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On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez is joined by correspondent Manila Chan to discuss contentious exchanges between Congressman Matt Gaetz and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, focusing on the casual attitude toward military actions and spending. Plus, we’ll dive into Ann Coulter’s resurgence in the news due to her controversial remarks, particularly about Indian American politician Vivek Ramaswamy. Then, lawyer and radio host Steve Gill joins the show to discuss endless US military involvement across the globe.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez is joined by correspondent Manila Chan to discuss new Russian successes opening up a new front in towards the northeastern Ukrainian city of Kharkov. Meanwhile, Ukraine has responded by bombing and killing at least nine civilians in the Russian city of Belgorod. And Marjorie Taylor Greene stands up to the Republicans and Democrats as Holocaust survivors speak out against what is happening in Gaza. Then, Tara Reade joins Rick Sanchez to discuss how she fled to Russia out of fear of Joe Biden’s Department of Justice.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez looks at the state of crime and filth in the American city, particularly the once-grand San Francisco. Correspondent Manila Chan joins Rick to discuss how the home of the Golden Gate Bridge has devolved into a cesspit of disease, homeless people, and crime to the point where stores are closing down and people are fleeing; a Congressman was even robbed. Then Rick and Manila discuss how US Christian fundamentalists are working to the detriment of some of the oldest Christian communities in the world, in Palestine, and throughout the rest of the Middle East through their support for Israel. Then Craig Jardula joins Rick to talk about all of this and more. Don’t miss it.


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On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez is joined by correspondent Manila Chan to discuss contentious exchanges between Congressman Matt Gaetz and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, focusing on the casual attitude toward military actions and spending. Plus, we’ll dive into Ann Coulter’s resurgence in the news due to her controversial remarks, particularly about Indian American politician Vivek Ramaswamy. Then, lawyer and radio host Steve Gill joins the show to discuss endless US military involvement across the globe.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez is joined by correspondent Manila Chan to discuss new Russian successes opening up a new front in towards the northeastern Ukrainian city of Kharkov. Meanwhile, Ukraine has responded by bombing and killing at least nine civilians in the Russian city of Belgorod. And Marjorie Taylor Greene stands up to the Republicans and Democrats as Holocaust survivors speak out against what is happening in Gaza. Then, Tara Reade joins Rick Sanchez to discuss how she fled to Russia out of fear of Joe Biden’s Department of Justice.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez looks at the state of crime and filth in the American city, particularly the once-grand San Francisco. Correspondent Manila Chan joins Rick to discuss how the home of the Golden Gate Bridge has devolved into a cesspit of disease, homeless people, and crime to the point where stores are closing down and people are fleeing; a Congressman was even robbed. Then Rick and Manila discuss how US Christian fundamentalists are working to the detriment of some of the oldest Christian communities in the world, in Palestine, and throughout the rest of the Middle East through their support for Israel. Then Craig Jardula joins Rick to talk about all of this and more. Don’t miss it.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez discusses recent comments by US President Joe Biden that India, Japan, and other nations are quote “xenophobic.” Correspondent Manila Chan joins Rick to discuss what geopolitical and economic repercussions could result from the president’s most recent comments. Rick and Manila also discuss US senators threatening the International Criminal Court if any nation attempts to prosecute Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes. The two also discuss Russia’s upcoming Victory Day Parade and strange reactions in Germany, Christian persecution in Gaza, and the odd return of a former US Congressman. Then Rick is joined by Asia-Pacific expert Sourabh Gupta to discuss US-India relations.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez and correspondent Manila Chan take a look at a recent bust in India uncovering corruption to the amount of $35 million! What does this level of corruption mean for the future of Modi’s government? Then, Macron meets with Xi Jinping in Paris to make a series of awkward pleas for China to abandon its growing partnership with Russia. And then ongoing protests throughout the United States over the Gaza–Israel conflict spark widely varying reactions from the right and the left. Author and East Asia expert KJ Noh joins Rick for all of this and more. Don’t miss it!


1 hr ago

The Impact of Culture on American Politics — #ToxicCulture

Chase Geiser joins the show to discuss the downstream effect cultural wars have on U.S. politics.

4 hrs ago

What is the PE ratio of direct line
website :

The Evolution and Impact of the Hoodie A Cultural Icon in Modern Society

11 hrs ago

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