upon the Nephesh portion of the victim's soul and issue bonds based on the value of his lifetime labor (peonage) and would also list him as "lost at sea, presumed dead" --- so far as the Roman Catholic Church was concerned.

The phony King and head of the Protestant Anglican Church would then betray his Congregants further, by creating an "intestate estate" held by the Crown in their NAMES, and use this to seize-upon and salvage the value of their lands and homes, businesses, and anything else of value they had, to be used as collateral that the Pope and King Henry could borrow against or confiscate.

The "split" on this arrangement was 60% for the Pope and 40% for the phony Papist-Anglican King.

They are still doing the exact same thing today, only they've made the mistake of trying to entrap Americans in their mess --- Americans who never voluntarily, knowingly, or willingly agreed to adopt British Territorial U.S. Citizenship --- and who were nonetheless registered as such and without disclosure, when they were still babies in their cradles.

This results in a crime known as "unlawful conversion" and it is a capital crime when applied to a man or woman's political status.

Because this was being done via the exercise of a private religious contract and slipped under the rug, none of the usual authorities could stop it, without a complaint.

It wouldn't do the Brits any good, even if they woke up, so long as they subscribe to such a "Monarch"; they'd still be subjected to the same treatment and have no escape other than re-converting to Roman Catholicism, where they would once again become both slaves and bondsmen of the Pope.

This is where all this talk about "redeeming" your estate comes from.

The victims are robbed and battered silly either way.

Let's sum it up -- the British Subject's only choice is to give 100% to the Pope, or 60% to the Pope and 40% to the Pope's Overseer. Upon demand.

To this day, funds derived from the Birth Certificates maintain the 60-40 Split and are laundered through specific banks, which we have been able to trace in a Circle of Payola.

At the time we investigated, the Clearinghouses were paying the Bank of Mellon in America, which was delivering the Pope's cut to a designated Archbishopric, and from there, the Vatican Bank was paying the Roman Pontiff's cut, and from there, back to the Bank of Canada, where the late Queen collected her cut.

30% to the Pope's Office, 30% to the Roman Pontiff's Office, and 40% to the Pope's Overseer of the Commonwealth Lands totals 60% to the Roman Catholic Church, 40% to the closet-Catholic King acting as the Pope's Overseer of the Commonwealth Lands.

All the "dead" Protestant Brits and people unfortunate enough to live in the former Commonwealth, who have been mercilessly reamed through this flume of commercial fraud leave behind their estates --- while they are still living --- and this gives rise to the Chair of the Estates, which Queen Elizabeth II was sitting upon and administering as the Roman Pontiff's Vassal, instead of occupying the Christian English Throne.

The same grotesque fraud scheme has impacted the Brit's Torey (Territorial) cohorts living in America.

The actual Americans have a different standing and the absolute right to object to being "listed" = "enlisted" and registered as British Territorial U.S. Citizens while still babies in their cradles, and decidedly without their fully disclosed, knowing, willing, and voluntary participation in this "damned if you do and damned if you don't" Catholic-Anglican Détente.

Because the Americans, and in particular, Protestant Americans, Muslims, and Jews, have the standing to object and to repudiate these claims, it was essential to the Papist-British scheme to operate under a "cloak of secrecy" and to enroll the rest of us with no disclosure whatsoever.

Which they did -- and which we have finally discovered and overcome.

Our Mothers were given no disclosure when signing "routine paperwork" misidentifying us as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and citizens of the United States at the various hospitals where we were born, -- and the Doctors in attendance were occupying undisclosed offices as "Uniformed Officers" of the King -- acting as Undeclared Foreign Agents, when they signed this paperwork as Witnesses.

Most of them didn't know that, either, but the malice and malfeasance with which Medical Doctors were presumed upon to administer the injections during the recent pandemic reveals that they were once again "weaponized" as Uniformed Officers in the service of the phony King.

Phony, we say, for a multitude of reasons. Phony because he is a German ruling over the English. Phony because he is supposed to be the "King of England" and has never sat on the English Throne. Phony because he is supposed to a Christian and a Protestant Christian at that, but he isn't, and hasn't taken the vows nor completed the consecration contract to wear the Christian Crown of England.

We here and now, again, in public, disavow any relationship with or valid contract between ourselves and any Church or religious organization or institution of any kind.

It is well-known that we are Americans, and that we do not knowingly, willingly, nor voluntarily adopt British Territorial U.S. Citizenship nor any Municipal citizenship of the United States.

It is also well-known that the American Government separates church and state, and does not operate as a theocracy, though one of its Federal Subcontractors, the so-called Municipal United States Government, does.

We cannot imagine a more venal betrayal of the Public Trust than that exercised by King Henry the Eighth, nor a more immoral arrangement than that entered into by Henry and the Pope. Or was it the Roman Pontiff?

Either way, it is apparent that religion has served a most corrupt and corrupting function in all of this, and that the British are, once again, at the bottom of the dogpile -- with the Pope/Roman Pontiff playing the Silent Partner to these crimes against humanity.

As a first step, we are recommending that for purposes of jurisprudence, all Legal Presumptions depending on the political status of the Defendants be vacated and that all Americans born on the soil of this country or to American parents abroad, be afforded the protections of the Constitutional limitations and guarantees. Immediately.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


A Public Official, or, Merely Pretending to Be?
By Anna Von Reitz

One of the problems I have with believing any of the reports of people being arrested and tried at Gitmo and elsewhere is that certain fundamental premises don't make sense.

Here is a case in point, following fast upon the heels of our analysis of King John I's private ability to contract versus public ability to contract.

According to the Narrative, United States Navy personnel, particularly the JAG (Judge Advocate General) Command, have been rounding up various members of the former and present political Administrations and subjecting them to various charges and sentences, up to and including capital punishment for treason.

The stated rationale for this is that these people are "public officials" but a closer inspection reveals that this is not true; they may have occupied vacant Public Offices, but that does not make them legitimate Public Officials -- especially not without their contractual acceptances.

As impersonators, does the charge of "treason" even apply?

People engaged in parody and theater productions and even con games seldom rise to the level of capital crimes, and though I appreciate the spirit of the thing, it does rather reek of killing the scapegoats that have been hired to promote the fictional narrative -- many of whom may actually believe that they are public officials and have no idea otherwise.

The distinction between being elected in a political election sponsored by a municipal or commercial corporation and being elected in an actual Public Election may be lost on Joe Average or Joe Biden, for that matter, but not on us, the actual Americans who are Foreign Sovereigns, not Sovereign Citizens.


It's been over 160 years since we had actual Public Elections in this country, 160 years since we sent delegations of Fiduciary Deputies from all the States to our capitol in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

It's also been that long since our American Federal Subcontractors sent delegations of properly informed Representatives to the Federal Capitol in Washington, DC.

How are these poor vermin supposed to know that they lack any authority? That they are just pawns in a play? That they are occupying foreign corporate offices and foisting them off as Public Offices?

True, they have evinced neither good sense nor conscience in their roles. True, they have created gross public endangerment in the name of their profit seeking. True, they have betrayed the best interests of this country and our people. True, they are scum overall and their performances stink.... but.... are they "Public Officials" or merely imposters playing the role of Public Officials?

Does this play-acting amount to Treason? Where do they incur the liability of Public Office, as they are occupying similarly-named private corporate offices instead?

And as imposters or skilled actors, either one, do they have the liability commensurate with capital punishment?

If JAG is actually arresting and imprisoning and executing all these politicians and bureaucrats, as a Justice, I have to ask --- on what grounds are these phonies being tried?

They aren't "Public Officials" according to any definition of the words I am familiar with.

They don't have a Public Bond or a Public Oath.

And what "Enemy" are they aiding and abetting or colluding with for profit?

Sure, corporations have "enemies" in the sense of rival corporations, selling different services and products, etc., but is it proper to style such commercial and political rivals as "Enemies" in the sense invoked throughout the War Powers Act, Title 50, of the Federal Code?

It's more like gunning down a house cat and pretending it's a tiger.

Slaughtering numerous nobodies and leaving the actual criminals intact doesn't serve anyone's best interests. And doesn't fulfill the duty owed to our government.

Without an actual and properly declared war in evidence, it's difficult to see how anyone invokes Title 50 with a straight face.

"Wars" against poverty, drugs, and general clueless ignorance are equally absurd, and "treason" based on such "wars" is even more ridiculous.

Come to that, upon what basis in Law or Fact does Title 50 and its claim of "War Powers" rest? No such war powers were ever granted to our Federal Subcontractors by the people of our States, so we naturally wonder upon what basis these undelegated "powers" can be presumed to exist?

Should I stand up and start stamping my feet and claim that a mouse scampering across the toe of my shoe is an "emergency"? And then, should I claim that I have "war powers" against this rodent, when it's not my rodent, not my house, and not even my shoe (it turns out it was borrowed)?

And then, should I start screaming "Treason!" at the property manager I hired to maintain this vacant property?

A rodent it may be. Scum it may be. A vaudeville comedian escaped from the silver screen maybe, or even an Agent of Darkness, but wherein do any of these characters owe the liability of treason?

I suppose an actor, like John Wilkes Booth, could be charged with Treason if he killed an actual American President; but, what if he killed a man pretending to be our President, a man who was actually committing treason against our country and who was actually working for a foreign power -- in this case, British Territorial interests?

Then, it is a Twisted Tale, and murder it may be, but not treason.

History and logic provides that Abraham Lincoln, a Bar Attorney prohibited from holding our Presidential Office, usurped upon it and seemed to occupy our Public Office without actually doing so.

Was he committing Treason?

In what sense could our own British Territorial United States Government contractor be considered a foreign Enemy as contemplated under the War Powers Act? And if so, with whom were they colluding, as in aiding and abetting?

Let's go back to Benedict Arnold. He was a General in the Continental Army. He betrayed his commission and oath. He held the office and rank and wore the uniform. He betrayed his command and his commander in favor of England, a declared and recognized Enemy that he conspired with in exchange for payola.

That is treason.

But what in the murky swamp of the current day compares with that? We have municipal and commercial corporations and their shareholder elections resulting in their corporation "Presidents" substituting themselves for our actual Public Elections and Public Officials --- so how can corporations pretend that their fisticuffs rise to the level of --or even address-- the issue of treason?

If there is any treason to be had, it appears that it lies in the pretense that these private corporate elections are Public Elections and that these corporations are our government and that these elected corporation officers are "Public Officials".

If so, which "public" do they serve? And to whom and to which "public" do the JAG Officers owe their allegiance and service?

Ours or theirs?

They appear to be working on the HMS AMERICA and aiding and abetting incorporated entities that are bent on usurping against our actual government, while whacking and hanging all these petty civil servants who are working for other run amok corporations and accusing them of "treason".

Treason implies betrayal of a lawful government, in this case, our lawful government, which presumes the existence of Public Officials capable of committing treason.

Not that I am defending or weeping over the end of such "luminaries" as those reported among the dead at Gitmo, it's more a matter of plain old jurisprudence rearing its head.

Treason requires: (1) Public Election of Public Officials or appointment of Commissioned Officers by duly elected Public Officials; (2) liability for the elected Public Offices and Commissions held under oath, bond, and/or public affirmation; (3) betrayal of that elected Public Office or Commission especially in collusion with Foreign Governments for monetary reward or emoluments.

Henry Kissinger, George H.W. Bush, Colin Powell, and Norman Schwarzkopf being knighted by the late Queen--- knighthood from a foreign government is an emolument and payment from that foreign government for their service is monetary reward.

That is treason -- if these men ever occupied an American Government Office at all, but the facts indicate that they didn't; they only pretended to.

There are no Public Offices left in America, except in our State Assemblies and in a few stubborn Counties scattered across the landscape, holding on from days of yore, preventing any claim of exclusive legislative jurisdiction.

God bless them forever. They've held on, without even knowing why it was important.

When we examine the Law and the Facts, there are no bonded Public Offices left and no Public Oaths of Office, either, related to our lawful government.

All these jokers, first to last, working for either one or both of the Municipal Corporations located in the District of Columbia, or the various franchises thereof, are operating as Free Agents and the only sort of election they have endured is a private shareholder election sponsored by private political parties.

And that's the logical limit of their liability, too.

So I hate to throw cold water on those who are hot to trot and convict all these vermin of treason, but it is not possible to convict people of treason when they hold no liability for the crime.

Unlawful conversion is the crime that they are guilty of, and that is a capital crime similar to cattle rustling; however, both the British Territorial United States and the Municipal United States Government are guilty of unlawful conversion against their loyal Employers, the clueless Americans.

And both need forgiveness-- amnesty-- to survive this.

Otherwise, we will be stuck with the nasty duty of arresting millions of people for pulling a giant Confidence Racket -- a Sting that most of them are unaware of-- and which in itself is not a capital crime and not treason.

We will also be stuck prosecuting -- to the death -- a few thousand wiseguy masterminds, mainly old CIA and DIA spooks, like [Opium] Poppy Bush, crooked Generals, and worse Admirals, who thought they were really cute for sucking up to the Order of the Garter.

These people aren't worth the effort and the blood and the karma; they aren't worth spitting on.

It's far more important to nail their organizations to the barn door and foreclose their assets.

Defund them and cut their access to all their money laundering bank partners and subsidiary corporation partners, like the United States Government, Inc. umbrella and all its brand-holder franchises--- the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Bureau of Land Management, et alia, for starters.

Come on, America. Come on home, Mamas. You got some real house cleaning to do.

And it all comes down to you.



In a bombshell ruling, the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has shut down the “nerve center” of federal government-led speech policing, correcting a critical error in its prior jurisprudence and striking a major blow for the First Amendment and against deep-state election interference.


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Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.



International Public Notice: The Recap 1:
By Anna Von Reitz

This week we have exposed and revisited some of the principle fraud schemes that have been used to enslave people and to otherwise subject them to abject peonage in violation of global, international, and national law.

King Henry the VIII, who was having "personal problems" with the Pope, and who was working for the Pope and receiving his crown from the Pope at the same time, not only agreed to return to the fold during the First Convocation (what else could he do?) but also agreed to become the official Pope-sanctioned head of the Protestant Church in England.

Let's repeat that so everyone is forced to think about it a second time: while working as the Overseer of the Pope's Commonwealth lands (and people) in England and receiving his Crown -- literally -- from the Pope, King Henry the Eighth agreed to also act as the head of the Protestant Church in England.

Can anyone in the audience say, "Conflict of interest!"

Quite so. The deal that Henry the Eighth, head of the Protestant Church in England, worked out with the then-Pope was diabolical, but simple enough.

Henry, as the leader of the Anglican Church, would be able to identify ("enroll") every Protestant in the country and would use his position as King to force most of the population to adopt Protestantism and join his Church.

The Pope was fed up with the Brits and more than willing to condemn them all, so long as he got his cut.

Upon their receiving Protestant baptism, King Henry VIII, would seize upon the Nephesh portion of the victim's soul and issue bonds based on the value of his lifetime labor (peonage) and would also list him as "lost at sea, presumed dead" --- so far as the Roman Catholic Church was concerned.

The phony King and head of the Protestant Anglican Church would then betray his Congregants further, by creating an "intestate estate" held by the Crown in their NAMES, and use this to seize-upon and salvage the value of their lands and homes, businesses, and anything else of value they had, to be used as collateral that the Pope and King Henry could borrow against or confiscate.

The "split" on this arrangement was 60% for the Pope and 40% for the phony Papist-Anglican King.

They are still doing the exact same thing today, only they've made the mistake of trying to entrap Americans in their mess --- Americans who never voluntarily, knowingly, or willingly agreed to adopt British Territorial U.S. Citizenship --- and who were nonetheless registered as such and without disclosure, when they were still babies in their cradles.

This results in a crime known as "unlawful conversion" and it is a capital crime when applied to a man or woman's political status.

Because this was being done via the exercise of a private religious contract and slipped under the rug, none of the usual authorities could stop it, without a complaint.

It wouldn't do the Brits any good, even if they woke up, so long as they subscribe to such a "Monarch"; they'd still be subjected to the same treatment and have no escape other than re-converting to Roman Catholicism, where they would once again become both slaves and bondsmen of the Pope.

This is where all this talk about "redeeming" your estate comes from.

The victims are robbed and battered silly either way.

Let's sum it up -- the British Subject's only choice is to give 100% to the Pope, or 60% to the Pope and 40% to the Pope's Overseer. Upon demand.

To this day, funds derived from the Birth Certificates maintain the 60-40 Split and are laundered through specific banks, which we have been able to trace in a Circle of Payola.

At the time we investigated, the Clearinghouses were paying the Bank of Mellon in America, which was delivering the Pope's cut to a designated Archbishopric, and from there, the Vatican Bank was paying the Roman Pontiff's cut, and from there, back to the Bank of Canada, where the late Queen collected her cut.

30% to the Pope's Office, 30% to the Roman Pontiff's Office, and 40% to the Pope's Overseer of the Commonwealth Lands totals 60% to the Roman Catholic Church, 40% to the closet-Catholic King acting as the Pope's Overseer of the Commonwealth Lands.

All the "dead" Protestant Brits and people unfortunate enough to live in the former Commonwealth, who have been mercilessly reamed through this flume of commercial fraud leave behind their estates --- while they are still living --- and this gives rise to the Chair of the Estates, which Queen Elizabeth II was sitting upon and administering as the Roman Pontiff's Vassal, instead of occupying the Christian English Throne.

The same grotesque fraud scheme has impacted the Brit's Torey (Territorial) cohorts living in America.

The actual Americans have a different standing and the absolute right to object to being "listed" = "enlisted" and registered as British Territorial U.S. Citizens while still babies in their cradles, and decidedly without their fully disclosed, knowing, willing, and voluntary participation in this "damned if you do and damned if you don't" Catholic-Anglican Détente.

Because the Americans, and in particular, Protestant Americans, Muslims, and Jews, have the standing to object and to repudiate these claims, it was essential to the Papist-British scheme to operate under a "cloak of secrecy" and to enroll the rest of us with no disclosure whatsoever.

Which they did -- and which we have finally discovered and overcome.

Our Mothers were given no disclosure when signing "routine paperwork" misidentifying us as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and citizens of the United States at the various hospitals where we were born, -- and the Doctors in attendance were occupying undisclosed offices as "Uniformed Officers" of the King -- acting as Undeclared Foreign Agents, when they signed this paperwork as Witnesses.

Most of them didn't know that, either, but the malice and malfeasance with which Medical Doctors were presumed upon to administer the injections during the recent pandemic reveals that they were once again "weaponized" as Uniformed Officers in the service of the phony King.

Phony, we say, for a multitude of reasons. Phony because he is a German ruling over the English. Phony because he is supposed to be the "King of England" and has never sat on the English Throne. Phony because he is supposed to a Christian and a Protestant Christian at that, but he isn't, and hasn't taken the vows nor completed the consecration contract to wear the Christian Crown of England.

We here and now, again, in public, disavow any relationship with or valid contract between ourselves and any Church or religious organization or institution of any kind.

It is well-known that we are Americans, and that we do not knowingly, willingly, nor voluntarily adopt British Territorial U.S. Citizenship nor any Municipal citizenship of the United States.

It is also well-known that the American Government separates church and state, and does not operate as a theocracy, though one of its Federal Subcontractors, the so-called Municipal United States Government, does.

We cannot imagine a more venal betrayal of the Public Trust than that exercised by King Henry the Eighth, nor a more immoral arrangement than that entered into by Henry and the Pope. Or was it the Roman Pontiff?

Either way, it is apparent that religion has served a most corrupt and corrupting function in all of this, and that the British are, once again, at the bottom of the dogpile -- with the Pope/Roman Pontiff playing the Silent Partner to these crimes against humanity.

As a first step, we are recommending that for purposes of jurisprudence, all Legal Presumptions depending on the political status of the Defendants be vacated and that all Americans born on the soil of this country or to American parents abroad, be afforded the protections of the Constitutional limitations and guarantees. Immediately.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


A Public Official, or, Merely Pretending to Be?
By Anna Von Reitz

One of the problems I have with believing any of the reports of people being arrested and tried at Gitmo and elsewhere is that certain fundamental premises don't make sense.

Here is a case in point, following fast upon the heels of our analysis of King John I's private ability to contract versus public ability to contract.

According to the Narrative, United States Navy personnel, particularly the JAG (Judge Advocate General) Command, have been rounding up various members of the former and present political Administrations and subjecting them to various charges and sentences, up to and including capital punishment for treason.

The stated rationale for this is that these people are "public officials" but a closer inspection reveals that this is not true; they may have occupied vacant Public Offices, but that does not make them legitimate Public Officials -- especially not without their contractual acceptances.

As impersonators, does the charge of "treason" even apply?

People engaged in parody and theater productions and even con games seldom rise to the level of capital crimes, and though I appreciate the spirit of the thing, it does rather reek of killing the scapegoats that have been hired to promote the fictional narrative -- many of whom may actually believe that they are public officials and have no idea otherwise.

The distinction between being elected in a political election sponsored by a municipal or commercial corporation and being elected in an actual Public Election may be lost on Joe Average or Joe Biden, for that matter, but not on us, the actual Americans who are Foreign Sovereigns, not Sovereign Citizens.


It's been over 160 years since we had actual Public Elections in this country, 160 years since we sent delegations of Fiduciary Deputies from all the States to our capitol in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

It's also been that long since our American Federal Subcontractors sent delegations of properly informed Representatives to the Federal Capitol in Washington, DC.

How are these poor vermin supposed to know that they lack any authority? That they are just pawns in a play? That they are occupying foreign corporate offices and foisting them off as Public Offices?

True, they have evinced neither good sense nor conscience in their roles. True, they have created gross public endangerment in the name of their profit seeking. True, they have betrayed the best interests of this country and our people. True, they are scum overall and their performances stink.... but.... are they "Public Officials" or merely imposters playing the role of Public Officials?

Does this play-acting amount to Treason? Where do they incur the liability of Public Office, as they are occupying similarly-named private corporate offices instead?

And as imposters or skilled actors, either one, do they have the liability commensurate with capital punishment?

If JAG is actually arresting and imprisoning and executing all these politicians and bureaucrats, as a Justice, I have to ask --- on what grounds are these phonies being tried?

They aren't "Public Officials" according to any definition of the words I am familiar with.

They don't have a Public Bond or a Public Oath.

And what "Enemy" are they aiding and abetting or colluding with for profit?

Sure, corporations have "enemies" in the sense of rival corporations, selling different services and products, etc., but is it proper to style such commercial and political rivals as "Enemies" in the sense invoked throughout the War Powers Act, Title 50, of the Federal Code?

It's more like gunning down a house cat and pretending it's a tiger.

Slaughtering numerous nobodies and leaving the actual criminals intact doesn't serve anyone's best interests. And doesn't fulfill the duty owed to our government.

Without an actual and properly declared war in evidence, it's difficult to see how anyone invokes Title 50 with a straight face.

"Wars" against poverty, drugs, and general clueless ignorance are equally absurd, and "treason" based on such "wars" is even more ridiculous.

Come to that, upon what basis in Law or Fact does Title 50 and its claim of "War Powers" rest? No such war powers were ever granted to our Federal Subcontractors by the people of our States, so we naturally wonder upon what basis these undelegated "powers" can be presumed to exist?

Should I stand up and start stamping my feet and claim that a mouse scampering across the toe of my shoe is an "emergency"? And then, should I claim that I have "war powers" against this rodent, when it's not my rodent, not my house, and not even my shoe (it turns out it was borrowed)?

And then, should I start screaming "Treason!" at the property manager I hired to maintain this vacant property?

A rodent it may be. Scum it may be. A vaudeville comedian escaped from the silver screen maybe, or even an Agent of Darkness, but wherein do any of these characters owe the liability of treason?

I suppose an actor, like John Wilkes Booth, could be charged with Treason if he killed an actual American President; but, what if he killed a man pretending to be our President, a man who was actually committing treason against our country and who was actually working for a foreign power -- in this case, British Territorial interests?

Then, it is a Twisted Tale, and murder it may be, but not treason.

History and logic provides that Abraham Lincoln, a Bar Attorney prohibited from holding our Presidential Office, usurped upon it and seemed to occupy our Public Office without actually doing so.

Was he committing Treason?

In what sense could our own British Territorial United States Government contractor be considered a foreign Enemy as contemplated under the War Powers Act? And if so, with whom were they colluding, as in aiding and abetting?

Let's go back to Benedict Arnold. He was a General in the Continental Army. He betrayed his commission and oath. He held the office and rank and wore the uniform. He betrayed his command and his commander in favor of England, a declared and recognized Enemy that he conspired with in exchange for payola.

That is treason.

But what in the murky swamp of the current day compares with that? We have municipal and commercial corporations and their shareholder elections resulting in their corporation "Presidents" substituting themselves for our actual Public Elections and Public Officials --- so how can corporations pretend that their fisticuffs rise to the level of --or even address-- the issue of treason?

If there is any treason to be had, it appears that it lies in the pretense that these private corporate elections are Public Elections and that these corporations are our government and that these elected corporation officers are "Public Officials".

If so, which "public" do they serve? And to whom and to which "public" do the JAG Officers owe their allegiance and service?

Ours or theirs?

They appear to be working on the HMS AMERICA and aiding and abetting incorporated entities that are bent on usurping against our actual government, while whacking and hanging all these petty civil servants who are working for other run amok corporations and accusing them of "treason".

Treason implies betrayal of a lawful government, in this case, our lawful government, which presumes the existence of Public Officials capable of committing treason.

Not that I am defending or weeping over the end of such "luminaries" as those reported among the dead at Gitmo, it's more a matter of plain old jurisprudence rearing its head.

Treason requires: (1) Public Election of Public Officials or appointment of Commissioned Officers by duly elected Public Officials; (2) liability for the elected Public Offices and Commissions held under oath, bond, and/or public affirmation; (3) betrayal of that elected Public Office or Commission especially in collusion with Foreign Governments for monetary reward or emoluments.

Henry Kissinger, George H.W. Bush, Colin Powell, and Norman Schwarzkopf being knighted by the late Queen--- knighthood from a foreign government is an emolument and payment from that foreign government for their service is monetary reward.

That is treason -- if these men ever occupied an American Government Office at all, but the facts indicate that they didn't; they only pretended to.

There are no Public Offices left in America, except in our State Assemblies and in a few stubborn Counties scattered across the landscape, holding on from days of yore, preventing any claim of exclusive legislative jurisdiction.

God bless them forever. They've held on, without even knowing why it was important.

When we examine the Law and the Facts, there are no bonded Public Offices left and no Public Oaths of Office, either, related to our lawful government.

All these jokers, first to last, working for either one or both of the Municipal Corporations located in the District of Columbia, or the various franchises thereof, are operating as Free Agents and the only sort of election they have endured is a private shareholder election sponsored by private political parties.

And that's the logical limit of their liability, too.

So I hate to throw cold water on those who are hot to trot and convict all these vermin of treason, but it is not possible to convict people of treason when they hold no liability for the crime.

Unlawful conversion is the crime that they are guilty of, and that is a capital crime similar to cattle rustling; however, both the British Territorial United States and the Municipal United States Government are guilty of unlawful conversion against their loyal Employers, the clueless Americans.

And both need forgiveness-- amnesty-- to survive this.

Otherwise, we will be stuck with the nasty duty of arresting millions of people for pulling a giant Confidence Racket -- a Sting that most of them are unaware of-- and which in itself is not a capital crime and not treason.

We will also be stuck prosecuting -- to the death -- a few thousand wiseguy masterminds, mainly old CIA and DIA spooks, like [Opium] Poppy Bush, crooked Generals, and worse Admirals, who thought they were really cute for sucking up to the Order of the Garter.

These people aren't worth the effort and the blood and the karma; they aren't worth spitting on.

It's far more important to nail their organizations to the barn door and foreclose their assets.

Defund them and cut their access to all their money laundering bank partners and subsidiary corporation partners, like the United States Government, Inc. umbrella and all its brand-holder franchises--- the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Bureau of Land Management, et alia, for starters.

Come on, America. Come on home, Mamas. You got some real house cleaning to do.

And it all comes down to you.



In a bombshell ruling, the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has shut down the “nerve center” of federal government-led speech policing, correcting a critical error in its prior jurisprudence and striking a major blow for the First Amendment and against deep-state election interference.


Our Court System
By Anna Von Reitz

We say, "Our Court System", in the sense of distinguishing it from their court system(s).

We, Americans, have our own court system which is separate from the courts of "strictly limited jurisdiction" allowed to our Federal Subcontractors.

The Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia have their own "administrative courts" -- that is, corporate tribunals that enforce the policies and codes of these corporations.

These are in-house courts that are limited to addressing corporation officials, corporation employees, agency subcontractors, and departments within their corporations.

It's somewhat confusing because there are two Municipal Corporations in the District of Columbia and they each have different policies and codes, one set for the Federal Civil Service and its franchises serving under the Municipal Code of Washington, DC, and one set for the Military Services under Federal Code.

None of these codes, nor any State-of-State franchise statutes, are meant to "generally apply" to
the General Public.

So what do we mean by "generally apply"?

We mean that only about 8% of all Federal Code applies to Americans, and only when those Americans are engaged in federally regulated activities or on federal property.

Obviously, the administrative tribunals of a foreign corporation have little or no business speaking to Americans, but they do so all the time. Their excuse for "assuming jurisdiction" over us is that our own courts have been vacated or nearly vacated for several decades.

It's up to us to change that and to restore our court system, but before we can do that, we have to have a firm understanding of our own law and our own courts--- and that's difficult to come by after decades of our courts standing vacant and/or largely dormant.

Even our system of Public Law, referring to ourselves as the "Public", has been obscured. Our case law has been reorganized and buried in archives.

The first thing we have to notice about our courts is that they are courts of general jurisdiction. They are not limited as to what issues they may address and are competent to judge both the law and the facts involved in each case. Our juries have the right of jury nullification and can overturn any law that is unjust, unreasonable, or void for vagueness.

The second thing we note is that our courts operate within specific limited venues when exercising their general jurisdiction. For example, our State Courts only have jurisdiction within the physical borders of each State. Our county courts only have jurisdiction within the border of each county.

The third thing we have to know is that our courts operate under American Common Law--- not any of the myriad other forms of "common law"---and then, we have to learn our law and set up our courts.

Is that all?

We are helped in this mammoth undertaking by having copies of:

Bouvier's Common Law Dictionary, the only such dictionary approved by our American Congress:

American Jurisprudence 2D - a multi-volume law encyclopedia series with over 400 topic sections covering all forms and jurisdictions of law presently in use.

This resource allows us to intelligently explore topics of vital interest to us, but requires us to recognize the difference between international, national, and local law, land law and sea law, and so on.

In the event that our courts are called upon to consider issues in Maritime or Admiralty venues, we have the multi-volume compendium:

Benedict on Admiralty by Erastus Cornelius Benedict

To assist us in understanding the history, depth, beauty, power and tradition of Common Law in general, we have:

Excellence of the Common Law by Brent Winters
and all his excellent workshops and seminars, as well as other publications.

Last but not least, we have a magnificently succinct instruction booklet to guide us in setting up and operating a general jurisdiction Common Law Court:

Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty: a Common Law Training Manual by Kevin Annett:

Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty: A Common Law Training Manual: Annett, Kevin Daniel: 9781544239613: Books

Or, better still, order your copies directly from the ITCCS Office and give them the benefit of the wholesale price: itccsoffice@

This little volume gives you both the basic ideas and history of Common Law as well as a straightforward instruction book telling you how to create and maintain a lawful Common Law Court in international jurisdiction --- everything we need to know to set up our State Courts.

Thank you, Kevin Annett.
It's a humbling place to be, as we lift ourselves up out of the mire of a purposefully engineered ignorance, and restore our rightful place among the nations, by restoring our American Common Law Courts of General Jurisdiction, and begin the process of correction and restitution.


See this article and over 4300 others on Anna's website here:


Dear Jack -- About Confederate States, states, States, and STATES
By Anna Von Reitz

Dear Jack....

How many times do I have to tell you that I don't accept any foreign titles, like "Mrs." or "Mrs. Riezinger" etc.? My only Proper Person is a Lawful Person, not a Legal Person, and I want no further confusion about that fact.

A "Confederate State" by definition is a "State of State" and always has been. A State of State is a business organization that is either (1) owned and operated by a State, or, (2) contracted to provide the services of a State-of-State organization.

At no time is a "Confederate State" defined as a true State with physical borders and a living population.

All "Confederate States" are "inchoate" or "incomplete" States due to their nature as business organizations set apart from the physical State.

This is why they follow the nomenclature as "State of North Carolina" for example, which literally means "State belonging to or set apart from North Carolina".

Even those Insular States like Puerto Rico that have land and soil, have not entered Statehood via the Northwest Ordinance, so their "Confederate States" -- for example, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico -- exist only on paper remain a "Possession of the United States".

If you don't believe me, you are welcome to check the "Definitions" section of the Uniform Commercial Code, older Legal Dictionaries, Banking Dictionaries that cover Commercial jargon, American Jurisprudence (Second Edition), Benedict's Admiralty Law, and even the autobiography of Jefferson Davis and the numerous quotes of Abraham Lincoln concerning the Confederation, all of which serve to clarify exactly what "a" Confederation and a "Confederate State" is, and what the Confederation created by The Articles of Confederation ---- was.

Your assertion that States of States precede States, and that States derive from states is, as usual, provably and logically wrong.

The use of the styles: "states", "States", and "STATES" is a Latin style convention.

Again, I remind you that our official language is English. But for the sake of the discussion, in Latin, the use of all small letters denotes the superior party, Upper Lower case denotes indentured servitude or public office, and the use of all capitals indicates a slave, a corporation, or a dead man's estate.

With that generalized explanation in place, you are prepared to learn why a "state" in Latin is superior to a "State" and a "State" is superior to a "STATE".
In the Latin system, the "state" refers to the national soil jurisdiction formed by the contiguous counties in each physically-defined State all joined together, while "State" refers to the international jurisdiction defined by the land underlying the soil and is defined by the physical borders of each State land mass.

Please note that because it underlies the soil, the land must be present and must be claimed prior to the soil, or the soil has nothing to rest upon.

So the national jurisdiction of the soil depends on the international jurisdiction of the land, and both are inseparably joined.

The realm of the States-of-States lies outside physicality in the jurisdiction of the air. In the Latin system, the STATE is a Confederate State.

Using English conventions, we just call it the State of North Carolina, Incorporated.

Even in the days before the so-called Civil War, the unincorporated Confederate State-of-State was called, "The State of North Carolina".

So when you say, "Confederation" you are talking about a consortium of businesses that are allied together.

And when you refer to each Confederate State, you are referring to an inchoate, non-physical business that may simply be "corporate" or which may be "incorporated" --- but in any case, is a separate business entity quite apart from any State of the Union.

So now that we finally know what we are talking about and know that "Confederate States" are not the same as "States" in nature or jurisdiction, we are ready to consider -- who or what was responsible for organizing, running, and overseeing these "Confederate States", that is, businesses providing government services for the States of the Union?

The Federal Constitution issued in 1787 to the States of America answers that question.

The original Union States (or in the Latin system, Union states) had been using the business name "States of America" since the 1770's. The 1787 Federal Constitution refers to this "States of America" as the Subcontractor receiving the service contract.

So, the original Union (not the Northern faction in the Civil War) operating as the States of America was the recipient of "The Constitution for the united States of America" and was the operator of the Federal Republic and the Union states (Latin nomenclature system) were the owners of the individual Confederate States (State of State businesses).

Contrary to the idea most people have been given, the "more perfect union" referred to in The Articles of Confederation was obviously the States of America and the original Union of the Union states (Latin nomenclature system).

The Articles of Confederation were the Articles of Incorporation for the State-of-State (Confederate) businesses belonging to the Union States, so that they, similar to the State Members of the Federation of States, could act together in their mutual self-interest: that is, their "more perfect union".

When the Confederation broke down for lack of quorum, that entire system broke down. It's been defunct for160 years.

It can be restored via the Reconstruction but that can only be accomplished by the actual States, not the States of States.


See this article and over 4300 others on Anna's website here: