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Hey, #BillBarr, did you ever read classified information when you were driven back and forth from #DOJ and your house?  That’s a violation of the #EspionageAct. When your papers were boxed up at the end of both tenures as AG, did you provide guidance to your staff on what could be removed?  Was it in writing? Did you remove unclassified government documents when you departed, including letters on #AG stationary?  Did you keep a list of what you removed? You’re appearing on TV more than Michael Avenatti did because of your hate for Trump but nobody grills you.
I'll wait for a response,


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Hey, #BillBarr, did you ever read classified information when you were driven back and forth from #DOJ and your house?  That’s a violation of the #EspionageAct. When your papers were boxed up at the end of both tenures as AG, did you provide guidance to your staff on what could be removed?  Was it in writing? Did you remove unclassified government documents when you departed, including letters on #AG stationary?  Did you keep a list of what you removed? You’re appearing on TV more than Michael Avenatti did because of your hate for Trump but nobody grills you.
I'll wait for a response,