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10 Ways to Get in Spirit by Charity Kayembe
(original blog with hyperlinks is here

We want to get out of our heads and into our hearts because God does not live in our heads. Ephesians 3:17 tells us that Jesus lives in our hearts and John 7:37-39 tells us that rivers of living water—the Holy Spirit—flow from deep within. As believers, we know that our spirit is joined with Holy Spirit deep down in our innermost being (1 Cor. 6:17).

Therefore, we want to live from our hearts and our spirits, from down deep, from our union with God there. When we are in this sacred place, scientifically speaking, we are in the alpha brainwave state. As you are wide awake, reading these words, and engaging your mind, you are in the faster analytical beta brainwave state. However, just as you fall asleep at night, and just as you wake up in the morning, you are in the alpha brainwave state.

This slower frequency state is more meditative and reflective. When we are not quite sure if we are awake or asleep, the veil between the physical world and spiritual world is very thin and we are in the alpha brainwave state. We are also in the alpha and theta brainwave frequencies when we dream.

While science calls this alpha brainwaves, Scripture calls it being “in spirit.” Jesus told us to “worship in spirit” (Jn. 4:24). John said, “I was in spirit on the Lord’s day” and met with God (Rev. 1:10ff). Again, he said, “I was in spirit” and proceeded to see Father’s throne and all manner of heavenly vision (Rev. 4:2ff). He was not in his head. He was in his heart. He wasn’t in beta. He was in alpha, and that is when his spiritual senses were opened wide to see and hear the mysteries of the Kingdom.

We see then how dreams are an effective communicative medium with Heaven. When we receive dreams, our analytical mind is out of the way, and we are able to receive a pure flow of revelation straight from Father’s heart to ours.

Indeed, Scripture reveals that when we are asleep, our heart is awake to commune with our Beloved (Song of Sol. 5:2). Dreams are God’s contingency plan to ensure He always has a way to connect with us. Father knows that the best time to get our undistracted attention is during sleep – when we are “in spirit” – that is, in those slower brainwaves.

The Shift – Slowing Our Brainwaves
But what about when we are awake? Obviously, we want to receive heavenly revelation all day long, too. Are there any other ways we can position ourselves to receive more readily from the supernatural realm? Absolutely! Just like the reflection on a cellphone or computer screen—different angles and amounts of light illuminate what is being shown. When there are high levels of light in the room, we need to increase the brightness of the display in order to see more than just reflections on the screen.

In a similar way, we can increase the brightness of the visionary screen inside our hearts. We do this by moving into the alpha brainwave state. Science has demonstrated there are practical and proven ways we can slow down our brainwaves. Founder of Impact Ministries, Dr. James Richards shares several in his book, Moving

Your Invisible Boundaries:
"It is interesting that so many of the physical forms of worship tend to slow down our brainwaves. Music is very instrumental in effecting our brainwaves. Chanting, which is done in many of the Psalms and is actually used in the Hebrew language to describe worship, slows the brainwaves. Rolling our eyes up, as if looking to heaven, rocking, singing songs with repeated rhythmic patterns, bowing, dancing and pretty much all of the physical expressions of praise and worship, slow the brainwaves.

"When this happens we think that God, who lives way off in heaven has suddenly been appeased to such a degree that He graces us with His presence. But the truth is just the opposite; God, who lives in us and is always expressing Himself to us, is finally realized by the shift in our awareness. We begin to experience what He has been expressing all along!"

This is similar to how the discipline of fasting helps us tune in to hear from God. It is not that He is speaking more clearly when we fast; it’s simply that we have positioned ourselves to hear Him better. So it is with these various ways to worship and meditate: They don’t change God; they change us!

We instinctively do many of these things to naturally quiet down an upset baby. We rock them gently, sway back and forth, and sing songs to them. We know these are effective ways to settle down a child, and now we recognize that they are also effective ways to quiet ourselves down, to settle us into our hearts and spirits.

Biblical Examples
We see this exemplified in Scripture with the prophet Elisha. When he wanted to receive a revelation from God he also used the tool of music: “‘But now bring me a minstrel.’ And it came about, when the minstrel played, that the hand of the LORD came upon him” and he received a prophetic word to declare (2 Kings 3:15ff).

While it may go without saying, closing our eyes is obviously another simple and effective way to shift our awareness from the external to the internal. This also moves us down into that alpha state of spiritual sensitivity, so that we are less distracted by the outer world and more focused on the Kingdom within.

In Joshua 1:8, God told Israel’s new up-and-coming leader how to be successful. The secret? Biblical meditation. Meditation moves us to the alpha/spirit level, giving us a greater sensitivity and awareness of the sacred supernatural. Soft soaking music and visionary prayer are excellent tools for this. My dad and I unpack the extraordinary gift of meditation in our book on Kingdom emotions, and you are welcome to experience the New Creation Celebration Meditations available free on his ministry website.

Another extremely efficient way I have found to quiet myself down is through Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). EFT, or “tapping” as it is often called, has been scientifically documented to consistently slow down our brainwaves, bringing us into a place of calm and rest. It moves us from beta to alpha quickly and effortlessly, thus moving us from our heads to our hearts.

As a predominantly left-brain teacher, I naturally live in my head, therefore, I must manually shift gears and intentionally slow down into my heart. Hundreds of studies show the near-miraculous benefits of tapping, and I personally use it as a tool to move me into my heart zone.

Again, because Jesus lives in my heart, I endeavor to live from my heart and the springs of His River of Life that flow from there (see Prov. 4:23). Praying in tongues also moves us into the alpha state making us more aware of the spiritual realm and our connection to it. Supernatural leaders such as Sid Roth and Mahesh Chavda testify that their commitment to praying in the Spirit an hour a day unleashed tremendous power and anointing through their ministries.
Indeed, I have found that singing in the Spirit is one of the quickest ways for me to become aware of God’s peace and presence. When we sing and pray in tongues, our spirit is praying (1 Cor. 14:14-15). Our spirit is one with Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:17). So we are connecting with Holy Spirit and allowing Him to pray with and through us (Rom. 8:26-27).

Lastly, the simple exercise of breathing deliberately and deeply will quickly quiet us into our hearts. The word for "spirit" and "breath" are the same in the original languages the Bible was written in. That means when it says John was "in spirit on the Lord's day," it could have just as accurately been translated, John was "in breath on the Lord's day." Indeed, scientific research has shown that slow, deep breathing shifts our brainwaves, calming us down into an alpha brainwave state.

Spiritual Top 10
In summary, when we want to become more keenly aware of the spiritual realm that is all around us and perceive more clearly the supernatural world that permeates and infuses this natural world, we can simply slow down our brainwaves. There are steps we can take to proactively posture ourselves to easily move from beta to alpha, thus effectively moving from our head to our heart. These include:
1. Closing our eyes
2. Looking up / rolling eyes upward as if looking toward heaven
3. Rocking or swaying back and forth
4. Bowing and dancing
5. Speaking in tongues
6. Singing in tongues
7. Breathing deeply
8. Practicing emotional freedom technique (tapping)
9. Listening to soaking instrumental music
10. Meditating, which includes using our godly imagination
It is encouraging to realize supernatural encounter doesn’t need to be an entirely sovereign experience where we have to wait around for a blinding light to knock us to the ground.
It is exciting to understand that in Him we live and move and have our being and that Holy Spirit’s life and love can be felt any time and all the time, whenever we want.
It is empowering to know that there are many simple things we can do to get “in spirit” and continually experience the peace, power and presence of Heaven that is as near as our next breath.

Going Deeper Activation
Have you used all ten ways listed above to quiet yourself down into your heart? Which ones have you found to be most effective? Are there any that God is highlighting for you to try right now?
Connect to the flow of His River within and purpose to practice His presence by relaxing into your spirit, remembering your oneness, and resting in your union with Him.


My Life-Changing Encounter with God through Triathlons! By Sue DeJesus

Sue has been called by God to be an “Elite Athlete.” She has responded to this call and she shares her adventure and her journaling with us all. Sue was at a recent Hearing God's Voice seminar in Virginia, and I was thrilled to meet her and hear her story. I asked if she would share with us what God has done in her life through the triathlons she has trained for and won. Ten years after its original posting, I am re-publishing this blog with a video insert now included, and an addendum.

If you are reading this blog in an email, click here to watch the video on YouTube.

My Life-Changing Encounter with God through Triathlons!

This year I am 62 years old and have been racing triathlons since the month before my 50th birthday, the year I completed my first triathlon of the shortest distance called a Sprint triathlon. Twelve years and many races of various distances since, I am ranked 5th in the world by the World Triathlon Corporation at the Half Ironman distance.[1] This distance is a consecutive race of a 1.2 mile swim in a lake, river or ocean, biking 56 miles through the countryside, then immediately running a half marathon of 13.1 miles.

Why do I swim, bike and run? I do it as a means of staying fit and healthy. It gives me a goal to work toward. It gives me motivation to get out of bed when I might be tempted to sleep in, or on days that I don’t especially feel like working out. And most importantly, it’s been approved by God himself.

I am convinced that one of the devil’s prime attacks against mature Christian leaders is in the area of physical health. I have seen gifted leaders taken off the scene due to poor health just when they could be doing the Body of Christ the most good. I am determined to not be one of these casualties. While I am here on earth, I want to be fully available for doing the Lord’s work. I don’t want my body or health to be the limiting factor in how God might choose to use me.

How did I start down this triathlon path as a means to health?

In August of 2001 I was going to turn fifty. I have always been physically active to some degree most of my life, whether it was skiing as a teenager growing up in Minnesota, or lifting weights and doing a little bit of running post college. But 2001 I was going to turn 50 and I wanted to be in the best shape of my life. I knew that most health issues were preventable and I felt a responsibility to take care of my body. I knew that my body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and I was responsible for this stewardship.

Some decisions are keepers. My decision to get and stay healthy became a permanent part of my focus. There was something that shifted on the inside of me and I began to make choices that made exercise a vital and ongoing part of my life. It is a truth that we will always make room for what is truly important to us. Exercise and good nutrition became a focus that I made room for, even when life was full and making time for exercise was not easy or convenient.

In May of 2001 I became a nutrition speaker for a new business in town called Triathlon Moms. This business was aimed at getting women active by completing their first Sprint triathlon, the shortest of the triathlon distances comprised of a 300 meter pool swim, a 12 mile bike ride, and a 5k run done right after each other.

My role was to teach them about good eating habits. I had not thought much about actually participating myself, but as the first workout drew near I found myself entertaining the thought of it. I decided to start with the group at their first practice. Six-weeks later I completed my first triathlon and thought at the end that there just was not enough oxygen in the air to satisfy my gasping!! I had finished my first triathlon! What an accomplishment! What a great way to usher in my Jubilee birthday!

Once I finished that first triathlon, finishing was no longer good enough. I wanted to win my age group (50-54 at that time)! If I was going to do this, I decided to do it with excellence! I wanted to be the best athlete I could be. In August of 2008 I hired a coach and started to make major gains in my fitness.

I really knew God was in this when He answered a prayer I prayed the morning of 9/26/09. He answered this prayer within the hour! I prayed to have a life changing encounter with Him.

That morning my swim coach said something that started me down the path to the next level in my pursuit of excellent health and fitness, and clearly on my way to encounter God in a way that would radically change me and my life.

This is from my Journal entry dated 9/26/09:

I’m standing on the edge of my swim lane at the outdoor pool, reluctant to get in because I believed that since I’d been off for 2 weeks that I would have a hard time keeping up, that I would be out of breath, that this wasn’t going to be a great feeling workout. Coach Dudley walked past me as I was voicing my concern about being out of the water so many weeks saying, “You’re an elite athlete, you’ll be just fine.”

Totally unexpectedly, the words “elite athlete” captured my ear, and went straight into my heart! It was like my heart absorbed these words and started to mull over them. Startled, my mind began to question these words because I had NEVER thought of myself as an elite athlete. I thought, “Me?” “An elite athlete???” I know Dudley wasn’t being totally serious, yet still those words rang in my heart as if they were true.

My mind countered, “Well, an elite athlete wins races.” I then heard in my heart, “Not every elite athlete wins their race.” I had to admit that yes, this is true. There are many elite athletes in each race, but only one of them wins first place. I was wonder-struck by my heart grabbing onto these words “Elite Athlete.”

I didn’t know why these words affected me the way they did. I began to think. “As an elite athlete, how would I train? How different would it be from what I do now? How would I think? What would I eat? How would I do my workouts? How would I conduct myself? How would I carry myself?”

I concluded that I would for sure work harder, more intensely; more focused, and be more intentional. I would push myself harder in every way in each workout. I would push myself to the limits. I would be more intentional and precise about everything I did. I would do what I needed to do to be the best me possible. I wouldn’t slack or give up easily. I wouldn’t bail out when it got difficult or I felt tired.

Another thought was that I would really know my sport. I would understand it and how to train for it. Yes, I would do things very differently. I’ve been “playing” at Triathlons because I’m doing this for “health.” If I replay what I’ve been telling myself on different occasions, where I haven’t done a full workout, or I’ve bailed slightly in effort, or not fully followed instructions for a workout, in those moments I’ve actually been telling myself, “I don’t have to push THAT hard, I’m in this for the health benefits.”

I’m thinking about all this during this morning swim. I got to the place where I was feeling tired toward the end of the set and these thoughts came to my mind. “An elite athlete would continue to push, doing their best for the whole set. They would not back off just because they were feeling tired.” I kept pushing. A whole new attitude! (How do you beat a competitor? Be willing to do what your competitor is not willing to do!)

What I find most interesting of all in this is that I have been feeling guilty about the time I am taking to train for Triathlons. I know I’ve been doing it for health and I think that has been my reasoning, but at the same time I have been wondering if my time would be better spent reading or studying the Scriptures more, or praying more. I had been questioning the wisdom of how I was spending my time in light of the Kingdom.

So God takes the very thing that I’m having misgivings about and now gives me “permission” to fully engage in it? I’m in shock. Or maybe it’s awe. This is something totally unexpected. I never thought I’d be thinking these thoughts.

So, Lord, what are you saying to me? What are you giving me the “nod” to do? What are you authorizing? What are you saying about my destiny? –that you’re giving me these surprising new words that have been snagged by my ears, and penetrated my heart—“Elite Athlete.”

Why have you given me these words in seeming answer to my morning prayer?

You’ve asked for a life-changing encounter. If you will embrace these new words, they will indeed change you. Their process will set your life on a course that will accelerate My perfection in you. It is a type of consecration. You won’t neglect Me because I’m IN it! I’m giving you permission to set your eyes on a course that will take you into other realms and dimensions. It’s not the easiest course, just the quickest way for Me to do in you what I want. To do this you will have to come to Me for what you need. I’ll give you understanding, I’ll give you ways to train, I’ll give you motivation, I’ll give you inspiration, I’ll help you do it. In the process we will forge a stronger, better relationship, which is what you really want anyway. This is how I choose to do it.

Will you do it? Will you embrace it? Will you co-labor with Me? Will you give it your whole heart and your whole effort? ~because I’m giving you My “permission” to fully engage in this. Don’t hold anything back. Leave it all on the table. And don’t feel guilty. (Up to now) It’s been a false guilt because you haven’t understood what I have been doing through this venue. Most have not accepted My invitation. If people want to know a “short-cut” this is it. It’s not going to “cost” it will “pay” in huge dividends.

I give you an instruction. You are not to look at the “score card.” You are not to look at your “ranking.” You are only to look at your progress and your heart during each workout. In three years you will not be able to comprehend the distance that I will have taken you. And you will be able to easily say, “It’s all been so worth it.”

By fall of 2012 I had raced on the National Level and started setting my eyes on the longer distance triathlon to qualify for racing at the world level at the Half Ironman distance. I qualified for, and raced at the world level in Las Vegas, Nevada in September 2013 competing against the best in the world!

Have I had a life changing encounter with God? This is a resounding YES! It’s been everything that He said it would be. And YES, it’s been SO worth it.

I encourage each person to find the activity that works for their body and find the nutrition and health practices that God is ordaining for you! You will never regret forging a better relationship with God than through the daily opportunities to bring Him into every health practice and have Him help you make it fit your unique situation. Find out what God is authorizing for you!

Sue DeJesús

God’s Elite Athlete

[1] This is my current ranking. Rankings can change up until the close of the current year as race results are submitted.
Addendum Written 4-18-24

I encourage each person to find the activity that works for their body and find the nutrition and health practices that God is ordaining for you! You will never regret forging a better relationship with God than through the daily opportunities to bring Him into every health practice and have Him help you make it fit your unique situation. Find out what God is authorizing for you!

2024 UPDDATE: I retired from triathlon competition in 2021 after 20 years of racing, and after I became a world champion at the Half Ironman distance (swim 1.2mi/bike 56mi/run 13.1mi), and was the North American Champion at the Full Ironman distance (swim 2.4mi/bike 112-116mi/run 26.2mi). I retired when triathlons had fully given to me, and done in me, all that God had promised!
Go Deeper - Get Healthy!

Check out this entire blog series on Vibrant Health! - Miracles PLUS Gifts of Healings. Working through this series on health is ideal for both individuals and groups. The more we take responsibility for ourselves - spirit, soul and body - the healthier we become! Won't you join me in living to at least 100 in vibrant health?

Sue has been called by God to be an “Elite Athlete.” She has responded to this call and she shares her adventure and her journaling with us all. Sue was at a...


When is the stated story not the whole story? Almost always!

When the Bible states that Jesus healed everyone present, ever wonder how much detail we are missing in these stories? Perhaps 99% is missing, as the Gospel writers pack three years of Jesus' ministry into a relatively short portion of Scripture.

That is, 3 years x 4 Gospel writers = 12 years X 365 days/yr = 4380 days. All squeezed into just 78 chapters of the four Gospels combined.

This comes to about two-hundredths of a chapter available to cover each day in Jesus' three years of ministry. Not much time. Obviously, MOST details will have to be skipped. (Part 1 of this blog series is here.)

Now when they come to cover the 6 hours of Jesus’ crucifixion, they spend about 2 full chapters on these 6 hours (ie, one full day, if you combine all four writers). Wow! This a ton more content about these six hours of Jesus' life.

Still, none of the four Gospel writers provide ALL the details of these 6 hours, even though they spend one hundred times more space detailing the crucifixion story than they spend on any other one day of Jesus' ministry! Let's watch the story build as each Gospel writer adds additional insights.

29 details about the death of Jesus

Mark lays out 15 points (Mark 15:21-41)
1. Simon of Cyrene bore Jesus’ cross to Golgotha.
2. Jesus would not take wine mixed with myrrh.
3. Lots were cast for His garments.
4. Crucified on the third hour.
5. The inscription "THE KING OF THE JEWS."
6. Two robbers were crucified with Him, one on His right and one on His left.
7. People passing by were hurling abuse at Him, wagging their heads, and saying, "Ha! You who are going to destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save Yourself, and come down from the cross!"
8. Chief priests and scribes were mocking Him.
9. Those who were crucified with Him were also insulting Him.
10. When the sixth hour came, darkness fell over the whole land until the ninth hour.
11. At the ninth hour, Jesus cried out with a loud voice, "ELOI, ELOI, LAMA SABACHTHANI?" which is translated, "MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?"
12. Let us see whether Elijah will come to take Him down." And Jesus uttered a loud cry and breathed His last.
13. And the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.
14. When the centurion, who was standing right in front of Him, saw the way He breathed His last, he said, "Truly this man was the Son of God!"
15. Women looking on from a distance.

Three additional points brought out by Matthew (Matthew 27:32-52)
1. And the earth shook and the rocks were split.
2. The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised;
3. And coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many.

Five additional points brought out by Luke (Luke 23:32-49)
1. But Jesus was saying, "Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing."
2. But the other criminal rebuking him said, "Do you not even fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation?” And we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong."
3. And he was saying, "Jesus, remember me when You come in Your kingdom!" And He said to him, "Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise."
4. "Father, INTO YOUR HANDS I COMMIT MY SPIRIT." Having said this, He breathed His last.
5. All the crowds who came together for this spectacle, when they observed what had happened, began to return, beating their breasts.

Six additional points made by John (John 19:16-37)
1. Jesus went out, bearing His own cross.
2. Many of the Jews read this inscription, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city; and it was written in Hebrew, Latin, and in Greek. So the chief priests of the Jews were saying to Pilate, "Do not write, 'The King of the Jews'; but that He said, 'I am King of the Jews.'" Pilate answered, "What I have written I have written."
3. Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus, took His outer garments and made four parts, a part to every soldier and also the tunic; now the tunic was seamless, woven in one piece. So they said to one another, "Let us not tear it, but cast lots for it, to decide whose it shall be.
4. When Jesus then saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, "Woman, behold, your son!" Then He said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother!"
5. Jesus said, "I am thirsty." A jar full of sour wine was standing there; so they put a sponge full of the sour wine upon a branch of hyssop and brought it up to His mouth. Therefore when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, "It is finished!" And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.
6. Then the Jews, because it was the day of preparation, so that the bodies would not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day), asked Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away. So the soldiers came, and broke the legs of the first man and of the other who was crucified with Him; but coming to Jesus, when they saw that He was already dead, they did not break His legs. But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out.

John's summary is that this is still not the FULL story
And there are also many other things which Jesus did, which if they *were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books that would be written" (Jn. 21:25).
So the Bible itself is declaring that a tremendous amount of detail has been left out in the Gospel stories of the miracles and healings Jesus did. So let's not assume we are reading the full story, since Scripture clearly says we aren't!

When people tell stories, the entire story is not told for many reasons
1. Lack of time
2. Not knowing all the events
3. Having events discolored through emotions (for example, fear or greed)
4. Tell only the part that you feel is important
5. Only telling the part that you feel best glorifies God
6. Outright dishonesty
7. We see through a glass darkly (lack of insight and understanding)

Lord, what do You want to speak to me about the way I receive, handle and judge based on the stories I read and hear?

How to Hear God’s Voice Free Video Event
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May 9-22, 2024
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The most practical teaching in the world on hearing God's voice!


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10 Ways to Get in Spirit by Charity Kayembe
(original blog with hyperlinks is here

We want to get out of our heads and into our hearts because God does not live in our heads. Ephesians 3:17 tells us that Jesus lives in our hearts and John 7:37-39 tells us that rivers of living water—the Holy Spirit—flow from deep within. As believers, we know that our spirit is joined with Holy Spirit deep down in our innermost being (1 Cor. 6:17).

Therefore, we want to live from our hearts and our spirits, from down deep, from our union with God there. When we are in this sacred place, scientifically speaking, we are in the alpha brainwave state. As you are wide awake, reading these words, and engaging your mind, you are in the faster analytical beta brainwave state. However, just as you fall asleep at night, and just as you wake up in the morning, you are in the alpha brainwave state.

This slower frequency state is more meditative and reflective. When we are not quite sure if we are awake or asleep, the veil between the physical world and spiritual world is very thin and we are in the alpha brainwave state. We are also in the alpha and theta brainwave frequencies when we dream.

While science calls this alpha brainwaves, Scripture calls it being “in spirit.” Jesus told us to “worship in spirit” (Jn. 4:24). John said, “I was in spirit on the Lord’s day” and met with God (Rev. 1:10ff). Again, he said, “I was in spirit” and proceeded to see Father’s throne and all manner of heavenly vision (Rev. 4:2ff). He was not in his head. He was in his heart. He wasn’t in beta. He was in alpha, and that is when his spiritual senses were opened wide to see and hear the mysteries of the Kingdom.

We see then how dreams are an effective communicative medium with Heaven. When we receive dreams, our analytical mind is out of the way, and we are able to receive a pure flow of revelation straight from Father’s heart to ours.

Indeed, Scripture reveals that when we are asleep, our heart is awake to commune with our Beloved (Song of Sol. 5:2). Dreams are God’s contingency plan to ensure He always has a way to connect with us. Father knows that the best time to get our undistracted attention is during sleep – when we are “in spirit” – that is, in those slower brainwaves.

The Shift – Slowing Our Brainwaves
But what about when we are awake? Obviously, we want to receive heavenly revelation all day long, too. Are there any other ways we can position ourselves to receive more readily from the supernatural realm? Absolutely! Just like the reflection on a cellphone or computer screen—different angles and amounts of light illuminate what is being shown. When there are high levels of light in the room, we need to increase the brightness of the display in order to see more than just reflections on the screen.

In a similar way, we can increase the brightness of the visionary screen inside our hearts. We do this by moving into the alpha brainwave state. Science has demonstrated there are practical and proven ways we can slow down our brainwaves. Founder of Impact Ministries, Dr. James Richards shares several in his book, Moving

Your Invisible Boundaries:
"It is interesting that so many of the physical forms of worship tend to slow down our brainwaves. Music is very instrumental in effecting our brainwaves. Chanting, which is done in many of the Psalms and is actually used in the Hebrew language to describe worship, slows the brainwaves. Rolling our eyes up, as if looking to heaven, rocking, singing songs with repeated rhythmic patterns, bowing, dancing and pretty much all of the physical expressions of praise and worship, slow the brainwaves.

"When this happens we think that God, who lives way off in heaven has suddenly been appeased to such a degree that He graces us with His presence. But the truth is just the opposite; God, who lives in us and is always expressing Himself to us, is finally realized by the shift in our awareness. We begin to experience what He has been expressing all along!"

This is similar to how the discipline of fasting helps us tune in to hear from God. It is not that He is speaking more clearly when we fast; it’s simply that we have positioned ourselves to hear Him better. So it is with these various ways to worship and meditate: They don’t change God; they change us!

We instinctively do many of these things to naturally quiet down an upset baby. We rock them gently, sway back and forth, and sing songs to them. We know these are effective ways to settle down a child, and now we recognize that they are also effective ways to quiet ourselves down, to settle us into our hearts and spirits.

Biblical Examples
We see this exemplified in Scripture with the prophet Elisha. When he wanted to receive a revelation from God he also used the tool of music: “‘But now bring me a minstrel.’ And it came about, when the minstrel played, that the hand of the LORD came upon him” and he received a prophetic word to declare (2 Kings 3:15ff).

While it may go without saying, closing our eyes is obviously another simple and effective way to shift our awareness from the external to the internal. This also moves us down into that alpha state of spiritual sensitivity, so that we are less distracted by the outer world and more focused on the Kingdom within.

In Joshua 1:8, God told Israel’s new up-and-coming leader how to be successful. The secret? Biblical meditation. Meditation moves us to the alpha/spirit level, giving us a greater sensitivity and awareness of the sacred supernatural. Soft soaking music and visionary prayer are excellent tools for this. My dad and I unpack the extraordinary gift of meditation in our book on Kingdom emotions, and you are welcome to experience the New Creation Celebration Meditations available free on his ministry website.

Another extremely efficient way I have found to quiet myself down is through Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). EFT, or “tapping” as it is often called, has been scientifically documented to consistently slow down our brainwaves, bringing us into a place of calm and rest. It moves us from beta to alpha quickly and effortlessly, thus moving us from our heads to our hearts.

As a predominantly left-brain teacher, I naturally live in my head, therefore, I must manually shift gears and intentionally slow down into my heart. Hundreds of studies show the near-miraculous benefits of tapping, and I personally use it as a tool to move me into my heart zone.

Again, because Jesus lives in my heart, I endeavor to live from my heart and the springs of His River of Life that flow from there (see Prov. 4:23). Praying in tongues also moves us into the alpha state making us more aware of the spiritual realm and our connection to it. Supernatural leaders such as Sid Roth and Mahesh Chavda testify that their commitment to praying in the Spirit an hour a day unleashed tremendous power and anointing through their ministries.
Indeed, I have found that singing in the Spirit is one of the quickest ways for me to become aware of God’s peace and presence. When we sing and pray in tongues, our spirit is praying (1 Cor. 14:14-15). Our spirit is one with Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:17). So we are connecting with Holy Spirit and allowing Him to pray with and through us (Rom. 8:26-27).

Lastly, the simple exercise of breathing deliberately and deeply will quickly quiet us into our hearts. The word for "spirit" and "breath" are the same in the original languages the Bible was written in. That means when it says John was "in spirit on the Lord's day," it could have just as accurately been translated, John was "in breath on the Lord's day." Indeed, scientific research has shown that slow, deep breathing shifts our brainwaves, calming us down into an alpha brainwave state.

Spiritual Top 10
In summary, when we want to become more keenly aware of the spiritual realm that is all around us and perceive more clearly the supernatural world that permeates and infuses this natural world, we can simply slow down our brainwaves. There are steps we can take to proactively posture ourselves to easily move from beta to alpha, thus effectively moving from our head to our heart. These include:
1. Closing our eyes
2. Looking up / rolling eyes upward as if looking toward heaven
3. Rocking or swaying back and forth
4. Bowing and dancing
5. Speaking in tongues
6. Singing in tongues
7. Breathing deeply
8. Practicing emotional freedom technique (tapping)
9. Listening to soaking instrumental music
10. Meditating, which includes using our godly imagination
It is encouraging to realize supernatural encounter doesn’t need to be an entirely sovereign experience where we have to wait around for a blinding light to knock us to the ground.
It is exciting to understand that in Him we live and move and have our being and that Holy Spirit’s life and love can be felt any time and all the time, whenever we want.
It is empowering to know that there are many simple things we can do to get “in spirit” and continually experience the peace, power and presence of Heaven that is as near as our next breath.

Going Deeper Activation
Have you used all ten ways listed above to quiet yourself down into your heart? Which ones have you found to be most effective? Are there any that God is highlighting for you to try right now?
Connect to the flow of His River within and purpose to practice His presence by relaxing into your spirit, remembering your oneness, and resting in your union with Him.


My Life-Changing Encounter with God through Triathlons! By Sue DeJesus

Sue has been called by God to be an “Elite Athlete.” She has responded to this call and she shares her adventure and her journaling with us all. Sue was at a recent Hearing God's Voice seminar in Virginia, and I was thrilled to meet her and hear her story. I asked if she would share with us what God has done in her life through the triathlons she has trained for and won. Ten years after its original posting, I am re-publishing this blog with a video insert now included, and an addendum.

If you are reading this blog in an email, click here to watch the video on YouTube.

My Life-Changing Encounter with God through Triathlons!

This year I am 62 years old and have been racing triathlons since the month before my 50th birthday, the year I completed my first triathlon of the shortest distance called a Sprint triathlon. Twelve years and many races of various distances since, I am ranked 5th in the world by the World Triathlon Corporation at the Half Ironman distance.[1] This distance is a consecutive race of a 1.2 mile swim in a lake, river or ocean, biking 56 miles through the countryside, then immediately running a half marathon of 13.1 miles.

Why do I swim, bike and run? I do it as a means of staying fit and healthy. It gives me a goal to work toward. It gives me motivation to get out of bed when I might be tempted to sleep in, or on days that I don’t especially feel like working out. And most importantly, it’s been approved by God himself.

I am convinced that one of the devil’s prime attacks against mature Christian leaders is in the area of physical health. I have seen gifted leaders taken off the scene due to poor health just when they could be doing the Body of Christ the most good. I am determined to not be one of these casualties. While I am here on earth, I want to be fully available for doing the Lord’s work. I don’t want my body or health to be the limiting factor in how God might choose to use me.

How did I start down this triathlon path as a means to health?

In August of 2001 I was going to turn fifty. I have always been physically active to some degree most of my life, whether it was skiing as a teenager growing up in Minnesota, or lifting weights and doing a little bit of running post college. But 2001 I was going to turn 50 and I wanted to be in the best shape of my life. I knew that most health issues were preventable and I felt a responsibility to take care of my body. I knew that my body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and I was responsible for this stewardship.

Some decisions are keepers. My decision to get and stay healthy became a permanent part of my focus. There was something that shifted on the inside of me and I began to make choices that made exercise a vital and ongoing part of my life. It is a truth that we will always make room for what is truly important to us. Exercise and good nutrition became a focus that I made room for, even when life was full and making time for exercise was not easy or convenient.

In May of 2001 I became a nutrition speaker for a new business in town called Triathlon Moms. This business was aimed at getting women active by completing their first Sprint triathlon, the shortest of the triathlon distances comprised of a 300 meter pool swim, a 12 mile bike ride, and a 5k run done right after each other.

My role was to teach them about good eating habits. I had not thought much about actually participating myself, but as the first workout drew near I found myself entertaining the thought of it. I decided to start with the group at their first practice. Six-weeks later I completed my first triathlon and thought at the end that there just was not enough oxygen in the air to satisfy my gasping!! I had finished my first triathlon! What an accomplishment! What a great way to usher in my Jubilee birthday!

Once I finished that first triathlon, finishing was no longer good enough. I wanted to win my age group (50-54 at that time)! If I was going to do this, I decided to do it with excellence! I wanted to be the best athlete I could be. In August of 2008 I hired a coach and started to make major gains in my fitness.

I really knew God was in this when He answered a prayer I prayed the morning of 9/26/09. He answered this prayer within the hour! I prayed to have a life changing encounter with Him.

That morning my swim coach said something that started me down the path to the next level in my pursuit of excellent health and fitness, and clearly on my way to encounter God in a way that would radically change me and my life.

This is from my Journal entry dated 9/26/09:

I’m standing on the edge of my swim lane at the outdoor pool, reluctant to get in because I believed that since I’d been off for 2 weeks that I would have a hard time keeping up, that I would be out of breath, that this wasn’t going to be a great feeling workout. Coach Dudley walked past me as I was voicing my concern about being out of the water so many weeks saying, “You’re an elite athlete, you’ll be just fine.”

Totally unexpectedly, the words “elite athlete” captured my ear, and went straight into my heart! It was like my heart absorbed these words and started to mull over them. Startled, my mind began to question these words because I had NEVER thought of myself as an elite athlete. I thought, “Me?” “An elite athlete???” I know Dudley wasn’t being totally serious, yet still those words rang in my heart as if they were true.

My mind countered, “Well, an elite athlete wins races.” I then heard in my heart, “Not every elite athlete wins their race.” I had to admit that yes, this is true. There are many elite athletes in each race, but only one of them wins first place. I was wonder-struck by my heart grabbing onto these words “Elite Athlete.”

I didn’t know why these words affected me the way they did. I began to think. “As an elite athlete, how would I train? How different would it be from what I do now? How would I think? What would I eat? How would I do my workouts? How would I conduct myself? How would I carry myself?”

I concluded that I would for sure work harder, more intensely; more focused, and be more intentional. I would push myself harder in every way in each workout. I would push myself to the limits. I would be more intentional and precise about everything I did. I would do what I needed to do to be the best me possible. I wouldn’t slack or give up easily. I wouldn’t bail out when it got difficult or I felt tired.

Another thought was that I would really know my sport. I would understand it and how to train for it. Yes, I would do things very differently. I’ve been “playing” at Triathlons because I’m doing this for “health.” If I replay what I’ve been telling myself on different occasions, where I haven’t done a full workout, or I’ve bailed slightly in effort, or not fully followed instructions for a workout, in those moments I’ve actually been telling myself, “I don’t have to push THAT hard, I’m in this for the health benefits.”

I’m thinking about all this during this morning swim. I got to the place where I was feeling tired toward the end of the set and these thoughts came to my mind. “An elite athlete would continue to push, doing their best for the whole set. They would not back off just because they were feeling tired.” I kept pushing. A whole new attitude! (How do you beat a competitor? Be willing to do what your competitor is not willing to do!)

What I find most interesting of all in this is that I have been feeling guilty about the time I am taking to train for Triathlons. I know I’ve been doing it for health and I think that has been my reasoning, but at the same time I have been wondering if my time would be better spent reading or studying the Scriptures more, or praying more. I had been questioning the wisdom of how I was spending my time in light of the Kingdom.

So God takes the very thing that I’m having misgivings about and now gives me “permission” to fully engage in it? I’m in shock. Or maybe it’s awe. This is something totally unexpected. I never thought I’d be thinking these thoughts.

So, Lord, what are you saying to me? What are you giving me the “nod” to do? What are you authorizing? What are you saying about my destiny? –that you’re giving me these surprising new words that have been snagged by my ears, and penetrated my heart—“Elite Athlete.”

Why have you given me these words in seeming answer to my morning prayer?

You’ve asked for a life-changing encounter. If you will embrace these new words, they will indeed change you. Their process will set your life on a course that will accelerate My perfection in you. It is a type of consecration. You won’t neglect Me because I’m IN it! I’m giving you permission to set your eyes on a course that will take you into other realms and dimensions. It’s not the easiest course, just the quickest way for Me to do in you what I want. To do this you will have to come to Me for what you need. I’ll give you understanding, I’ll give you ways to train, I’ll give you motivation, I’ll give you inspiration, I’ll help you do it. In the process we will forge a stronger, better relationship, which is what you really want anyway. This is how I choose to do it.

Will you do it? Will you embrace it? Will you co-labor with Me? Will you give it your whole heart and your whole effort? ~because I’m giving you My “permission” to fully engage in this. Don’t hold anything back. Leave it all on the table. And don’t feel guilty. (Up to now) It’s been a false guilt because you haven’t understood what I have been doing through this venue. Most have not accepted My invitation. If people want to know a “short-cut” this is it. It’s not going to “cost” it will “pay” in huge dividends.

I give you an instruction. You are not to look at the “score card.” You are not to look at your “ranking.” You are only to look at your progress and your heart during each workout. In three years you will not be able to comprehend the distance that I will have taken you. And you will be able to easily say, “It’s all been so worth it.”

By fall of 2012 I had raced on the National Level and started setting my eyes on the longer distance triathlon to qualify for racing at the world level at the Half Ironman distance. I qualified for, and raced at the world level in Las Vegas, Nevada in September 2013 competing against the best in the world!

Have I had a life changing encounter with God? This is a resounding YES! It’s been everything that He said it would be. And YES, it’s been SO worth it.

I encourage each person to find the activity that works for their body and find the nutrition and health practices that God is ordaining for you! You will never regret forging a better relationship with God than through the daily opportunities to bring Him into every health practice and have Him help you make it fit your unique situation. Find out what God is authorizing for you!

Sue DeJesús

God’s Elite Athlete

[1] This is my current ranking. Rankings can change up until the close of the current year as race results are submitted.
Addendum Written 4-18-24

I encourage each person to find the activity that works for their body and find the nutrition and health practices that God is ordaining for you! You will never regret forging a better relationship with God than through the daily opportunities to bring Him into every health practice and have Him help you make it fit your unique situation. Find out what God is authorizing for you!

2024 UPDDATE: I retired from triathlon competition in 2021 after 20 years of racing, and after I became a world champion at the Half Ironman distance (swim 1.2mi/bike 56mi/run 13.1mi), and was the North American Champion at the Full Ironman distance (swim 2.4mi/bike 112-116mi/run 26.2mi). I retired when triathlons had fully given to me, and done in me, all that God had promised!
Go Deeper - Get Healthy!

Check out this entire blog series on Vibrant Health! - Miracles PLUS Gifts of Healings. Working through this series on health is ideal for both individuals and groups. The more we take responsibility for ourselves - spirit, soul and body - the healthier we become! Won't you join me in living to at least 100 in vibrant health?

Sue has been called by God to be an “Elite Athlete.” She has responded to this call and she shares her adventure and her journaling with us all. Sue was at a...


When is the stated story not the whole story? Almost always!

When the Bible states that Jesus healed everyone present, ever wonder how much detail we are missing in these stories? Perhaps 99% is missing, as the Gospel writers pack three years of Jesus' ministry into a relatively short portion of Scripture.

That is, 3 years x 4 Gospel writers = 12 years X 365 days/yr = 4380 days. All squeezed into just 78 chapters of the four Gospels combined.

This comes to about two-hundredths of a chapter available to cover each day in Jesus' three years of ministry. Not much time. Obviously, MOST details will have to be skipped. (Part 1 of this blog series is here.)

Now when they come to cover the 6 hours of Jesus’ crucifixion, they spend about 2 full chapters on these 6 hours (ie, one full day, if you combine all four writers). Wow! This a ton more content about these six hours of Jesus' life.

Still, none of the four Gospel writers provide ALL the details of these 6 hours, even though they spend one hundred times more space detailing the crucifixion story than they spend on any other one day of Jesus' ministry! Let's watch the story build as each Gospel writer adds additional insights.

29 details about the death of Jesus

Mark lays out 15 points (Mark 15:21-41)
1. Simon of Cyrene bore Jesus’ cross to Golgotha.
2. Jesus would not take wine mixed with myrrh.
3. Lots were cast for His garments.
4. Crucified on the third hour.
5. The inscription "THE KING OF THE JEWS."
6. Two robbers were crucified with Him, one on His right and one on His left.
7. People passing by were hurling abuse at Him, wagging their heads, and saying, "Ha! You who are going to destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save Yourself, and come down from the cross!"
8. Chief priests and scribes were mocking Him.
9. Those who were crucified with Him were also insulting Him.
10. When the sixth hour came, darkness fell over the whole land until the ninth hour.
11. At the ninth hour, Jesus cried out with a loud voice, "ELOI, ELOI, LAMA SABACHTHANI?" which is translated, "MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?"
12. Let us see whether Elijah will come to take Him down." And Jesus uttered a loud cry and breathed His last.
13. And the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.
14. When the centurion, who was standing right in front of Him, saw the way He breathed His last, he said, "Truly this man was the Son of God!"
15. Women looking on from a distance.

Three additional points brought out by Matthew (Matthew 27:32-52)
1. And the earth shook and the rocks were split.
2. The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised;
3. And coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many.

Five additional points brought out by Luke (Luke 23:32-49)
1. But Jesus was saying, "Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing."
2. But the other criminal rebuking him said, "Do you not even fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation?” And we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong."
3. And he was saying, "Jesus, remember me when You come in Your kingdom!" And He said to him, "Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise."
4. "Father, INTO YOUR HANDS I COMMIT MY SPIRIT." Having said this, He breathed His last.
5. All the crowds who came together for this spectacle, when they observed what had happened, began to return, beating their breasts.

Six additional points made by John (John 19:16-37)
1. Jesus went out, bearing His own cross.
2. Many of the Jews read this inscription, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city; and it was written in Hebrew, Latin, and in Greek. So the chief priests of the Jews were saying to Pilate, "Do not write, 'The King of the Jews'; but that He said, 'I am King of the Jews.'" Pilate answered, "What I have written I have written."
3. Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus, took His outer garments and made four parts, a part to every soldier and also the tunic; now the tunic was seamless, woven in one piece. So they said to one another, "Let us not tear it, but cast lots for it, to decide whose it shall be.
4. When Jesus then saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, "Woman, behold, your son!" Then He said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother!"
5. Jesus said, "I am thirsty." A jar full of sour wine was standing there; so they put a sponge full of the sour wine upon a branch of hyssop and brought it up to His mouth. Therefore when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, "It is finished!" And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.
6. Then the Jews, because it was the day of preparation, so that the bodies would not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day), asked Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away. So the soldiers came, and broke the legs of the first man and of the other who was crucified with Him; but coming to Jesus, when they saw that He was already dead, they did not break His legs. But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out.

John's summary is that this is still not the FULL story
And there are also many other things which Jesus did, which if they *were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books that would be written" (Jn. 21:25).
So the Bible itself is declaring that a tremendous amount of detail has been left out in the Gospel stories of the miracles and healings Jesus did. So let's not assume we are reading the full story, since Scripture clearly says we aren't!

When people tell stories, the entire story is not told for many reasons
1. Lack of time
2. Not knowing all the events
3. Having events discolored through emotions (for example, fear or greed)
4. Tell only the part that you feel is important
5. Only telling the part that you feel best glorifies God
6. Outright dishonesty
7. We see through a glass darkly (lack of insight and understanding)

Lord, what do You want to speak to me about the way I receive, handle and judge based on the stories I read and hear?

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At Work Behind the Scenes – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda

“O praise the name of the Lord our God. O praise His name forevermore. For endless days we will sing your praise, O Lord, O Lord our God.” ♪♪ O Jesus I praise your name.
What a glorious name it is. Creator of the Universe and all the billions of galaxies. And these are the things we know about. How much have you created that we have no knowledge of? More than we can imagine! Man thinks he is so smart because he figures something out, like AI, not realizing that it is YOU who have allowed him to do it! AND that these discoveries are only the tip of your iceberg. I can’t help but say it again, Lord, ♪♪ “O praise the name of the Lord our God. O praise His name forevermore. For endless days we will sing your praise, O Lord, O Lord our God.” ♪♪

I have been blessed today by listening to the 49 Lies DVDs by Mark Virkler, especially Lie #21 – It Is Wrong to Seek Vision. One of the things I got was to hold a vision that will inflame my faith and that will, of course, match the Word of God. I am excited about this Lord, because I realized that is what I have been doing since I started using The 4 Keys to journal my prayers. I have pictured you beside me every day and this has increased my faith, inflamed it even, with the TRUTH that you truly are Emmanuel, God with us but even more importantly, God with ME!!! How could I believe anything else when I have seen you with me in some form or fashion every day for the past 7 years? O Jesus, what a precious gift you have given me that I did not even realize.

Mark also mentioned that the picture we hold about anything will trump what we are speaking, even if it is the Word of God. When he said that, I immediately saw where I was confessing the Word for my healing but the picture in my mind did not match what I was speaking. Satan is so sneaky at sabotaging us. If he can’t entice us himself, he will get us to do it ourselves. And we don’t even realize it is happening. O thank you, Jesus, for these TRUTHS that you have revealed to me today.

I see you today, Lord, watching me. You are laughing, even clapping. You are rejoicing as I have discovered yet another of your TRUTHS that will change my life. Even as I saw how my Journaling Prayer daily created a picture of You as Immanuel, God with ME! That one revelation is golden… PRICELESS, as they say. I had no idea what you were doing. O Jesus, what other areas are you working miracles in that I am not aware of? O Lord Jesus, speak to me now.

Jesus – LaWanda, My dear one, I am laughing, clapping and even shouting, “Yes! Yes!” I delight in seeing you discover My truths. It is indeed My gift to you, My pleasure, to reveal it to you this very day.

However, I want you to notice something. You played a part in this. Remember that we are co-laborers together. If you had only come to the secret place to be with Me once or twice, even a few times, you would not have the KNOWING that I am your Emmanuel. You would know it in general terms but you would not see Me as YOUR Emmanuel. That only comes with consistency and commitment. The other part of this that was crucial is your commitment to your spiritual growth by listening to trusted men of God who have walked this path before you. Those to whom I have revealed these TRUTHS to, so that they can share them with others like you.
O My dear one, I have been at work behind the scenes in 1,000 different ways in your life since before you were you. You have 12 pages of them from recent years written down in your Ebenezers. Some of these are things I did for which you are simply grateful. But some are clearly ME working in situations when you were unaware of it. Like Mike’s pancreatitis that led to his stent. Your discovery of the Passion Translation because Mike was sharing his love of Hebrew with one of the pastors and they later gave it to him as a gift. Or you OFFICIATING 4 funerals in the past year. You clearly did not see that one coming. And, yet, I have been in all of them.
The key to continuing on this path of discovery is simple. Stay consistent in your communion with Me in the secret place. Continue to listen to men of God that you are drawn to knowing that I have orchestrated them being in your life. And finally, continue to be available to Me. Be obedient to what I put on your heart and available for Me to use. There is much truth in that old hymn, Trust and Obey.

♪♪ Trust and obey, for there’s no other way, to be happy in Jesus… but to trust and obey. ♪♪ There is truth in these words, dear one. Truth in these words.
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Your Heart Is Incomplete Without Me - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda

LaWanda – O precious Jesus, my Lord and my God! I praise you, Lord. Will you inhabit my praises, Lord? Your Word says that you do. My heart cries out for you to come, Lord Jesus. I exalt you, Lord, precious Savior, Mighty King. I praise you, Lord, and I thank you that you are near to me even in this moment. I thank you for your lovingkindness, continually poured out on me. I need nothing else, Lord. You and you alone.

I see you today, Lord, touching my eyes, my ears and my heart. You are physically touching them, Lord, to heal them. HALLELUJAH! But there is more than just the physical healing that is happening. You are opening my spiritual sight that I might see like you see. You are opening my spiritual ears so that I can hear your voice in deeper ways. And you are opening my heart that I might feel love and compassion like you do, to understand things I simply cannot in the natural. Thank you, Jesus. Help me to keep my eyes and ears and heart tuned toward your voice. Help me to keep my eyes and ears on you, and you alone, Lord. And help me, Jesus, to keep my heart soft, pliable and open to your touch.
Jesus – LaWanda, My dear one, My precious, precious one. I love it, LaWanda, that your heart is turned toward Me, that every beat is calling for Me to come and take over, that you are inviting Me to enthrone Myself there. I love it because if I am enthroned there, you cannot be. You cannot think these thoughts of adoration or sing those words of praise without a response from heaven. ♪♪ Be enthroned upon the praises of a thousand generations, You are worthy, Lord of ALL. ♪♪ From the very first chorus, I have come, LaWanda. Your heart is incomplete without Me. This has always been the case but it is even more so when you are Mine. Now that you are communing with Me on a deeper level, you absolutely KNOW it and will not settle for anything less than My presence – for anything less than Me making My habitation within you. And so I have come to abide with you.

O precious one, you live and move and have your being in Me. How could it be any other way? The only way this happens is if I am abiding in you. From the moment you said, “Yes,” I came. And while there have been times you have been oblivious to My presence, that does not mean that I was not there. For I came not to visit. I came to take over. Complete and total surrender is what is required, dear one. Complete and total surrender. But remember…with Me…surrender is always the beginning, not the end. ♪♪ Be enthroned upon the praises of a thousand generations, You are worthy, Lord of ALL. ♪♪ Yes, dear one, I hear you singing and I am worthy indeed.
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