Recent progress in targeted interrogation of basal ganglia structures and networks with deep brain stimulation in humans has provided insights into the complex functions the subthalamic nucleus (STN). Beyond the traditional role of the STN in modulating motor function, recognition of its role in cognition was initially fueled by side effects seen with STN DBS and later revealed with behavioral and electrophysiological studies. Anatomical, clinical, and electrophysiological data converge on the view that the STN is a pivotal node linking cognitive and motor processes. The goal of this review is to synthesize the literature to date that used DBS to examine the contributions of the STN to motor and non-motor cognitive functions and control. Multiple modalities of research have provided us with an enhanced understanding of the STN and reveal that it is critically involved in motor and non-motor inhibition, decision-making, motivation and emotion. Understanding the role of the STN in cognition can enhance the therapeutic efficacy and selectivity not only for existing applications of DBS, but also in the development of therapeutic strategies to stimulate aberrant circuits to treat non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease and other disorders.The use of biphasic cuirass ventilator supported radiation therapy has never been documented. We present the first technical report here. A 57-year-old man with obstructive sleep apnea presented with a T0N1M0 right sided, human papillomavirus related head and neck cancer diagnosed on excisional lymph node biopsy. On further workup, the cancer was found to have originated in the right tonsil and was staged as T1N1. The patient started definitive treatment with concurrent chemo-radiation therapy, but after 5 treatments was no longer able to lay in a supine position for treatment. Diagnostic imaging workup eventually revealed an idiopathic right sided hemi-diaphragm eventration. After consultation with cardiology, pulmonology, and head and neck surgery, recommendation was made for tracheostomy to tolerate supine radiotherapy position, but the patient refused. Instead, computed tomography simulation for radiotherapy replanning was performed using a combination of biphasic cuirass ventilation, home continuous positive airway pressure and oxygen. The patient then tolerated definitive treatment to a dose of 69.96 Gray in 33 fractions with concurrent chemotherapy and experienced no unexpected side effects. Although complex, daily treatment setup was consistent. Daily onboard imaging was precise and accurate. The patient continues to follow up with radiation oncology, medical oncology, and pulmonology. This is the first use of biphasic cuirass ventilator supported radiotherapy reported in the scientific literature. Although daily treatment setup is complex, its use could be considered in patients unable to tolerate radiation therapy treatment positioning as an alternative to tracheostomy.Tau is a microtubule-associated protein (MAP) that is abundant in the axonal part of neurons of the central nervous system. Previous studies among African children and Vietnamese adults suffering from cerebral malaria (CM) showed the pathological significance of measuring circulatory total Tau levels. A pilot investigation was carried out to better characterise neurological pathogenesis among severe malaria patients in Central India. Serum levels of total human Tau (pg/ml) were measured by ELISA following manufacturer guidelines among hospital admitted P. falciparum malaria patients classified with different degree of severity (mild malaria = MM, non-cerebral severe malaria = NCSM, cerebral malaria survivors = CM-S and cerebral malaria non-survivors = CM-NS) using WHO, 2000 definitions, including healthy controls (HC) enroled from the hospital's blood bank. Categorical and numerical variables were analysed by applying appropriate statistical test using Stata 11.0 software. A total of 139 subjects (14 HC, 25 MM, 29 NCSM, 44 CM-S and 27 CM-NS) were included in this preliminary investigation. Serum levels of total human Tau were detected in 0% HC, 4.0% MM, 20.7% NCSM, 43.2% CM-S and 48.2% CM-NS patients. Compared to MM, percent Tau detection was significantly higher among severe malaria patients (p = 0.001). Further, compared to NCSM,% Tau detection was significantly higher in CM-S patients (Chi2 = 3.9, p = 0.048) & CM-NS patients (Chi2 = 4.7, p = 0.030). Percent Tau detection was also significantly higher among severe malaria cases presenting with multiple complications compared to those without multiple complications (p = 0.006). ROC analysis of serum Tau levels (pg/ml) revealed a fair AUC value (0.75) to distinguish CM-NS group (but not CM-S) from NCSM group. In conclusion, serum percent detection of total human Tau is associated with axonal damage among patients with different degree of P. falciparum malaria severity in Central India.In 2000, Yemen joined the WHO global efforts to eliminate lymphatic filariasis (LF) as a public health problem by initiating a National LF Elimination Programme (NLFEP), that was fully integrated with the National Leprosy Elimination Programme (NLEP), the Ministry of Public Health and Population. This article reviews the NLFEP extensive efforts and interventions to eliminate LF in Yemen. LF mapping was started in 2000, followed by five annual rounds of mass drug administration (MDA) with ivermectin and albendazole in 8 implementation units (IUs) during 2002-2006. The epidemiological coverage for all MDA rounds was ≥80%. Based on WHO guidelines of 2005, MDA was stopped in 7 IUs, additional MDA rounds were continued in one IU until 2011. Microfilaremia monitoring and evaluation, and MDA stopping surveys were conducted based on WHO guidelines of 2005 and 2011. Information about the presence of patients suffering from lymphoedema/elephantiasis and hydrocele was collected, and basic care provided to all chronic cases by NLEP coordinators, trained on LF morbidity management and disability prevention (MMDP). As of 2017, a total of 610 lymphoedema patients were trained on self-management, and 31 hydrocele patients were referred to local General Hospitals for surgery. The NLFEP made excellent progress due to integration with NLEP, strong collaboration with national and international bodies, intensive training and supervision, and the use of robust advocacy for mobilization of endemic communities. Transmission assessment surveys (TAS), conducted in 2013 and 2016, indicated 0% antigenemia levels in schoolchildren in the 8 IUs. Thus, after almost two decades of sustained effort, Yemen met the WHO criteria for successful elimination of LF as a public health problem. In 2019, WHO validated Yemen as the second country in the WHO' Eastern Mediterranean Region to successfully eliminate LF as a public health problem.